Vale Voluntary Action & Community Development Network (VVACDN)

Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 26th March 2015

Elfed Avenue United Church, Penarth


David Allen-Oliver & Rachel Kjellstabli Elfed Avenue United Church; Jan Baker Atal Y Fro; Mike Holmes Coastlands Family Church; Phil Southard & Heather Todd-Bennett Vale Council ACL; John Porter Vale Council 50+; Kevin Parsons Vale Council Community Centres; Jo Harry Cacoffoni; Carole & Peter Simms Penarth Sea Cadets; Gemma Murphy VVB; Joanna Bogacz LawWorks Cymru; Noreen Blanluet Co-production Wales/Spice Innovations Ltdand Dave Edwards VCVS


Tracy James Newydd Housing Association; Phil Chappell Vale Council CRC; Anne Marie Little MOD St. Athan; Gwenan Davies Voluntary Arts Wales; Matthew Salisbury Cardiff & Vale Action for Mental Health; Lynda Wallis Vale 50+ SF; Andrea Griffiths Vale Council LIS; Clive Wilton NCI Nells Point; Lesley Williams Epilepsy Wales; Becky Wickett Vale Council FIS; Colin Davies Barry Communities First; Gill Munro Gibbonsdown Children’s Centre Ltd; Karen Davies Vale Council Sports & Play; Elaine Joseph Alzheimer’s Society; Andrew Bury Introsport Trust; Richard Jones MOD St. Athan; Richard Thomas PCSO CSP; Jane Weldon Vale 50+ SF; Jean Carter Cowbridge United Free Church; Michelle Carter Vale Council FLT; Michael Edwards Valeways and Jack Hardman Scout/Guide Vale Hospital Community Project

Item 1

Dave Edwards welcomed everyone to the firstVVACDN meetingin 2015 and invited those present to introduce themselves.

Item 2

Twenty one apologies had been received as per the list above.

Item 3

Minutes of the last meeting and action points reviewed.

Item 4

Gemma Murphy from the Vale Volunteer Bureau (VVB) gave an informative update on the work she is doing to support people aged over 25 who are unemployed and volunteering. Participants are able to gain accreditation from Agored Cymru in Volunteering and Community Participation.

Item 5

Noreen Blanluet from Co-production Wales and Spice Innovations Ltd gave an interesting presentation on what Co-production is and some examples of how it is working in communities. She also briefly promoted the benefits of time credits which is gaining popularity and engaging more people within their communities.

Item 6

Joanna Bogacz from LawWorks Cymru gave another interesting presentation on the support they provide to set up pro bono clinics with law experts. She also mentioned the support that is provided by the UK LawWorks programme.

Item 7

Rachel Kjellstabli from Elfed Avenue United Church gave an interesting and informative presentation about the work the church has been doing within the local community. Rachel’s enthusiasm and commitment to her work over the last couple of years was evident throughout.

Item 8

Dave Edwards provided an update on the merger between VCVS and the VVB that will form a new charity to be known as Glamorgan Voluntary Services (GVS). More information will be provided to members over the coming months. It is anticipated that the GVS legal structure will be in place by early April 2015.

Item 9 A.O.B. – nil.

Item 10 Dates and venues for 2015:

Wednesday 15th July at Cowbridge with Llanblethian Town Hall

Wednesday 14th October at Barry Community Enterprise Centre

VVACDN meetings start at 10:00am and finish at noon.