SECHURBA Community Involvement Questionnaire
Marches Energy Agency and Shropshire Council are working together on a European project to understand more about energy efficiency and renewable energy options for historic buildings
The Shrewsbury Town Centre River loop and Castlefields Area is being used as the UK case study area (see map), due to its mix of historic residential and commercial buildings.
We would like to invite residents and those working in the area to join us in this project by completing this short questionnaire. If you are a historic building owner in this area you will be given the opportunity to participate further in this study if you wish.
Please provide answers where possible but incomplete questionnaires are still of value for this project if you are unable to answer every question. If you have any other comments you would like to make about this project please include these on a separate sheet and submit them with your questionnaire.
Please email/hand in or post your responses to or Marches Energy Agency, The Pump House, Coton Hill, Shrewsbury, SY1 2DP, Tel: 01743 277109
Please circle the box which best describes your relationship with the study area
Home owner / occupier / Domestic tenant / Work / Other please specifySection 1 – Awareness of Environmental and Climate Change Issues.
1. Which of the following terms are you aware of? Tick as many as apply.
Are these phrasesfamiliar to you / Do you understand what is meant by the following / Is this important for society to address
Very aware / A bit / Not aware / Good understanding / A bit / Poor understanding / High importance / Not sure / Not important
Climate change / global warming
Peak Oil
Sustainable development
Energy efficiency
Renewable energy
2. Which of the following do you feel may be the consequences of climate change?
Tick as many as apply / Definitely / Maybe / NotRise in temperature
Increased risk of flooding
Rising sea levels
Change in weather patterns
Drought and water shortage
Increased risk of disease
Extinction of species
Loss of habitat
Section 2 – Awareness of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
3. What is your opinion on the following forms of renewable energy sources and energy systems?
Support / Oppose / No opinionWind energy
Solar Thermal (hot water)
Solar PV (electricity)
Tidal power
Nuclear power (fission as currently generating)
Nuclear power (fusion, still in development)
Biomass plant (energy from wood)
Waste incineration (waste to energy)
Geothermal power
Combined Heat and Power System
District Heating System
3. a Would you consider supporting or investing in a community-owned renewable energy project in this area
Yes / No / Don’t knowMore info please:
4. Do you think energy efficiency technologies are an effective way to reduce CO2 emissions?
Yes / No / Don’t knowComments
5. Do you feel that you need more information about renewable energy options?
Yes □ No □ If yes – which technologies are you interested in?
6. Do you agree with the following statements
Agree / Disagree / UnsureIt is just as important to save energy in historic buildings as modern buildings
Renewable technologies should be hidden in historic buildings
Renewable technologies should be incorporated in historic building restoration
Energy saving measures only make sense if payback is less than 10 years
Climate change should be a priority in every town
Climate change is best tackled at community level
Section 3 – Energy at Home
7. Do you have or would you install the following technologies into your home? Tick all that apply.
Already have / Like to install / Not Interested / Don’t KnowEnergy Efficiency Technology
§ Double-glazing (low u-value glazing)
§ Loft insulation
§ Cavity wall insulation
§ Solid wall insulation
§ Energy saver light bulbs
§ ‘A’ Rated appliances
§ Thermostatic controls
Alternative Energy Sources
§ Solar electric PV panels
§ Solar water heating
§ Small wind turbine
§ Small scale hydro
§ Ground source heat pumps
§ Wood fired boiler system
§ Wood pellet stoves
Other energy saving / source (please specify)
8. If you have already had any renewable energy installations on your property what is your opinion of them?
9. Are you aware of any barriers preventing you installing the above options on your property?
Tick all that apply / Agree / Disagree / Don’t knowPlanning regulations
They are unattractive
I think that installations would be too expensive
They would not produce enough energy for my home
My current supply of energy is adequate
I don’t understand how they work
The impact on the historic façade or property decoration
Other, please specify
10. Are you aware of any grants available to help you install Renewable Energy or Energy Efficient Technologies? Please give details
Yes □ No □
11. When buying a home would you be more likely to buy one with renewable energy installations?
Yes □ No □ Don’t know □
12. What type of fuel do you use for heating your home? Tick as many as apply.
SECHURBA Community Involvement Questionnaire
Gas / Oil / Electricity / Coal / Wood / biomass / Other (please specify) / Don’t know13. What is your annual energy consumption?
SECHURBA Community Involvement Questionnaire
Energy consumption / Fuel bill (£) monthly / annual (please specify)Gas / kWh
Electricity / kWh
Oil / Litres
Coal / KG
Wood / biomass / KG
Water / Litres3
Don’t know
SECHURBA Community Involvement Questionnaire
14. Do you try to conserve energy in your home by the following? Tick as many as apply.
Turning off electric appliances when not in use □
Turn lights out when not in use □
Use full loads with dishwasher/washing machine □
Showers instead of baths □
Use energy saving light bulbs □
Keep temperatures at home between 18C – 21C □
Buy energy efficient appliances □
Dry clothes naturally rather than use a tumble drier □
Other, please specify □
None of above □
Section 4 – Your Property
15. Please circle the use type and size (if known) of your property.
Domestic home / Office / Shop / Restaurant / Other (please specify)Detached / Semi-detached / Terrace / Flat / Other (please specify)
greater than 200 m3 / 100-200 m3 / 50-100 m3 / Under 50 m3 / Other (please specify)
16. How many people live in the property? ______
17. What is the construction of your property?
Brick(cavity wall) / Brick
(solid wall) / Solid stone / Concrete / Timber frame (exposed) / Other (please specify) / Don’t know
18. What is the age of your property? ______
SECHURBA Community Involvement Questionnaire
19. Are you aware if your property is affected by the following legislation?
Yes – Conservation area / Yes - Listed building / Yes - Other / No / Don’t know3
SECHURBA Community Involvement Questionnaire
20. Would you like to be further involved in the SECHURBA project
Yes – Consultations / Information / Yes – Energy Audit (if in appropriate property) / NoIf Yes Name / address contact details