Schedule for Goethean Science 2009–2010 at Anthroposophy NYC – updated!

LectureTopicClay workshop

1. Wed. Oct. 7 Human Anatomy and PhysiologyThu. Oct. 8

2. Wed. Nov. 11 Chemistry and NutritionThu. Nov. 12

3. Wed. Dec. 9 BotanyThu. Dec. 10

4. Wed. Jan. 13 ZoologyThu. Jan. 14

5. Wed. Feb. 10 EmbryologyThu. Feb. 11

6. Wed. Feb 24GeologyThu. Feb. 25

7. Wed. March 17 PhysicsThu. March 18

8. Wed. April 14 AstronomyThu. April 15

9. Wed. May 12 MeteorologyThu. May 13

10. Wed. June 9 AnthropologyThu. June 10

When Rudolf Steiner spoke to an audience, he assumed a basic scientific knowledge in many fields in his listeners. It is often difficult to come to a satisfying understanding of his books and lectures without this knowledge. When one has acquired such knowledge, his lectures take on new dimensions.

What could be considered a basic grounding in the sciences can work like a seedbed to which the light of Anthroposophy can cause the blossoming of the highest spiritualknowledge. Rudolf Steiner draws these seeds into the light of spirit through his further development of Goethean Science.

An approach will be made each month to lay the ground seeds for one of the sciences and a beginning toward the sprouting of the seed and its blossoming and fulfillment.

We will divide our journey into ten parts.

Month 1.Human Anatomy and physiology. We will examine the human being as microcosmic revelation of worlds. The human physical form and its activity will be studied.

Month 2. Chemistry and Nutrition. The knowledge of the substances of the physical world and their interactions among themselves is essential for an understanding of the activities and manifestations of the beings of nature. How these substances work in the microcosm will, as nutrition will, contribute to an understanding of their activities in the greater world.

Month 3.Botany. The plant world is the first realm of organic chemistry.Its forms and organization of life display themselves in a world of beauty and order.

Month 4.Zoology. The life-world is ensouled in the realm of animals. The animals approach the human form in likeness but each reveals only a specialized part of what appears in the human being as a harmonious whole. We will look at the idea of evolution and how the animals relate to the human being.

Month 5.Embryology. The deepest secrets of evolution can be seen by peering into prenatal life. This is a world of dynamic form metamorphosis in fluid manifestations.

Month 6.Geology. The earth was not always in the dead hardened state that we observe today. It was formerly in a more expanded embryonic fluid condition before individual beings were separated out onto the hardened surface of the globe. We will trace the history of the earth back to its living state.

Month 7. Physics. The forces of inorganic nature are studied through physics. We will look at mechanics, elastic-wave vibrations,acoustics, states of matter, heat, electricity, magnetism, atomic physics (the new physics), light, and optics (Goethe’s color theory). Manifestations of nature here are completely subject to outside forces.

Month 8.Astronomy. We will study the fixed stars and the wandering planets with their beautiful world of orderly motion and their outlaying of space. We will see how these work their way into the beings of nature and their rhythms.

Month 9.Meteorology. We will explore the manifestation of water vapor, air, light in the atmosphere, and their activity as weather. We will also study the layers surrounding the earth that gradually dissolve into outer space.

Month 10.Anthropology. This is a multi-faceted subject and one which is appropriate for a final study in that it rounds its way back to the human being, our starting point. We will look at ethnology, history, and evolution. Anthroposophy is the balance between Anthropology and Theosophy.

Each Wednesday’s study will be complimented and supported by an evening of clay modeling on the following Thursday. We will take up a theme from the subject of the previous evening. By doing so, we exercise the sculptural imagination, the fundamental tool of Goethean Science, which is necessary for the practice of the imaginative perception of form and its metamorphoses..

This year the Vorstand of the Goetheanum has chosen evolution as the unifying theme of the year for the Anthroposophical Society. Our journey through Goethean Science will highlight the thread of evolution through the realms of nature.

Reading list

General Theory

Steiner Theory of Knowledge Implicit in Goethe’s World Conception

Steiner Goethean Science

The Boundaries of Natural Science

Bortoft, Henry The Wholeness of Nature

HumanAnatomy & Physiology

Koenig, Karl A Living Physiology

Koenig, Karl Earth and Man

Rohen, Johannes W. Functional Morphology

Steiner Occult Physiology (all of his medical lectures)

Holdridge, Craig The Dynamics Heart & Circulation

Mees, L. F.C. Secrets of the Skeleton

Kovacs, Charles Muscles & Bones

Chemistry & Nutrition

Steiner Agriculture Course

Hauschka The Nature of Substance

Hauschka Nutrition

Schmidt The Dynamics of Nutrition

Schmidt The Essentials of Nutrition

Julius, Frits H. Fundamentals for Phenomenologial Study of Chemistry


Goethe Metamorphosis of Plants

van Romunde, Dick About Formative Forces in the Plant World

van Romunde, Dick Perceiving Plants: Experiencing Elemental Beings

Rohmann, G.G. The Plant (2 volumes)

Rohmann, G.G. The Living World of the Plant

Cranich, Ernst Planetary influences on Plants

Pelikan, W. Healing Plants

Kovacs, Charles Botany


Poppelbaum, Man & Animal

Poppelbaum A New Zoology

Schad, W. Man & Mammal

Kipp Childhood and Human Evolution

Kolisko, E, Zoology for Everybody (8 small volumes)

Kolisko, E, The Twelve Groups of Animals

Koenig, K. The Animals and Their Destiny


Weihs, Thomas Embryogenesis

Blechschmidt, Eric The Beginnings of Human Life

Koenig Embryology and World Evolution

Van der Bie, Guus Embryology (a Bolk Companion)


Kloos, Walter The Living Earth

Pelikan, Wilhem The Secrets of Metals

Kolisko, Eugen Geology (2 small volumes)


Lehars, Ernst Man or Matter

Goethe Theory of Color

Zajonc, Arthur Catching the Light

Schwenk, Theodore Sensitive Chaos

Von Zabern, B. Organic Physics

Steiner The Light Course

Steiner The Warmth Course


Schultz, J. The Rhythms of the Stars

Davidson, Norman Astronomy and the Imagination

Von Baravalle, Hermann Astronomy


Howard, Luke Essay on the Modifications of the Clouds

Benesch, Friedrich Ascension

Klocec, Dennis Weather and Cosmos

Bunyard, Peter Extreme Weather


Wadler, One Language

Lievegoed, Mystery Streams in Europe and the New Mysteries

Steiner Occult Science

Steiner Mission of Folk Souls