Meeting of the Transition Stroud Council

Date: 14th July 2011

Venue: Gail’s house in Stroud

Present: Helen Royall, Simon Allen, Gail Bradbrook, Seb Buckton (TS Development Worker), John Meadley, Neil Buick, Martin Whiteside (left 8.30 pm) Erik Wilkinson (Minute Taker),

Apologies: Liz Hillary, Greg and Sue Dance


1.  Chair for the Meeting

Helen Royall offered and was supported as chair of the meeting.

2.  Reports from around the table - key points

Stroud Pound: Ticking over. Molly and Neil now left the coordinating committee. TS council wished to record its congratulations to the Stroud Pound group for the work undertaken over the last two years

Pasture fed cows: John Meadley involved in developing and branding a pasture fed livestock initiative in the UK. There will be 5 pilots including one in Stroud

Love food hate waste initiative project: TS via JM and with SDC and others promoting reducing food waste; bringing together old and young via cooking, building /using compost bins and wormeries in district wide initiative.

Edible Gardens - feedback from last weekend: This was the first Edible Gardens weekend in the country. Simon took £180 for TS via books/tea/cakes sale; Helen very positive about the team involved, lots of gardens keen to be involved next year. One garden had 100 people visit with the lowest being 10. Facebook page been good and big thanks to Liz H for website support. Pity pre weekend press promotion (3 requests with articles) were not put in by News and Journal. Perhaps next year try opening the gardens for longer. JM suggested engaging with schools. Feedback form from those attending been positive – Action: Seb will be analysing and responding. Council vote of thanks to Helen for great work done.

Stroud College: in partnership with TS and Wood U Waste to publicise 4 autumn workshops on energy efficiency in the home via insulation and energy generation

Draught busting workshops: Initiative in Camden to teach draught proofing skills to fuel poverty households. Erik W and Dave J going up to London for a train the trainers workshop to see if might be transferable to Stroud.

Eco Open homes: – There will be 24 homes open homes in September with the focus on fuel poverty. Ecotricity will give us a publicity window for Sept; Hab Oakus giving us boards. Need to get a minibus – Action: Helen to contact Fair Shares

Heart and soul group: wanting to explore initiating “Transition Streets” First stage is to focus on different topics such as energy, transport etc in a seven week course. Second stage is to target a particular neighbourhood. Seb may be involved as this would fit in with his targets. Action: Helen to call meeting and report back on progress

Textile group: going strong. Meeting regularly.

Stroud fm: the Transition Show still going strong 2-4 pm each Friday. Good team of James and Helen R. Great gardeners question time last week

E mail training programme - Action: Martin to circulate key points from an e mail training event at SDC.

Woodcraft Folk – Gail reported Community Education group being set up. Also done blog and video on how to bike with small children.

Tax Justice – Gail attending tax justice workshop in autumn.

3.  Report from Seb Buckton TS Development Worker.

Report circulated by DW to Directors before the meeting detailing work done and key issues for discussion. Issues discussed included:

Premises: value of developing contacts with other voluntary organisations to discuss sharing premises, accessing meeting rooms and possibly engaging with the public at weekends. If we pursued this we would need a number of Saturday volunteers so that everyone does it occasionally. Three people currently committed to promoting Stroud Pound might volunteer - plus Gail and Erik also volunteered. Would still need more volunteers. Possible value of running skills workshops to attract people in if we did share premises.

Potato Day: Model of initiating events like Potato Day and then ensuring its continuity by asking other groups to provide that continuity approved. Down to Earth Cooperative might be keen to run it with support on the day from TS volunteers. TS could also offer buddy support to develop their skills to run the day. Action Helen R to report back at next meeting on discussions with Down to Earth

Form of Seb’s report: Action: Seb, Simon and Erik to consider the most effective form of reporting progress to the council

Council thanked Seb for work done and positive start made.

4.  Actions from last meeting

·  Can TS members vote by proxy?
·  To meet with T Minch
·  Elevator pitch - everyone to write their own and bringing to the next council meeting. Actioned by Simon, Martin, Gail, Martin, Gail and Erik
·  Announce / Discuss/Contacts lists consolidation – some action taken additional action needed on none Announce/Discuss names
·  Resilience metrics being updated . EW to circulate when final figures available / ·  c/f SA
c/f SB, SA, EW
·  SB

5.  Financial report.

Thanks to Liz for her report. Liz requested to do a cash flow forecast for next meeting. Open homes funding not in yet –Action: Helen to discuss with Philip.

6.  Next Big Steps – Suggestions included

·  Festival in December - music, story telling, fashion, good time, good will, looking for funding.

·  Seeking funding for access bike given fact of loss of Educational Maintenance Allowance in schools. JM and HR to submit a proposal to SDC Healthy Living initiative.

·  Developing an index on Stroud District’s transition progress e.g. %age of people growing own food. Some work being initiated on this via Business and Government Group

·  Developing clarity in the aims TS has so that our marketing can be focussed and clear

·  Support Schools Environmental initiative. Up to 12 schools (secondary and special schools) likely to be involved and will be identifying actions they currently do and by the end of Oct we will know what they intend to do. Helen to help John to prepare the proposal documents with the schools in Sept and Oct.

7.  AOB

·  Transition Aims paper: Erik’s paper circulated prior to meeting and briefly discussed. Council endorsed the five aims outlined and agreed what TS delivers under each of these aims needs further discussion

·  Environmental Schools Initiative: Council approved John’s suggestion of him providing a £250 loan to TS to fund Helen to support the <12 schools involved over the Sept/Oct period. Proper agreement will be needed and it is hoped that TS will have the funds to pay money back - John willing to take that risk. Recognised that funding will not be able to come retrospectively from any external funds gained in the future.

·  Funding: recognised TS’s need to get more monthly core funding. We do have a Standing Order form. Need a menu of how individuals can help/support TS. Action: Seb will construct menu of how individuals can help and will target those new people identified via Edible Gardens feedback form.

·  Coop support for TS. Offer from Coop for TS to have a display in Cainscross Food Store on 11th August Friday. Difficult date for us so Simon to try to change date. TS also invited to a Coop regional meeting and Seb will go.

13. Date of Next Meeting: 7 for 7. 30 at Gail’s house on Thursday 1st September 2011.

Agenda items by 15th August.

AGM on 1st October

EJW 17th July 2011