UDFSC Board Minutes
March 21, 2010
In attendance: Sandy, Heather, Peggy, Jane, Alice, Betty,Anita, Andi.
General Member in Attendance: Judy Porta (banquet committee chair).
Absent: Yovanny, Brian, Julie, Jerry, Cynthia.
Meeting began at approximately 6:45pm.
There was a brief introduction of board members at the beginning of the meeting. We welcome Andi Coyle to the Board to fill the remainder of Christie’s term.
Minutes were approved.
Old Business
New Business
1.Party – Judy has obtained the same DJ as last year’s banquet.
Awards and medals will need to be ordered once all applications are in and winners decided. The final deadline has been move to April 10th. Heather and Jane will review applications and choose award winners. Judy has arranged for the trophies to come from Champion.
Sandy and Judy have decided on a variety of games for the party.
There will be a sign in the lobby to encourage party sign up, and Jane has posted information on the bulletin board. Using Evite, Twitter or Facebook was presented as an idea to promote participation.
The giveaways will be cooler bags this year.
Heather has given 6 programs from Easterns to Erika Smith to have all the National competitors autograph as a prize for the banquet. Erika agreed to do this.
It was decided to select Christie Moxley as Coach of the Year due to the many hours she has spent supporting members of the club.
Peggy is going to help Jane with printing of the ballots.
2. Synchro – 4 synchro teams qualified at Easterns for Nationals. At Nationals, the adult team placed 2nd, collegiate placed 3rd, intermediate placed 7th and juvenile placed 10th. Synchro tryouts are coming up soon. The synchro training festival is at the end of July. UD is hosting this event again.
3. Finances – Cash flow is very tight right now. Deposits need to be completed weekly. We are currently operating with a loss of $10,320. Club ice is a big chunk of these expenses; we are losing $820 there. We will watch club ice over the summer and decide what to do about it. Possible ideas were to give coupons out to “bring a friend” and hopefully encourage more attendance.
3.Bulletin Board – April 1st is the deadline for everyone running for the Board to get their Bios to Jane. Bonnie Bieber and Beth Sneider are submitting bios to Jane and have been accepted as candidates to run for the Board. May 7 will be the deadline for ballots to allow time for them to be counted. Anita offered to prepare labels and label the ballots. Peggy will get them copied and stapled. They will be sent out the week of April 6-11.
4.Membership – There are currently 283 home club members, 33 transfers, and 17 new members.
5.Test – There is a test session on April 2.
6. Sanctions – Nothing new to report. Heather will check with Jerry and Angie regarding a sanction for the benefit show Peter is hosting at UD in place of the ISI in house competition.
7. Club Ice – Average number of people attending.
8. Governing Council – Tickets were obtained for $318 round trip. The attendees from UD will be there from Thursday to Sunday. Jerry is booking a hotel.
9. Jerry sent out Easterns information and is checking into whether we are getting a 2nd 10% from Pam Crowley (it seemed to be missing from the check). The profit was about $1500.
10. The next meeting is April 18th. Sandy is willing to take the minutes in case Heather is not back from AN in time. Thank you Sandy!
Meeting was adjourned at 8:13pm.
Here are the confirmed future meeting dates: These are the future test sessions:
April 18, 2010 June 18, 2010 (Friday)
May 16, 2010 July 16, 2010 (Friday)
June 27, 2010 August 27, 2010 (Friday)
July 18, 2010
Minutes recorded and submitted by:
Heather Hilgar/Recording Secretary Date