/ Tender Notice
Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Co. Ltd.
Appointment of Turnkey Contractors for execution of the works under Agricultural Pumps Energisation Project

Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Co. Ltd. (MSEDCL) is a company registered under The Companies Act, 1956 and entrusted with the function of undertaking power distribution in the State of Maharashtra. The Company has prepared a project report for construction of new substations and associated system for energisation of Agricultural Pumps for the Satara Circle under Kolhapur Zone of this state, for undertaking proactive network planning to provide uninterrupted power supply to Rural / urban consumers, reduction of T&D losses and system strengthening. In this scheme, MSEDCL intents to implement the work worth Rs. 60 Crores (estimated) under the above-said project for implementation during the period 2007 to 2008. The aforesaid scheme is funded by financing agencies. The work is proposed to be executed on “Turnkey Basis”. The time frame for implementation is proposed to be one year from the dates of issue of “Letters of Award” to the Turnkey Contractors.

The brief scope of work for the “Turnkey” Contractors is outlined below:

·  Supply, test, transport, construction, erection, testing and commissioning of HT/LT lines, Distribution Transformer Centers (DTC), Agricultural pumps energisation and other allied works as defined in the bid document.

·  Details of the Tenders for Energisation of Agricultural Pumps including erection of Ht/LT lines, DTCs, etc. :

Division / Sub Division / Section / Tender No.
SE/STRC/ / Estimated Cost of Works
(Rs. Lakhs) / Bid Security
(Rs.Lakhs) / Tender Form Fees Rs.
(incl. S.T.) / Tender Form Sale / Last Dt. Of Tender form Submission / Technical Bid Opening Date
Vaduj / Vaduj / Vaduj-Urban, Vaduj-Rural / T-34/ 07-08 / 200.00 / 2.0 / 10000.00 / 12.12.07
(11-00 to
16-00 hrs) / 26.12.07
up to
13-30 hrs / 26.12.07
15-00 hrs
Mayani, Nimsod / T-35/ 07-08 / 200.00 / 2.0 / 10000.00
Katar-Khatav / T-36/ 07-08 / 200.00 / 2.0 / 10000.00
Aundh / Aundh, Budh / T-37/ 07-08 / 200.00 / 2.0 / 10000.00
Pusesawali / T-38/ 07-08 / 200.00 / 2.0 / 10000.00
Khatav, Pusegaon / T-39/ 07-08 / 200.00 / 2.0 / 10000.00
Dahiwadi / Dahiwadi-U, Dahiwadi-R / T-40/ 07-08 / 200.00 / 2.0 / 10000.00
Gondavale, Malawadi / T-41/ 07-08 / 200.00 / 2.0 / 10000.00
Mhasawad-U & R, Devapur / T-42/ 07-08 / 200.00 / 2.0 / 10000.00

Schedule for Tender Processing will be as follows:

Tender Forms are available at our office on address below mentioned for sale from the date mentioned above for which the tender form fees are as above..

Tender Fee per tender may be paid in the form of Demand Draft. Bid Security - 1% of the tender Value as mentioned in the above table to be submitted in the form of demand draft or an unconditional bank guarantee from any nationalized / scheduled bank issued in favour of the Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Company Ltd, payable at Satara. as stated in the bid document. Contract Performance Guarantee - The successful bidder has to furnish contract performance guarantee equivalent to 10% of contract value. Submission of Tender / Bid : - Duly completed offers shall be submitted to the Superintending Engineer Satara Circle, MSEDCL on or before the due date and time of submission. MSEDCL shall not be responsible for any postal delay and tenders received after the due date and time will not be considered. Offers without bid security will be rejected. Validity of Offers - The offer shall be kept valid for a period of 90 days from the date of submission of bid. Interested Parties, satisfying the eligibility criteria mentioned below, are requested to submit their offers on percentage basis (below, above or at par of the Tender value) as per the procedures stipulated in the bidding documents.

·  MSEDCL, in this regard, invites from interested qualified parties like manufacturers/ constructors, contractors, etc. of repute for participation in the process for appointing the “Turnkey” Contractors.

Superintending Engineer, O. & M. Satara Circle

Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Co. Ltd.

Telephone: 02162-244640, 244563

Email :