POSITION & ADDRESS: Research Professor, Department of Marine Affairs & the Coastal Institute, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, Rhode Island 02881; Affiliate Professor, School of Marine and Environmental Affairs, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington.


Prior to 2014 research and consulting concerning fishery and coastal development projects was carried out in East and West Africa, South and Central America, the Azores, the Middle East, India, New England, USA, SE & NW Alaska, and Southeast Asia (Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand & Vietnam).

2014 Field work ground-truthing numerical taxonomy of Alaskan coastal fishing villages.

2014-2017 Evaluating Puget Sound Marine Protected Areas to Increase Social Ecological Resilience (Field work 2014) PI Patrick Christie, funded by Washington Sea Grant).

2015-2018 Aspects of the human and natural environment influencing marine conservation attitudes, beliefs and behavior among Small Scale Fishermen in Rayong and Trat Provinces, Thailand (field work 2015 & 2017).

2016-2018 Assessing socioeconomic impacts of climate change on Puerto Rico’s coral reef fisheries through a participatory approach. (PI Tarsila Seara, U New Haven. Funded by NOAA Coral Reef Conservation Program).


Prior to 2014, 134 publications.

R. Pollnac, KW Hagos, B. Crawford, Et al. 2017 Chaos, conflict and change: The reemergence and evolution of fishery governance in the small scale fisheries of Somalia. Ocean and Coastal Management IN PRESS

T. Seara, R. Pollnac, J. Poggie, C. Garcia-Quijano, I. Monnereau and V. Ruiz. 2017 Fishing as therapy: Impacts on job satisfaction and implications for fishery management. Ocean & Coastal Management 141: 1-9.

Tarsila Seara, Richard B. Pollnac and John J. Poggie 2017 Changes in job satisfaction through time in two major New England ports. Journal of Happiness Studies 18:1625–1640.

A. Diedrich, N. Stoeckl, G. Gurney, M. Esparon, and R. Pollnac. 2017 Social capital as a key determinant of perceived benefits of community-based marine protected areas. Conservation Biology 31, (No. 2): 311–321.

S. Satumanatpan and R. Pollnac. 2017 Factors influencing the well-being of small-scale fishers in the Gulf of Thailand. Ocean & Coastal Management 142: 37-48.

McNally, C. G., A. J. Gold, R. B. Pollnac and H. R. Kiwango. 2016. Stakeholder perceptions of ecosystem services of the Wami River and Estuary. Ecology and Society 21 (3):34. URL:

Amber Himes-Cornell, Conor Maguire, Stephen Kasperski , Kristin Hoelting, Richard Pollnac 2016 Understanding vulnerability in Alaska fishing communities: A validation methodology for rapid assessment of indices related to well-being. Ocean & Coastal Management 124: 53-65

Patrick Christie, Diana M Pietri, Todd C Stevenson, Richard Pollnac, Maurice Knight and Alan T White 2016 Improving human and environmental conditions through the Coral Triangle Initiative: progress and challenges. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 19:169–18.

Gurney, G., R. Pressey, J. Cinner, R. Pollnac, C. Stuart 2015 Integrated conservation and development: evaluating a community-based marine protected area project for equity of socioeconomic impacts. Philosophical Transactions Royal Society B 20140277. (in Press).

Pollnac, R., T. Seara, L. Colburn, M. Jepson 2015 Taxonomy of USA East Coast Fishing Communities in Terms of Social Vulnerability and Resilience. Environmental Impact Assessment Review 55: 136-143.

Dalton, T., R. Pollnac & G. Forrester 2015 Investigating Causal Pathways Linking Site-Level Characteristics, Compliance, and Ecological Performance in Caribbean MPAs. Coastal Management 43:3, 329-341.

Richard Pollnac, T. Seara & L Colburn 2015 Aspects of Fishery Management, Job Satisfaction, and Well-Being among Commercial Fishermen in the Northeast Region of the United States, Society & Natural Resources 28:75-92

Dalton, T., G. Forrester, R. Pollnac. 2015. Are Caribbean MPAs making progress toward their

goals and objectives? Marine Policy. 54: 69-76.

Hoelting, Kristin, Beth Moore, Richard Pollnac & Patrick Christie 2014 Collaboration within the Puget Sound Marine and Nearshore Science Network, Coastal Management, 42:4, 332-354.

Gurney, J Georgina G., Joshua Cinner, Natalie C. Ban, Robert L. Pressey, Richard Pollnac, Stuart J. Campbell, Sonny Tasidjawa d, Fakhrizal Setiawan 2014 Poverty and protected areas: An evaluation of a marine integrated conservation and development project in Indonesia. Global Environmental Change 26: 98–107.


Selected from papers delivered from 2013-2017. Prior to 2013, 113 papers were presented.

2017 Relationships between subjective wellbeing and environmental concern in coastal fishing communities of Rayong Province, Thailand. Richard Pollnac (U Rhode Island) and Suvaluck Sathumanusphan (Mahidol U, Bangkok, Thailand) Paper presented at Coastal Estuarine Research Federation (CERF) 24th Biennial Conference, 5-9 November 2017.

2017 Systemic approaches toward understanding estuarine and coastal resilience and sustainability. Session organizers: Tarsila Seara, Richard Pollnac & Dawn Kotowicz. Coastal Estuarine Research Federation (CERF) 24th Biennial Conference, 5-9 November 2017.

2017 Exploring Paths to Resilient and Sustainable Coastal Social-Ecological Systems Under Uncertain Future Scenarios Session co-chairs & organizers Tarsila Seara & Richard B Pollnac) Society for Applied Anthropology Annual Meeting, Santa Fe, New Mexico March-April 2017.

2017 Subjective Well-Being and Environmental Concern in Coastal Fishing Communities of Rayong Province, Thailand (Pollnac, Richard & Sathumanusphan, Suvaluck). Society for Applied Anthropology Annual Meeting, Santa Fe, New Mexico March-April 2017.

2016 Attitudes, Beliefs and Values Related to Perceptions of Marine Resources and Their Management and Use in Puget Sound (Session chair & organizer Richard B Pollnac) Society for Applied Anthropology Annual Meeting, Vancouver, BC, March 2016.

2016 Factors Influencing Perceptions of Impacts of Marine Reserves in Puget Sound and Their Implications for Marine Policy (Richard Pollnac & Patrick Christie) Society for Applied Anthropology Annual Meeting, Vancouver, BC, March 2016.

2016 Recreation-Tourism-Fishing Interactions in Marine Protected Areas in Puget Sound, Washington

State (MILLER, Marc L., POLLNAC, Richard & CHRISTIE, Patrick) Society for Applied Anthropology Annual Meeting, Vancouver, BC, March 2016.

2016 Exploring the Gender Dimensions of Climate Change Perceptions in Puget Sound (GRAZIANO, Kathryn and LUNA, Melissa & POLLNAC, Richard) Society for Applied Anthropology Annual Meeting, Vancouver, BC, March 2016.

2016 Maintaining Livelihoods and Well-Being in the Fishery during Social-Ecological Transformations (Parts I and 2 Session Chairs and Organizers Tarsila Seara & Richard Pollnac) Society for Applied Anthropology Annual Meeting, Vancouver, BC, March 2016.

2016 Post-Tsunami Fishing and Non-Fishing Household Views of Well-Being and Participation in Livelihood Projects (KOTOWICZ, Dawn and POLLNAC, Richard) Society for Applied Anthropology Annual Meeting, Vancouver, BC, March 2016.

2016 Relationships between Perceptions of Resilience and Well-being in Rayong Province, Gulf of Thailand (POLLNAC, Richard and SATHUMANUSPHAN, Suvaluck) Society for Applied Anthropology Annual Meeting, Vancouver, BC, March 2016.

2015 The Impacts of Changes in Coastal Use on Fishing Communities (Part I and II, Session Chairs and Organizers Carlos Garcia-Quijano & Richard Pollnac) Society for Applied Anthropology Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA, March 2015.

2015 Social Unrest and the Coastal Fisheries of Somalia. Paper presented at the Society for Applied Anthropology Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA, March 2015.

2014 Social Science and Fishery Management: Applying Social Research (Part I and II, Session Chair and Organizer) Society for Applied Anthropology Annual Meeting, Albuquerque, NM, March 2014.

2014 Fishing as Therapy: Implications for Fishery Management (with Carlos Garcia-Quijano & J.J. Poggie) paper presented at the Society for Applied Anthropology Annual Meeting, Albuquerque, NM, MD. March 2014.

2013 Resilience of Coastal Fishing Communities under Changing Governance and Environmental Contexts (Session organizers Richard Pollnac and Joshua Cinner) 179th Meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), Boston, MA, Feb. 14-18.

2013 Fisheries Resource Governance and Social Justice (Parts I and II, Session Organizer & Chair) Society for Applied Anthropology Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD. March 2013

2013 Why Care If Fishermen Can No Longer Fish: Social Justice and Management. Paper presented at the Society for Applied Anthropology Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD. March 2013