Alabama Ahead Application
Alabama Department of Education
May 1, 2016-October 1, 2017
Name of School System:
Number of Schools:
Number of Schools affected by this application, if any:
Allocation: $Total of this application: $
The Base Level Standards
Systems wishing to accommodate a higher capacity of wireless devices may do so, but the first priority is to ensure every regular use classroom, library media center, and cafeteria meets the following base level of service:
- All regular use classrooms should have high quality wireless access for 30-40 devices simultaneously.
- All library media centers have sufficient wireless access for at least 1/3 of the room’s capacity.
- All cafeterias should have sufficient wireless access for 1/3 of the current enrollment of the school.(Any exceptions can be noted when completing the upcoming Options page.)
- Administrative and non-instructional areas of schools should have coverage, but high-density is not required.
To be completed by SDE:
Technology plan approved ______by______
Interim State Superintendent______
ALL schools currently or will meetWIRED standards (Section 5 (a) (1) (2))
Using FY2015 E-Rate Category 2 Funds
Funds will be used to:
Use of Funds / AmountReimburse System for Purchase of WLAN Equipment for 2015 E-Rate Category 2 Match
(Funds will not be used for Technology Plan purchases) / $
Use for 2015 E-Rate Category 2 Match / $
Use Towards Implementing Technology Plan (provide detail below) / $
Evidence of WLAN Purchases should include the following:
List of equipment and the school locations installed with Billed Entity Number of location; Copies of E-Rate FY2015 Funding Commitment Decision Letter;List of Funding Request Numbers (FRN) for indicated equipment and/or installations;Copies of purchase orders or other evidence of indicated equipment including purchases made outside E-Rate program; School Inventory Data showing WLAN/WiFi equipment, date of purchase, model number and cost information; Internal work orders, or similar documentation, for equipment installs and configurations performed internally by LEA Technology staff.
Date installation was or will be complete for all schools:______
Technology Plan Budget:
Exceptions to WIRED Standards:
Please list each campus for which you request an exception of the WIRED standards to be granted and describe the reason for your request. Examples: A school will be taken out of service next school year or only 50% of a school is being used due to low enrollment.
ALL schools will meet WIRED standards
Using AAA and FY2016 E-Rate Category 2 Funds (Section 5 (a) (4))
Funds will be used to:
Use / AmountFY2016 E-Rate Category 2 Match for WLAN Equipment purchases / $
Towards Implementing Technology Plan / $
Evidence of WLAN Purchases should include the following:
List of equipment and the school locations installed with Billed Entity Number of location; Copies of E-Rate FY2015 Funding Commitment Decision Letter;List of Funding Request Numbers (FRN) for indicated equipment and/or installations;Copies of purchase orders or other evidence of indicated equipment including purchases made outside E-Rate program; School Inventory Data showing WLAN/WiFi equipment, date of purchase, model number and cost information; Internal work orders, or similar documentation, for equipment installs and configurations performed internally by LEA Technology staff.
Date installation will be complete for all schools: ______
Exceptions to WIRED Standards:
Please list each campus for which you request an exception of the WIRED standards to be granted and describe the reason for your request. Examples: A school will be taken out of service next school year or only 50% of a school is being used due to low enrollment.
ALL schools DO NOT currently meet the base standards, and
ALL schools will NOT meet the standards after spending all AAA funds (Section 5 (a) (4))
Funds will be used to:
Use / AmountFY2015 or FY2016 E-Rate Match for WLAN Equipment purchases / $
Evidence of WLAN Purchasesshould include the following:
List of equipment and the school locations installed with Billed Entity Number of location; Copies of E-Rate FY2015 Funding Commitment Decision Letter;List of Funding Request Numbers (FRN) for indicated equipment and/or installations;Copies of purchase orders or other evidence of indicated equipment including purchases made outside E-Rate program; School Inventory Data showing WLAN/WiFi equipment, date of purchase, model number and cost information; Internal work orders, or similar documentation, for equipment installs and configurations performed internally by LEA Technology staff.
Date installation will be complete for schools:
List Schools which will not meet the standards and describe the extent to which they will not meet the standards. Describe any actions that the System will take in order to meet these standards on its own.
Exceptions to WIRED Standards:
Please list each campus for which you request an exception of the WIRED standards to be granted and describe the reason for your request. Examples: A school will be taken out of service next school year or only 50% of a school is being used due to low enrollment.
All Schools Currently or will meet WIRED Standards Not Applying for E-Rate Category 2 Funds (Section 5 (a) (5) and Section 5 (a) (3))
Funds will be used to:
Use / AmountPurchase WLAN Equipment to meet WIRED Standards / $
Towards Implementing Technology Plan / $
Description: Explain why E-Rate Category 2 Funds will not be applied for and used for WLAN Equipment.Provide evidence.
Evidence of WLAN Purchasesshould include the following:
Copies of purchase orders or other evidence of indicated equipment and installation including purchases made outside E-Rate program; School Inventory Data showing WLAN/WiFi equipment, date of purchase, make/model number and cost information; Internal work orders, or similar documentation, for equipment installs and configurations performed internally by LEA Technology staff.
Provide Infrastructure Readiness Reportwith a Description of each school’s WLAN and systems used to manage these Networks.
All systems applying for AA funds for WLAN shall have sufficient infrastructure once the project is complete. All systems applying for devices must have sufficient infrastructure in place prior to receipt of funds. Complete the following:
Schools have sufficient electrical supply and networking cabling to support the wireless networks (WLANs) ____ Have now ____ Will be pending upgrades
WLAN is/will be managed via ____ centralized controller _____ site-based controllers
WLAN is/will be secured via ____ Pre-shared Key _____ Certificate-based authentication
Wide Area Network bandwidth to each school is sufficient for network traffic generated by the WLAN and existing LAN devices _____ Is Now ____ Will be with pending upgrades
Internet Service is sufficient for aggregated System traffic ____ Yes ____ Will be pending upgrades
School System is CIPA Compliant _____ Yes ____ No, explain
Description: Professional Development for Teachers
Certification: I certify that I am authorized by the governing board of the above-named school system to submit this application: that all certifications, and disclosures submitted with this application will be observed; that the program will be implemented as described in the approved application; and that the governing board is responsible for complying with all state and federal requirements.
Date SignedSignature of LEA Superintendent
Date SignedSignature of LEA Technology Coordinator
Date SignedSignature of Chief Financial Officer
Excerpts from HB123
(1) For school systems that have met the standardsestablished herein or that are in the process of installingthe equipment necessary to fully meet these standards and which have approved 2015 Category 2 E-Rate applications which included in their funding request, in whole or in part, the establishment of these wireless networking in schools. If local funds were used as the match for these Category 2 E-Rate applications to accomplish this goal, then the funds allotted herein may be used, in whole or in part, to reimburse local school systems that moved forward with local funds. Any funds not applied to that purpose may be used to implement their local school system state-approved technology plan.
2) For school systems that have not met the standards established herein and which have pending Category 2 E-Rate applications which will either advance or complete the wireless networks according to the standards established herein. If systems were not able to provide the local match for these E-Rate applications once approved, then the funds allotted herein may be used for the local match required by E-Rate to the extent that the amount of funds used for the match are in proportion to the cost of the wireless equipment contained in the E-Rate application. Any remaining funds may be used as matching funds for additional E-Rate applications to meet the standards described in the WIRED Plan.
(3) For school systems that do not fully meet the WIRED standards, but which are able to do so using their allotment without obtaining additional funding from the E-Rate program. Upon approval by the Department, these systems may use their allotment to complete their wireless networks without applying for E-Rate funding and may use remaining funds to implement their local school system state-approved technology plan.
(4) For school systems that do not fully meet the standards established herein which cannot complete the goal without additional funding, and which are eligible to apply for E-Rate funds to this purpose. These systems must submit an E-Rate application for Category 2 funding to assist in the establishment of the wireless networks and shall provide evidence of this application in the form of an E-Rate Form 471 application certification notice from the FCC to the Department of Education prior to expending funds from this program. The E-Rate 471 application must include WLAN equipment that meets or exceeds the standards established herein and which is also covered under the E-Rate Category 2program. Program funds issued under these conditions shall be used for the E-Rate local match for the applicable E-Rate funding cycle. Any amount of program funding that exceeds the amount needed for the E-Rate match may be used to implement the local school system's state-approved technology plan, provided that the wireless networks established with the E-Rate funds meet the standards established herein.
(5) For school systems that have met the standards established herein. Upon verification of submission of purchase orders or any other supporting documents to the State Department of Education, funds will be approved and released to the school systems. These funds shall be used to implement the local school system's state-approved technology plan.
(6) In all cases where program funds will be required to be used as an E-Rate local match these funds must be held available by the local school system until the E-Rate application is approved and the purchasing has begun.