NFI Working Group Meeting
Meeting Subject:
/ NFI Working Group
Time & place of meeting:
/ 10am Tuesday 28st October, Erbil
Meeting Chaired by: / Felicitas Nebril () NFI Working Group - refugees
Bo Hurkmans () Shelter/NFI Cluster
Minutes prepared by: / Bo Hurkmans () Shelter/NFI Cluster
Present: / ·  UNHCR
·  Save the Children
·  Samaritan’s Purse
·  IOM
/ §  ACTED
§  IMC
§  Qandil
§  WVI
§  NRC
§  PAO
§  DRC
§  ERC
Additional distribution:
  1. Refugee response
  2. IDP response
  3. AOB

1.  Refugee response

Weekly back to back meetings are again agreed on as the desired format.

a.  Planning for Syrian refugee influx from Kobane

i.  30,200 refugees have crossed the border

ii. Plan was to transport them from Dahuk to Sulaymaniyah, but they are now staying in Erbil

iii.  Camps and collective centres in Erbil are saturated

iv.  60/40 split between people staying in camps and outside of camps

v. Adequate information provision to refugees might reduce mobility

b.  Action plan / contingency plan

i.  Planning figure for 15,000 refugees, 5,000 families

ii. Still part of RRP6

c.  Winterisation planning

i.  All partners requested to submit their planning data

d.  3RP

i.  2015 component being worked on at the moment, estimated to be completed end November, launched in December

2.  IDP response

a.  Winterization planning

i.  A winterisation planning tool has been shared for IDP assistance (Erbil Governorate only). All agencies are encouraged to complete and return to , and .

ii.  The suggested winterization kit was briefly highlighted, which is included in the Winterization Strategy of the cluster.

b.  3W and pipeline update

i.  10 organizations provided feedback on the 3W for winterization, the 3W one-pagers have been updated as a result. The winterization planning tool now aims to provide more detail in terms of areas targeted.

ii.  14 organizations provided feedback on their NFI pipeline; an online dashboard has been created to visualize the pipeline (

iii.  All agencies are requested to provide the cluster with the value of their NFIs as well; the spreadsheet will be recirculated for this purpose.

iv.  The following gaps have been identified based on current information: 50,000 winterization kits, 65,000 tent insulation kits, 450,000 sets of clothing and

v.  36,000 tents (with an additional 20,000 tents for IDPs outside of camps) are still needed.

c.  ActivityInfo training

i.  A series of trainings on ActivityInfo will be provided on Wednesday 29 October.

ii.  These trainings are open to all partners who already submitted their project through the OPS.

iii.  Please nominate 1 or 2 staff you would like to be trained, who will be using ActivityInfo for reporting, and specify the session you would like to attend. There are four identical 1.5 hour training options on Wednesday.

iv.  The trainings will all be held at the Erbil International Hotel.

3.  AOB

a.  It is noted that a number of agencies are not present, which makes it difficult to get meaningful feedback. Effort will have to be made to ensure that the number of agencies attending increases.

Next meeting: Tuesday 4th November 2014 @ NCCI office in Ainkawa

Action Points

Refugee Response

Action Item / Action / Decision / Assigned To / Due Date /
1.  / 3RP inputting agencies to ensure they have submitted their targets per project (bilaterally to Sector lead) / All 3RP agencies
2.  / NFI reporting – all agencies to update GoogleDoc for October / All RRP6 agencies

IDP response

Action Item / Action / Decision / Assigned To / Due Date /
1.  / NFI reporting – all agencies to update GoogleDoc for October / All agencies
2.  / Pipeline reporting – all agencies to provide item values / All agencies


Action Item / Action / Decision / Assigned To / Due Date /
1.  / All agencies to complete winterization planning document / All agencies
2.  / Winterisation planning matrices to be circulated for information / Cluster

Also circulated:

-  Cluster IDP Winterisation Strategy

-  Compiled pipeline document for IDP winterisation planning with value column added

-  IDP Erbil winterisation planning spreadsheet