Our Lady’s Catholic Academy

Proudly Serving the

St. Teresa of Avila ~ St. Anthony of Padua

& St. Clement Pope Parish Communities

109-55 128th Street, South Ozone Park, New York 11420

Phone: (718) 641-1316 | Fax: (718) 843-0769


Catholic Non-Catholic

1 Child $4,000 $4,400

2 Children $6,450$6,950

3 Children $8,500$8,900

Additional children: $1,200 per child

Each family must also raise at least $250 for our Fall Walk-a-Thon, or pay a flat fundraising fee of $250. This new mandatory fundraiser replaces both the candy sale and the raffle sale. This fee is billed on September 1, 2018.

Child’s Name ______Grade ______

Child’s Name ______Grade ______

Child’s Name ______Grade ______

The Registration Fee is $75 per child and is due upon registration. This fee is refundable until August 15, 2018.

The Materials Fee is $150 per child and is billed on April 1, 2018.This fee is for books and basic classroom supplies. Students in Nursery and Pre-Kindergarten also receive a mat for napping. This fee is refundable until Aug. 15, 2018.

Families who apply for the Diocesan Scholarship Program at online.factsmgt.com/aidwill receive a $30 credit on their account.

Please indicate below how you would like your payments billed for the 2018-2019 school year:

___ One Payment (Due August 1, 2018)OR

___ Ten Monthly Payments (Due on the 1st of the month, from August 1, 2018 to May 1, 2019)

Parent’s Signature: ______Date ______

NOTE: Returning families must re- register by March 31, 2018 to guarantee a seat for the 2018-2019 school year. Families with a past due balance may not re-register until their account is brought up to date. Satisfactory compliance with OLCA handbook policies is also required for re-registration. All fees are billed to the oldest child in the family

From Many, We Are One.