Mentorship Program

Agreement Form

We the mentees and the mentors,voluntarily agree to enter into this partnership with (organization)to work together for learning and rewarding experience.

The mentor’s role is to help internationally trained newcomer mentees make connections with Canada’s diverse communities and opportunities, and offer referral information based on their experience and knowledge; and whereas the menteewill be open to the information shared by the Mentor.

This Mentorship Program is:

To create networking/information supports among the mentees.

To assist and direct internationally trained mentees obtain valuable volunteer experience (if possible), that will create opportunities for pathways towards meeting requirements or their educational/career development needs.

To enhance the professional development and networking opportunities for the mentees with the goal of finding jobsin their chosen field or other carreer options.

To help mentees identify alternative choices in the areas of their expertise or study to compliment or broaden their current skill sets or other alternative options.

To provide information to findresearch/work related experiences to ensure that the maintenance and updating of work skills remain current within their expertise.

To create connections for future relevant work based references.

To encourage mentees to become future mentors to other newcomer internationally trained professionals.

We agree that for Mentors and Mentees:

  1. As this is an ongoing mentorship program assisting newcomers through the process of integration and adaptation, both mentors and mentees can remain with the program as long as they both feel there is clear need and benefit.
  2. This program does not guarantee or imply that there will be a job opportunity. This program is based on the bringing together of individuals for support and learning.
  3. The Mentor agrees to be honest and provide constructive feedback to the Mentees. The Mentees agrees to be open to the feedback.

Meetings/ Sessions

  1. The program will be evaluated every three months by program staff.
  1. The Community Connections program will meet with the group at least once every 4 to 6 weeks, and if possible, with other support presentations/ information sessions provided throughout the month.
  1. Program staff will be responsible to communicate with Mentors and Mentees if there is a change or cancellation of any meeting.
  1. Each meeting will last approximately no more than 2 hours.
  1. The membership has the choice to contact one another by email.An email list will be provided for all the members
  1. We agree to keep the content of these meetings confidential.

We agree that the role of the Mentors and the Mentees are to commit to the statements above, and with the understanding that the relationship is based informally on equal partnership and shared participation at the sessions.Either of the participants have the right to terminate the relationship at anytime


Mentor’s signature: ______

Print your name: ______

Mentee’s signature: ______

Print your name: ______

Staff signature: ______

Print your name: ______