St. John of God National School

Passage Road, Waterford.

Telephone no 051-876255.

PRINCIPAL :Ann Giffney

DEPUTY PRINCIPAL :Gráinne Neachtain

St. John of God is a Catholic Primary School. We strive to make our school a place where Gospel values find daily expression in all our policies and practices.

We endeavour

  • To strengthen the bonds of partnership with parents and clergy in the education of the young people entrusted to our care.
  • To cater for the full development of each child by providing a broad and relevant curriculum which is flexible enough to cater for the needs of all children regardless of intellectual ability so that all realise their full potential.
  • To interpret the signs of the times and equip our pupils with the skills necessary to adapt to the uncertainties of today’s world and our evolving European Community.
  • To value all children equally and ensure they have a safe and happy learning environment.


School Times :

Infants 9.10 a.m. – 2.00 p.m.

1st to 6th Class 9.10 a.m. - 3.00 p.m.

Lunch time for all 12.20 p.m. - 1.00 p.m.

Children are asked to be punctual in their attendance. Those who are frequently late miss out on a considerable amount of work and cause disruption to class. Regular absences are also detrimental to a child’s progress. When a pupil is absent an explanation should be given to the class teacher.

Prolonged absence requires a doctor’s certificate. Teachers should be informed if a child is to be absent for a period during the day.

Entrance to and exit from the school should be through the side door only. For security reasons the other entrances to the school remain closed during the day. Parents are requested to wait for and collect their children at the side door only (First to Sixth Class). Children should be collected promptly at school finishing time.

It is important in the case of younger children that the teacher should know who is collecting the child each day.

No pupils except those going home for lunch are allowed to leave the school during break times.

Any Pupil who wishes to remain indoors during break times due to illness (Coughs and colds, etc) should have written permission from her parents.


Brown Pinafore, Yellow Shirt and Brown Tie, Brown Cardigan/Jumper,

School Tracksuit, Yellow Polo Shirt.

These items are available from Shaws, The Quay, and K-Sport.

  • Indoor shoes are to worn in school.
  • Pupils are required to wear full uniform each day.
  • P.E. clothes and runners are compulsory for P.E.
  • All books, clothes and lunch boxes should be clearly marked with the child’s name.
  • Children are asked to wear little or no jewellery coming to school. Wearing of jewellery is forbidden during P.E., swimming and dancing.
  • Wearing of coloured nail varnish is forbidden.


The school aims:

  • To create an environment which assists the self-development of the pupil.
  • To provide a classroom situation conducive to learning.
  • To foster self-discipline in pupils and to train them in good behaviour patterns based on consideration, respect and tolerance towards others and respect for duly constituted authority.

Since a child needs control and direction we give her school rules to follow. They are explained and she understands their purpose. She is guided to a free and responsible type of obedience based on understanding. As a general rule individual teachers deal with normal class problems. The Principal deals with serious misbehaviours. We hope that within the caring atmosphere of the school, the child will develop into a full person respecting herself and the rights of others.

The school has a policy of positive reinforcement in its approach to discipline. Good behaviour is constantly encouraged and praised. There is also a range of rewards for good behaviour e.g. gold stars and merit stickers, no homework at weekends, prizes, etc.

Any of the following strategies may be used by teachers to show disapproval of unacceptable behaviour:

  • Reasoning with pupil
  • Reprimand including advice on how to improve
  • Lines
  • Temporary separation from peers
  • Extra homework
  • Loss of privilege
  • Referral to Principal
  • Letter to parents
  • Detention

For gross misbehaviour or repeated instances of serious misbehaviour suspension will be considered. In this event, the Principal will notify the parents by phone/letter of the suspension and inform them of the period of the suspension including dates, the reasons for the suspension, and the provision of an appeal. (N.E.W.B. Guidelines :Suspension)

A proposal to expel a pupil would require very serious grounds e.g. where the pupil’s continued presence in the school would constitute a real and significant threat to safety, or where the pupil’s behaviour is a persistent cause of significant disruption to the learning of others or to the teaching process. Where an expulsion is being considered, the parents, Board of Management, and Educational Welfare Officer will be informed, and the procedures outlined in the NEWB Guidelines (Chapter 12 Expulsion) will be followed.


Children are allotted homework suitable to their age each night. Parents should ensure that it is given due time and effort by the child. Parents should sign written work or homework notebooks.


Pupils are expected to keep their school and playground tidy. Children are requested to take lunch wrappings home each day. In the interest of safety, glass bottles are forbidden. Chewing gum is not permitted.


Pupils are expected to treat staff, fellow –pupils and all others in the school with respect, good manners and courtesy. In the interests of safety, children must behave in an orderly manner. They are not allowed run on corridors or stairs, nor should they create disturbance or excessive noise. Fighting, bullying and rough behaviour are unacceptable .


In the event of a child becoming ill, or needing hospital attention, we need to be able to contact parents. If contact at your home fails, it is necessary for us to have an alternative contact number, e.g. work number or relative’s number.


Children are not allowed to have mobile phones in school. ON occasions where a parent wishes their child to have a mobile phone e.g. for an after-school activity, the phone must be handed in to the office in the morning and collected at hometime.


(Note to Parents)

We, the teachers in St. John of God school, know that we form a partnership with you, the parents, for the good of your children. We realise that we are the first educators as far as attitudes are concerned. We help as professional teachers by developing their skills and learning and building up their knowledge. Our job is more likely to succeed if we have your total support. Thank you for

helping to make our school a safe and happy place of learning and development for your child.