The Wessex Basketball Association AGM

Woodford Park Leisure Centre, Woodley, Reading

8 PM Thursday 1stJuly 2010

1 /
  1. Apologies:
Ian Lester (Web Master)
  1. In Attendance:
Tim Brown (Area Chairman)
Mary Brown (Secretary)
Trevor Funnell ( League Chairman)
Keren Day (Area Vice Chair
Mark Ennis (Technical Secretary)
Chris Bunnett (Registrar/Treasurer)
Cliff Chen (Development Officer)
Jon Clausen-Berg (Women’s League Sec)
Graham Kirkpatrick (Officials Sec)
Richard Bell (Competitions Secretary)
Martin Marshall (Men’s League Sec)
Gareth Taylor (Chiltern)
Jill Palmer (Winchester Panthers)
Pete Dimond (Aldworth Arrows)
Kellie Twigge (Woodley)
Andrew Rooke (Woodley)
Kafie Allen (Woodley)
Martin D’Mellow (F’borough Phantoms M)
Rebecca Smith (F’ borough Phantoms L)
Toby Holmes (F’borough Phantoms)
Richard Green (Guilford Heat)
Carly Boxall (Woodley)
Jane Wadsnorth (Woodley)
Pete Daines (Yately Silverbacks)
Chris Giles (Bracknell Aztecs)
Andie Crombie (Bracknell Aztecs)
Don Gafe (Guildford Heat)
Mark Edwards (Whitely Wizards)
Mitch Taylor (Blackhawks)
Phil Parry (Blackhawks)
Katie Wright (Blackhawks)
Caroline Evans (Woodley)
Jo Evans (Woodley)
Ray Creed ( S’ Bucks Comets)
Damian Knode (Woking Blackhawk Flyers)
Helen Firth (Camberley)
Darius Norviasa (LT United)
Marius Bukys (LT United) / Secretary
There were no matters arising from the previous AGM minutes. / CHAIRMAN
  1. The Treasurer handed out his statement of Accounts and TB discussed his findings from his analysis of the report.
  2. CB handed out the Registration procedure as a reminder (No payment – no number, policy being imposed again this year).
  3. CB stated that medals will be bought year on year and not in 3 year batches as we did previously, this is to keep expenditure down.
  1. TB thanked the committee on behalf of everyone for the work carried out by them last season.
  2. All reports were submitted and hard copies handed out at the meeting with contents discussed as follows:
  1. All clubs to focus on improving the standard of table officiating by encouraging their officials to become qualified. TB to seek help from EB fellowship to assist in funding any necessary courses/development.
  2. In the Men’s league some score sheets are still being submitted late. There was also a trend towards the end of the season for last minute cancellation of matches.
  3. Ladies League – The scanning option for submitting score sheets worked very well.
  1. There were no other observations from the reports
  1. It was decided that anew structure for the cup draw would only be designed after all the entries had been received. This will then be published on the Web site and circulated to clubs.
  1. The new Format for cup finals day will include a rolling structure, whereby the start of each game will staggered by 15 minutes, this is as a result of feedback from the last Cup Finals Day.
  1. A new venue is being sought as the AGSC have raised their prices and there is no military discount available anymore.
  1. Every effort will be made to try and ensure that the date does not clash with SABAs Cup competitions.
The date for the 2011 tournament is the 3rd April. / CHAIRMAN
7 / Men’s League Structure 2010/11:
  1. MM reported that there were 3 new teams entering. Yateley, Winchester and LT United.
  1. MM will publish promotion and relegation for all divisions on the Web site and circulate to all teams when all entries are in.
  1. IL sent a message via TB asking everyone to please ensure that the correct e-mail address is on all registration forms as any errors seem to corrupt the Wessex email distribution list.
/ Men’s Open Div Sec
8 / Ladies League Structure 2010/11:
There were 3 options voted on dependant on how many teams enter this season:
  1. If more than 12 teams go to 1 Division.
  1. Split into 2 Regional Divisions.
  1. Split into Divisions 1 and 2.
Option 3 was carried by 6 vote’s to1.
The membership was reminded that if between 10 and 12 teams enter we stay with the ‘Dimond’ system used last season.
It was also agreed that in the unlikely event of less than 10 teams entering there would be only 1 division. / Ladies League Sec
9 / Proposals.
  1. League Regulation 3e - New wording: ‘Players who are currently registered at Senior National League level must be listed as a Nominated player’. Proposal Carried.
  1. League Regulation 5j ‘Referees shall submit the expense form (example handed out at meeting) to the home team, detailing actual expenses incurred. The home team shall have the right to withhold payment if it is not provided. Proposal Carried.
  1. Disciplinary Procedure 4f. Delete bullet 2. (Disqualification for 2U/S invoking 5 penalty points). Proposal Carried.
All current committee members were asked if they wished to stand againand were voted in by club members eligible to vote who were in attendance.
Wessex Area Basketball Association Committee
Tim Brown Area Chairman
Keren Day Area Vice Chairman
Chris Bunnett Treasurer
Administrator Mary Brown
Technical Sec Mark Ennis
Development Officer Cliff Chen
Asst Dev Officer TBC
Registrar Chris Bunnett
Webmaster Ian Lester
Wessex Basketball League Committee
League Chairman Trevor Funnell
League Secretary Mary Brown
Fixtures Secretary Ian Lester
Officials Secretary Graham Kirkpatrick
Open Results Sec Martin Marshall
Ladies Results Sec Jon Clausen-Berg
Competitions Sec Richard Bell
Vacant posts will be advertised on the Web site. / CHAIRMAN
11 / AOB:
  1. Phil Parry raised some points with regard to the format of the junior cup competition. TB asked him to provide all relevant information to Cliff Chen who was examining ways to improve the competition for next season. TB also informed that Pete Dimond’s summer tournament was a great success and there was scope to open it up to more Wessex teams and utilise it as a Wessex junior competition.
  1. The floor asked about referee’s courses and ME replied that he will be running a L3 and L2 course; details will be published on the Web site and circulated to all clubs/teams.
  1. The floor also asked about a L1 coaching course as there has been a lot interest from various clubs. TB said that if there were enough people to make it financially viable then a course would be organised.
  1. Keren Day (KD). Asked that next seasons fixtures be available as early as possible.
  1. The Pre-season meeting will take place on the 6th September 2010 at Aldworth School AT 8.00 PM (subject to availability).
a)Women’s Cup – Aldworth Arrows (Collected by Pete Dimond)
b)Women’s Div 2 – Woodley Wildcats (Collected by Jane Wadsworth)
c)Women’s Div 1 – Bracknell Aztecs (Collected by Andi Crombie).
d)Men’s Div 3- Farnborough Shadows (Collected by D Battershill).
e)Open Men’s Div 1 – Woking Blackhawks.
(Collected by Damian Knode)
f)Lallament Trophy -Dave Harper (Not collected).
g)Karl Taylor Plate Ladies – Diamonds (Not collected)
h)Men’s Div 2 Basingstoke Bobcats (Not collected).
i)Karl Taylor Plate Men’s Woking Blackhawks. (Collected by Martin Marshall)
j)Karl Taylor Cup Men’s REME (Not collected).
k)Women’s Open Div League – Aztec Storm (Collected by Michelle Taylor). / CHAIRMAN

(Original signed sent by email)

M B BrownT E Brown MBE


Dated 18th July 2010