The Rectory, Birmingham Road, Kidderminster DY10 2BY (01562 822839)
OUR LADY & ST PIUS X, Canterbury Road, Kidderminster DY11 6DR (01562 748474)
SACRED HEART & OUR LADY, Berrington Road, Tenbury Wells
Parish Clergy: Fr Douglas Lamb, Revd. Peter Hesketh
In retirement: Revd. Thomas Ashcroft & Revd. Dr Peter Mason
In Formation: Charles Duncombe, Adam Nicholls & Richard Tovey
Fifth Sunday of Year C Psalter Week 1 CTS Sunday Missal p.983 Week ending 9th/10th February 2013
FEAST DAYS THIS WEEK: Mon: Our Lady of Lourdes Wed: Ash Wednesday (Fasting and Abstinence)
Thurs: SS Cyril and Methodius
St Ambrose’s
Monday 7.30 am Pat Redmond RIP
Tuesday 8.30 am Brian Holden RIP
Wednesday 9.15 am Deceased relatives of Sheila Mikulicz
Thursday 10.30 am Funeral: Francesco Sulla RIP
7.30 pm Adoration until 10.00 pm (Compline 9.45 pm)
Friday 7.10 pm Rosary
7.30 pm Holy Communion
Saturday 9.00 am (Old Rite) Gene Whitwam RIP
5.45 pm Bernard Grovenor RIP
Sunday 9.30 am Collins Family (Thanksgiving)
Our Lady’s
Monday 10.00 am Holy Communion (followed by Prayer Group)
Wednesday 7.30 pm Intentions of David Cross
Friday 9.00 am Adoration to 9.45 am
10.00 am Arthur Wareham (Anniversary)
Sunday 5.00 pm Intentions of Lilian Beecroft
6.30 pm The Stations of the Cross
Sacred Heart
Wednesday 11.30 am Elizabeth Lamb RIP
Friday 4.00 pm The Stations of the Cross
Sunday 11.30 am The People of the Parish
CONFESSIONS: St Ambrose’s: Saturday 11.45 am – 12.45 pm, 6.30 pm – 7.30 pm and by request.
Sacred Heart: By request.
Ministries for the coming week:
Altar Servers for the morning Mass: Callum Atkins, Robert Darbyshire
Eucharistic Ministers Readers
St Ambrose’s: Saturday 5.45 pm B McFarland, M Weaver Filipino Mass
Sunday 9.30 am D Duncombe, E Fox, B Galvin, P Hunt K Joyner
Our Lady’s: Sunday 5.00 pm M Hesketh, B Taylor M Hesketh, J Keetch
Sacred Heart: Sunday 11.30 am M Harper, A Speers J Moore
Church Cleaners (St Ambrose’s): Team B Offertory Counters: Group 6
Please pray for our parishioners who are sick, and for all who have need of our prayers, especially:
Dorothy Atwell, Peggy Baynton, Christina Bickley, Frank Bourke, Peggy Burke, Matteo Butera, Linda Button, Nora Collins, David Connolly, Rob Conway, Kitty Cooper, Rob Cotgrave, Jane Cox, Eamonn Dalton, Joni Dunlea, Joe Egan, Vera Farley, Sr Maureen Fay, Sheila Freeman, Anthony Georgieff, Shirley Hale, May Hampsey, Claire Hampton, Margaret Harley, Rita Harrod, Jim Heffernan, Christine and Tom Hopkins, Vicki Houghton, Philip Hunt, Jane Jenner, Keeley John, Veronica Jones, Ben Kelly, Marie Lane, Lynda Law, Felicity Librie, Audrey Little, Eleanor Lloyd, Bridget Locke, Arwen Lockley, Peter McQuillan, Fernanda and Michael Maffei, Marjorie Male, Lee Maund, Sheila Mikulicz, Jean Mulligan, Kitty Murray, John Nangle, Andrew Neale, Margaret Norris, Pat Norris, Beatrice ‘Myrtle’ O’Mahoney, Daniel Oxenham, Joyce Parker, Peter Pitt, Chris Price, Pat Quinn, Janet Richards, Nancy Ruffinato, Harold Salter, Jonathan Slater, Cecil Smith, Pearl Stanley, Marie Stokes, Carmen Thomas, Jim Thomas, Frances Tovey, Patricia Virr, Maureen Walton, George Watkins, Eric Whittaker, Edith Wilkes, May Williams, Julie Wright and Rene Yates.
Entrance Antiphon: O come let us worship God and bow low before the God who made us, for he is the Lord our God.
Response to the Psalm: Before the angels I will bless you, O Lord.
Gospel Acclamation: Follow me, says the Lord, and I will make you fishers of men.
Preface VII of Sundays: p573 Eucharistic Prayer: III Mystery of Faith: III
Communion Antiphon: Let them thank the Lord for his mercy, His wonders for the children of me, for he satisfies the thirsty soul, and the hungry he fills with good things.
This Parish is part of the Archdiocese of Birmingham: Registered as a Charity BRCDTR 234216
Website: E-mail:
Requiescant: Francesco Sulla’s body will be brought to the Church on Wednesday at 6.15 pm and his Funeral Mass is on Thursday at 10.30 am prior to burial in Kidderminster Cemetery. Ken Lythall died at home recently. His Funeral arrangements are not yet to hand. Two retired priests of this Diocese have also died recently – Fr John Berry and Canon Kevin Good. May they rest in peace.
Parish Panto: Many thanks to all who took part in, helped with or came to see the Panto. The raffle raised £77 for Parish funds. Congratulations to the extensive cast for providing such happy entertainment. Apparently there was a brief reprise at the UCM meeting last Monday!
Teas and Coffees: Coffees and teas will be provided in the Borromeo Hall after 9.30 am Mass by the UCM and next Sunday by the Children’s Liturgy Group. Kidderminster Police, in conjunction with Greenhill PACT, are holding a property-marking session in the Adams Lounge today, 10.00 am – 2.00 pm. All items, particularly those valuable and vulnerable, can be safeguarded.
SVP: The next meeting takes place on Monday, 11 February 2013 at 10.00 am in the Hall (Montini Room). New members welcome.
Kidderminster Deanery: The Clergy of the Kidderminster Deanery will meet on Tuesday at St Wulstan’s, Stourport-on-Severn.
First Holy Communion: Parents of Children in Year 3 are invited to attend the opening meeting of this year’s programme of preparation on Tuesday, 12 February at 6.30 pm. This invitation is extended also to those families in which the children do not attend our own School. It is very important that all families are represented at this meeting. Those who do not attend our School are asked to write a letter of introduction and application to the Parish Priest (addressed to the Rectory) prior to the meeting.
Year Of Faith Group: Meets on Tuesday, in the Borromeo Hall from 7.45 pm, when we shall consider the Holy Spirit in the life of the Church. The meeting will conclude with pancakes and the Farewell Alleluia of Abbot Alan Rees.
Ash Wednesday: Lent begins on Wednesday, a Day of Fasting and Abstinence. Ashes will be blessed and imposed at all Masses, at the usual times in our three Churches. Please see overleaf. Palms may be brought to the Rectory at any time before the late afternoon on Tuesday, when they will be burned to provide ashes for distribution on the following day. Next Sunday, Stations of the Cross will be at Our Lady’s in Habberley at 6.30 pm. This will be followed by an important meeting for Additional Ministers of Holy Communion and so there will not be any Evening Devotion at St Ambrose’s.
Forty Days for Life: The ‘Forty Days for Life’ campaign is the largest international effort to put an end to abortion. Throughout this Lenten period our community in Birmingham will come together in prayer at one of the largest abortion facilities in Europe to pray for and offer counsel to the wide variety of people affected. Save a life this Lent – contact Isabel for more details on 07773 501721 or visit our website at Information will also be available in the leaflets provided at the back of Church.
Whist Drive: Don’t forget the Whist Drive every Wednesday afternoon in the Borromeo Hall from 2.00 pm. Players of all standards, beginners included, will be made welcome.
Stations of the Cross in Tenbury: The Stations of the Cross will be prayed in our Church in Tenbury on the Fridays of Lent at 4.00 pm, the exception being on Thursday, 28 February (to avoid clashing with the Women’s World Day of Prayer Service on 1 March). On Good Friday, 29 March, the Stations of the Cross will be at 11.00 am.
Sunday Roast: Next Sunday from 12.15pm. Sunday lunch will be served in the Borromeo Hall. There will be a soup starter, roast beef and roast lamb, with a selection of puddings available. Please pay £1 today, to book a place (or confirm booking on 07956 546156). Donations will be received on the day.
Additional Ministers of Holy Communion: Our present Ministers, together with those to be commissioned, have been invited to meet with the Parish Priest at Our Lady’s in Habberley next Sunday evening, immediately after the Stations of the Cross. This meeting will review our present provision of Eucharistic Ministry in our Parish; to the sick and in our Masses. The Parish Priest will publish a definitive list of those to be appointed as Ministers of Holy Communion for our Parish during the week following the meeting.
Catholic Men’s Society: The St Ambrose’s Branch will meet in the Rectory on Wednesday, 20 February at 7.30 pm to study the first Bulletin of this year’s Plan Discussion – and generally look forward in the light of the title ‘Aspects of Faith’. All men of the Parish are warmly invited to attend.
Women’s World Day of Prayer in Tenbury: Friday, 1 March, 3.00 pm. To be held in the Anglican Church, St Mary’s, Tenbury. Members of Our Lady and the Sacred Heart will be taking part with members of the Anglican and Methodist churches. Please join us if you can.
Deanery Pilgrimage: The Parishes of the Kidderminster Deanery will travel on pilgrimage to the Shrine of Blessed Dominic Barberi, at St Helens, Merseyside, on Wednesday, 17 April. We shall leave at about 9.00 am and hope to return in the early evening. Mass will be included in the day. At this stage, we need to have an idea of prospective participants and lists are available in our Churches. Once we have an idea of numbers, and firm booking of coaches made, a journey price can be notified. We shall share coaches with Harvington and Stourport parishes and other coaches will travel from Redditch, Bromsgrove and Droitwich. Please indicate as soon as possible.
Marriage Preparation: Will take place on Saturday, 23 March at 10.30 am in the Borromeo Hall. New couples must first contact Fr Lamb at the Rectory.
i. Parishioners may wish to note that two sums, totalling £4,108.61, have been withdrawn from our account this week, to meet Diocesan levies for a) the Curial Office and b) the Youth Service.
ii. Thank you for the Offertory last week of £964.81. (Envelope Scheme £344.76. Loose £615.05).
iii. A further sum of £33.73 has been added to our total for the Catholic Education Service.
iv. A collection today for the charity LIFE in the Archdiocese of Birmingham. LIFE is very grateful to all the priests and parishioners in the Archdiocese for their support for LIFE’s life-saving and life-enhancing work. Nearly every week there are reports in the press about the damage abortion does to women, and men, and the mass killing of so many unborn children. LIFE is the only national charity in the UK that provides real help to women and families, and education work in schools and in communities. The money collected at the LIFE Collection in February will be spent in the Archdiocese on our life-saving and education work.
Borromeo Hall/Adams Lounge available for functions of all kinds, parties, receptions. Please contact Mary Preston (07513 295817) or Margaret Blizard (07742 730680).
Every Friday: Folk Music in the Adams Lounge with visiting musicians/singers and instrumentalists. Free admission, 8 pm – late.