CMF Mentoring and Coaching Program
The Council of Michigan Foundations is committed to creating a pipeline of diverse individuals in philanthropy and the Mentoring and Coaching Program is a key initiative. This program is supported by grants from the W.K. Kellogg Foundation and the C.S. Mott Foundation and defined by the goals, objectives, and components below:
- To build a pipeline for the next generation of philanthropic leadership
- To increase diversity and promote inclusion in the philanthropic sector in Michigan
- To provide effective leadership development programming
- To increase mentee’s soft skills to include critical thinking and leadership.
- To increase mentee’s technical skills in their area of expertise.
- To create long-lasting business relationships that could potentially result in career opportunities for mentee.
- Mentor – Someone who has experience within the field of Philanthropy, proven leadership skills, and are of any ethnic or nationalorigin.
- Executive Coach – An individual with significant experience providing professional development coaching to CEO’s and senior leaders.
- Mentee –Are those who are underrepresented in upper management fields. (African Americans, Arab Americans, Latino/aAmericans)
- Mentoring – Pairing of two professionals where the mentor is experienced in areas in which the mentee wishes to develop.
- Coaching – Pairing of two professionals in the same field where the coach is experienced in areas in which the mentee wishes to develop.
Mentor/Coach Guidelines:
- Provide guidance based on past professional experiences.
- Create a positive relationship and climate of open communication.
- Help mentee identify problems and solutions.
- Lead mentee through problem solving processes.
- Offer constructive criticism in a supportive way.
- Share stories, including mistakes.
- Assign "homework" if applicable.
- Refer mentee to other leaders in the field.
- Solicit feedback from mentee.
- Come prepared to each meeting to discuss issues.
Mentee Guidelines
- Shape the overall agenda for the relationship - know what you want!
- Establish realistic and attainable expectations.
- Be open in communicating with your mentor/coach.
- Establish priority issues for action or support.
- Don't expect your mentor to be an expert in every facet of business.
- Solicit feedback from your mentor.
- Come prepared to each meeting to discuss issues.
Partnership Guidelines:
- Mentor/Coach and mentee must commit to a 9 month relationship.
- Meeting frequency must be a minimum quarterly - plan at least one event outside of the office.
- Mentee will identify specific goals and areas he/she would like to develop. Mentor/Coach will help mentee create an action plan to achieve his/her goals.
- Mentee is responsible for communication and contact with the mentor/coach; he/she manages the relationship.
Mentor/Coach Criteria and Expectations
Below is a list of criteria and expectations, which are evaluated during the mentor selection process.
- Must complete Mentor/Coach Application.
- Willing to commit to a 9 month relationship.
- Middle Manager or above.
- 3-5 years’ experience in functional area.
- Must possess interpersonal skills, organizational knowledge, and trustworthiness.
- Must be committed to learning and development.
- Honor confidentiality.
Mentee Criteria and Expectations
Below is a list of criteria and expectations, which are evaluated during the mentee selection process.
- Must complete Mentee Application.
- Willing to commit to a 9month partnership.
- Must be employed with their organization for at least 6 months.
- Must be committed to learning and development.
- Eager and motivated to learn.
- Willing to develop and manage the partnership with the selected mentor/coach.
Training and Support Guidelines (Professionally facilitated):
- Kick off to provide overview of programs, sign partnership agreement, set specific goals/objectives, etc.
- Midpoint Event of the Program – all mentoring pairs will meet for lunch to discuss progress and recommend program adjustments if necessary.
- Closing Event of the Program - all mentoring pairs will meet for lunch and share about what they learned from the program.
- Evaluation –conclusion of the partnership.
The mentoring program will have three core components: Executive coaching for each participant so they can develop a personalized career plan, curriculum focused on Dr. Lynn Wooten’s 7 E strategy forexecutive training, and relationship building within the sector of peers and seasoned leaders. The nine- month program will provide participants an opportunity to deepen the understanding of philanthropy, grow in their leadership skills and broaden their networks.
For more information regarding the application process to be a mentor or a mentee please contact Natosha Tallman, (313) 566-2444 ext. 218,
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