Table of Contents
Balanced Scorecards
Associate Prof. Ognyan Simeonov, Ph.D.
In the article are examined the development of the conception of the balanced scorecards and the base characteristics of some of their most famous varieties. The based approaches to the scorecards are submitted grounded on the Stakeholder theory and the Value maximization theory and also existing points of view to the structuring of the essential aspects of the development of the organizations. The examples of Balanced Scorecard Models are given based on different ideas about the relations and the dependences between the included in the scorecards resultant and factor variable quantities.
Key words: Balanced Scorecard, activity measuring, strategic management, tableau de bord, Balanced Scorecard Functional Standards.
Conflictology and Conflictological Culture
prof. D. Y. Dimitrov, DSc
Bulgarian association of the conflictologists
The key points of the conflictology and the conflictolocical culture are viewed. The topics about nature and object and subject of studies of this young science are lighted up. The future scientific problems for resolving of the conflictology are described. The development of the synergetic conflictological paradigm is proposed. The thesis that the conflictological culture of the specialist is the unavoidable part of his professional culture is defended. The main problems regarding conflictological education in Bulgaria are set.
Key words: conflictology, conflictological culture, social management, synergetic, synergetic conflictological paradigm
JEL: А19, D74
Abilities and Social Life
Prof. Dimitar Filipov, DSc
Abilities of man are the main wealth of society. They are groundlessly neglected by the economic theory. The categories “human capital” or “human resources”, besides having inaccurate categorial meaning, consider the matter rather partially. Abilities have their own bio-psychological and social side. They are potential forces which develop in compliance with the social environment and are a reflection of the social conditions of life, through which the man in his turn interferes with their contents and role.
Abilities are the grounds of life activity and of social life. And life activity is a system of the versatile social activity of man and society. In this nature of its, it is intrinsic to all historical époques. In the contemporary conditions, the new phenomenon is integration of all basic spheres of life. Due to this, the economic theory itself shall go out of the narrow framework of industrial manufacture, in which it has locked itself up, and cover as its own subject life in its universality. In this way it turns into social economy, an economic theory of life. It is appropriate for this new form of the economic theory to preserve the principles of the classical political economy, applying them, however, to the overall system of public life.
Key words: abilities; social life; economic analysis; social economy
The Bulgarian Army Defence Acquisition Programmes’ Risk Management
Associate Prof. Tzvetan G. Tzvetkov, Ph.D
The principles of Programme distribution and management of defence resources are applied in the Bulgarian MoD. In order to support small but effective army there is need of systematic efforts to keep the military equipment in accordance with established tasks and foreseen missions. Defence programmes are specific programmes, oriented towards specific security objectives achievement.
It is ascertained in the theory and practice that it is possible and necessary to manage risks of defence programmes. From the point of view of the defence acquisition programmes, the risk can be accepted as a set of factors which oppose to security objectives achievement; as accidental event, which appearance could have negative effect to defence objectives; and as a situation of uncertainty which could lead to some or several consequences, at least one of which is undesirable.
Risks of development and execution of defence acquisition projects are common – typical for every innovation project, as well as specific – influenced by specificity of defence acquisition process.
The defence Acquisition programmes’ risk management means to execute systematically a set of functions: risk planning, identification, analyses, handling and monitoring.
Key words: risk, management, programme, project, defence resources programme management
Communications as a Quality Factor at a Continuing Vocational Training
Associate Prof. Nadya Mironova, Ph.D.
Bulgarian companies invest more than 20millions levs in the personal qualification every year. These resources increase every year, and the necessity of quality management at a continuing training grows together with that. The modern approach brings out standards of service quality, ways of offering, trust, and partnership to the front. The valuation is connected with measurement of quality standards. That is a subject of scientific methods and techniques. The purpose is achievement of high valuation impartiality at a choice of an educational organization, which leads to the wished effectiveness of training. The evaluation of qualification projects is systematically developed in the European theory and practice in the last ten years. The interest is being created in our country from now on by strategies and policies accepted on a state level, as well as by the practice of leading companies. The standard approach to the qualification service evaluation is connected with a result control after finishing of the training, or with an intermediate (operating) control at different stages of the training program realization. The application of a conceptually different evaluating model gives an opportunity of an incoming (preliminary) control on main parameters, which differentiates suggestions and gives information about evaluation no later than the stage of qualification program presentment. Main indicators of the evaluation are the communications between the market subjects – customers and suppliers of qualification services.
Key words: continuing training, qualification service, training, quality
Indicators for Monitoring of Infrastructure Projects Financed by EU
Senior Assistant Prof. Tatyana Daskolova
One of the difficult tasks to absorb the structural support from EU is connected with programs and projects monitoring and building a system of monitoring indicators.
The essence and aims of monitoring in relation with supplying efficient and effective projects’ implementation are presented. Objects of analysis are indicators for monitoring as quantitative measures for the achieved results or accomplished aims and the system of monitoring indicators: input indicators, program indicators and indicators for implementation.
Frequently occurring problems in analyzing and applying the indicators for monitoring are generalized.
Key words: monitoring; indicators for monitoring; input indicators, program indicators and indicators for implementation
JEL: 022
Potential Opportunities of Development Electronic Banking and Its Condition in Bulgaria
Valentina Grozdeva, Ph.D – Senior Research Fellow, Institute of Economics, BAS
One of last tendencies bank business – transition from traditional to electronic banking. The study makes analysis of the potential opportunities of development electronic banking on the basis of studying foreign experience. The basic characteristics electronic banking in comparison with traditional banking are analyzed. The basic attention in research is given the analysis of opportunities of the electronic bank credit, attraction of electronic bank deposits and electronic broker services. The condition electronic banking in the Bulgarian bank system is discussed. The level electronic banking in Bulgaria is compared to tendencies electronic banking in the developed countries.
Keywords: electronic banking, Internet banking, bank credit, Internet auctions, participation loan, bank deposit
JEL: E51; G20; G21; G24
Defense Industry Privatization in Eastern Europe and Bulgarian Opportunities
Chief Assistant Dimitar Dimitrov, PhD
The report presents the experience in the field of privatization of defense enterprises in Central and Eastern Europe. The restructuring and privatization of defense industry in developed countries, Poland, Czech Republic, Baltic countries, Romania, Russia and Ukraine are under consideration. The author shows the history and makes analyses of Bulgarian experience in privatization of enterprises – defense producers. The report includes conclusions and recommended possible alternatives for development of Bulgarian defense industry and especially the role of the state in the field of restructuring, privatization and control of defense industry in view of Bulgarian membership in NATO and EU.
Guarantees for national security have to be combined with effective defense economy, working in a new security and integration environment. It is necessary the state and according state institutions to provide appropriate conditions, legal and institutional framework for further effective restructuring of defense industry, combined with the needs and requirements of Bulgarian Armed Forces.
Key words: defense industry, privatization, Bulgaria, Eastern Europe
JEL: L33 Boundaries of Public and Private Enterprise; Privatization; Contracting Out
Global Character of Democratic Transitions
Docho Lazarov, Ph.D.
Historical stages are presented in the article in the transitional period from Totalitarian regimes to Democratic model of management. The different conceptions analysing this processes unify in a “wave of change” or the so called “Third wave”. Scientists are convinced concerning the global character of Democratic transitions, but they are certain different points of view concerning their concept for global mechanism.
I try to group the global factors in five categories. They are expressed in the influence of the international invironment, the global economic development, the dissarrays in the global processes, the role of the outside inflience and the change of the world hyegemony and cyclic character in the global order.
Through the analisys of the transitions to democracy is reached to final conclusion, that class conflict is this social mechanism, which connect the processes on level of world order with the national political events.
Key words: global processes, global industrialisation, global convergency, democracy
Transformation of Clividge Structures into the Party-system in the Republic of Bulgaria
Chief Assistant Radka Tzenova, PhD
Priorities of the Mechanisms for Establishing the Efficiency of Public Organizations
Prof. Dr. Hristo Hristov
The article focuses on the establishing the public organizations efficiency. The contents of the efficiency is clarified and specifications are drawn as to the difference in the private and public organizations.
The models for determining the efficiency of public organizations are reasoned. The leading idea is that the public organizations efficiency characterizes the economy and utility of the budget expenses made.
The problems related to the determining the results of the activities of the public organizations as well as the main difficulties in the area are distinguished and clarified.
A methodological approach for establishing the public organizations efficiency is proposed. The approach is affirmed in the public service “Social insurance”.
Key words: efficiency, public organizations, technical efficiency, economic efficiency, public services, evaluation, assessment
Book Review
Contents and Article Summaries
Guide for Authors