for Strategic Plan development
September 2014 to JUNE 2015
DATE / ACTIVITIESJune 25, 2014 / Evergreen presentation to Caddo Public Schools
July 17, 2014 / Contract drafted with Evergreen Solutions
July 23, 2014 / Evergreen approved to start contract
August 7, 2014 / Kick-off meeting in Caddo Public Schools with:
- Bill Strother, Project Manager
- Superintendent Goree
- School Board Chairman Carl A. Pierson, Sr.
- Focus Group Senior Staff
August 8, 2014 /
- Submitted draft announcement of strategic planning activities for website posting
- Submitted initial data request list to CPS
August 22, 2014 /
- Developed draft letter of initiation to Strategic Planning Committee members
August 28, 2014 to September 4, 2014 /
- Named members to Strategic Planning Committee
September 8, 2014 / Conducted 1st meeting of Strategic Planning Committee
- Reviewed strategic planning process and activities
- Named the planning process:
September 9, 2014 / Provided September 8, 2014 meeting summary to CPS
September 15-16, 2014 / Conducted four community forums at:
- Northwood High School - September 15
- Captain Shreve High School - September 15
- Booker T Washington High School - September 16
- Southwood High School - September 16
September 15 and 16, 2014 / Conducted Diagnostic Review of District Operations with four Evergreen consultants
September 17, 2014 /
- Conducted community stakeholder input luncheon at the Chamber of Commerce
- Conducted principals focus group
September 19, 2014 / Posted on-line survey for additional community input on CPS website
September 24, 2014 /
- Prepared School Board workshop presentation
- Submitted verbatim comments for focus community forums for posting on CPS websites
September 25, 2014 / Prepared and submitted SWOT analysis results for:
- Principals focus group on September 17, 2014
- Community luncheon on September 17, 2014
October 7, 2014 / Conducted School Board workshop
(Robert Edgecombe made the presentation for Evergreen)
October 8, 2014 / Submitted announcement for September 22 Strategic Planning Committee and drafted Agenda
October 10, 2014 / Submitted summary of September 15 and 16 public forums
Week of October 21st / Conducted “Like” focus groups with employee groups
Week of October 21st / Conducted diagnostic review of curriculum and instruction/ instructional technology
October 22, 2014 / Made brief presentation to the Caddo Parish School Board on Strategic Planning
October 23, 2014 / Conducted 2nd meeting of Strategic Planning Committee
- Discussed results of Community Forums
- Africa Price of Step Forward to present
- Discussed components of a Mission statement
- Discussed components of a Vision statement
October 24, 2014 / Conducted two community forums to share September 15-16, 2014 summary results and to solicit public comments
- Fair Park High School
- Southwood High School
December 17, 2014 / Conducted 3rd Meeting of Strategic Planning Committee meeting:
- Reviewed and approved mission and vision statements:
Caddo Parish Public Schools is dedicated to preparing students for the future, developing the whole child academically and sociallyin collaboration with families and the community.
All students in Caddo Parish Public Schools will become life-long learners equipped with the skills, knowledge, and attitudes to succeed as productive and responsible citizens in a local, national, and global society.
- Developed goal areas:
Family and Community Engagement
Leadership and Human Talent/Professional Development
Operations/Support Services (Facilities, Transportation, Food Service, Safety, etc.)
Innovation and Technology
Fiscal Responsibility
- Subdivided into six teams based on goal areas
December 2014 – January 2015 / Team members continued to work on goals
January 27, 2015 /
- Conducted 4th Meeting of Strategic Planning Committee
- Shared draft goals
- Developed measurable objectives
February 2015 / Finalized Goals
- Academics
- Family and Community Engagement
- Fiscal Responsibility
- Human Resources/Professional Development
- Technology and Innovation
- Operations and Support Services
March 3, 2015 /
- Conducted 5th Meeting of Strategic Planning Committee
- Made Presentation to Caddo Parish School Board on Strategic Planning Process
March 2015 /
- Developed measureable objectives
March – June 2015 /
- Developed Action Plans
June 23, 2015 /
- Conduct 6th Meeting of Strategic Planning Committee
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