Dessert Chopped!
You’ll need at least 5 women in attendance to have at least 2 groups of 2 with 1 additional person acting as the host/judge. But ideally you’d have three teams of at least 5 women plus the host/judge.
Supplies needed for the baking (what we used):
Three main unique ingredients for each team (choose any unique ingredient of your choosing): pretzels, bananas, whipped cream (they’ll choose, see below)
Mix of community ingredients: flour, sugar, chocolate chips, peanut butter, butter, powdered sugar, vanilla, eggs, a few boxed cake mixes, shredded coconut. You can add any amount of ingredients.
Mixing bowls, large spoons, cookie trays, pie plates, microwave, oven and store top, pots. Extra double burners in case you need baking stations set up for teams.
Supplies for games:
Pens, slips of paper, timer.
The game example I will reference had 7 women in attendance, 3 teams of 2 plus the host/judge.
1. Form teams.
2. You’ll play 2-3 games in which points can be earned. See next page for games and rules.
3. Once you’ve played all the games there should be a 1st, 2nd and 3rd place team.
4. 1st place winner gets first pick of the main unique ingredient (pretzels, bananas, whipped topping). Then 2nd place chooses, then 3rdplace.
5. You’ll do two more round of selecting going in order starting with 1st, 2nd and then 3rd. Every team should have 3 ingredients.
6. Now, if the teams want more ingredients then can select ingredients but will lose 1 minute of baking time (teams start with 30 minutes – prepping and baking) for every additional ingredient they select. If they want to take an ingredient from the pantry they lose 2 minutes per ingredient.
Example: 3rd place team adds 4 additional ingredients (on top of their 3 initial ingredients) and will therefore only have 26 minutes.
Once teams have selected all their ingredients and you identify their baking area (can be all in one kitchen if space allows or set up baking stations) give the teams two minutes to grab all needed equipment: bowls, spoons, pans etc. Remind them they’ll be judged on presentation, taste and ingenuity. Make sure you know when each team should be done by.
Set the timer and they’re off to the races!
Host, if you can Facebook Live record a few portions of the 30 minutes to add to the fun and excitement. Watch the timer closely and give the teams a heads up and count down to their time. Once all the teams are down line up the dishes and allow each team to ‘present’ about their dish. This is also fun to Facebook live.
Finally, it’s time to taste test. First take a picture of each dish. Then, get a glass or milk or water and a fork and taste and examine each dish. This is also fun to Facebook Live record.
Finally award the team for best presentation, best tasting and most creative (ingenuity award).
Now clean up!
Supplies Needed:
· Slips of paper (probably about 1/4 sheet of paper for each) or notecards, each with a word/phrase of your choice written in large letters so the teams can see. This is where you can incorporate your party theme – if you’re having a Halloween party, use words like pumpkin, Monster Mash, etc.
· Timer
1. Split your group into two teams with at least four people. Only one team will play at a time while the other team watches.
2. Choose one person from the first team to be the guesser. Give the other members of the team the first notecard to look at.
3. When you say go, the team members with the notecard will try to get the guesser to guess the word on the card by saying one word, per person, at a time. For example if the word was pumpkin, teammate #1 might say orange, teammate #2 might say Halloween, teammate #3 might say squash. Teammates continue to give one word hints in the same order (1, 2, 3) to the guesser until the guesser makes a guess. The guesser has ONE guess to get the right word. If they guess the wrong word, the team moves onto the next word.
4. One team continues trying to guess words for two minutes, or however long you designate each round. Teams get one point for each word they guessed correctly.
5. Once the two minutes is up, switch over to the other team and give them two minutes to guess.
6. Repeat until each person on each team has been the guesser (if small teams) or for the number of rounds you designate at the beginning of the game.
Supplies Needed:
· Notecards or quarter sheets of paper with movie titles. If you’d prefer to play with something other than movies, be creative and come up with your own list of items.
· Buzzer or small object
1. Split your group into two teams and put the buzzer or small object on a table at the front of the room where you’ll be standing.
2. Explain to players that they will be trying to get their team to guess a movie title using a limited number of words. The catch is that they will be going head to head with the other team to bid on who gets to play each movie title. Each player will see the movie title and determine how many words they need to use to get their team to guess the movie. They will battle against one another to determine who can get their team to guess the movie in the least amount of words.
3. Ask one player from each team to come up to the front and stand on either side of the table.
4. Show both players the first movie title card at the same time. The first player to hit the buzzer will give their bid first. So for example if the movie was Forrest Gump a player might grab the buzzer and say four (Hanks, box of chocolates). If the other team thinks they can do it in less, they can say any number less than four. Players will go back and forth bidding until one team concedes to the other team and lets the other player take the bid.
5. The player who wins the bid will then try to get their team to guess the movie in the number of words they bid. So if the final bid for Forrest Gump was two, they might say Hanks, Bubba. A team only has one chance to guess the right movie.
6. Repeat with two new players from opposing teams until everyone has had a chance or until your movie list runs out.
· A bowl
· Scissors
· Paper
· And something for everyone to write with
· oh… and a stopwatch – we usually use someone’s phone
Cut up the paper into slips and divide them evenly amongst everyone
5-10 slips per person
Then have everyone write down 1 name per slip of paper
They can be dead or alive, fiction or real
You just don’t want to write down a name in which you are the only person in the room who knows who that person is
Now divide everyone up into 2 groups
Sit in a circle, and sit so you are between members of the other team
There are 3 rounds to this game
Round 1
Give the bowl to 1 person
They have 30 seconds to try and get their team to guess as many names as they can
They pull the names out one at a time and they can say anything to give clues to their team (except the name itself)
Once their team guesses the name, they keep that slip and then they reach in and get another name
Once 30 seconds is up, they throw whatever name they were currently working on back into the bowl, and then they pass the bowl clockwise and the next person (who is on the other team) does the same thing
Each team should keep a pile of the slips they have guessed
When all the names have been guessed, count them up and write down what the round 1 scores are
Round 2
Put the same slips back into the bowl
Start with whatever person would have gone next
Again, they have 30 seconds to get their team to guess, but THIS time they can only say one word
If they say more than one word they have to put it back in the bowl
Choose your one word carefully
Wise players will use a word that was said in round 1
When the bowl is empty, count up the score and add it to the scores from round 1
Round 3
Put the same slips back into the bowl
Start with whatever person would have gone next
And again, they have 30 seconds to get their team to guess – but this time it is Charades – so you act out the name
No Talking!
Again, wise players will act out words used in round 1 and 2
When the bowl is empty, count up the score and add them up for a final winner