Term 2, October 2017
Year 3 Newsletter
Dear Parents and Carers,
We hope you had a good half term break with your children. In this newsletter, we will outline what your children will be learning in year 3 and provide other key information about what is happening in term 2.
Term 2 Theme: LIGHT & BRIGHT
Key Text: The Gruffalo / George’s Marvellous Medicine / Flotsom
Literacy – Exploring play scripts and Instructional texts
Maths – Number including Multiplication and Division
Science – Healthy eating & Light
History – The Stone Age
PE – Dance and Netball.
Art – Self-portraits, Production props/scenery, Christmas artwork.
DT – Making a healthy sandwich & Designing a photo frame.
RE – Sikhism
PSHE – Thinking of others before ourselves
Much of this term will focus around the Year 3 Production of Baa… Ba… Bethlehem. Children will have the opportunity to familiarise the text and rehearse parts. We will also be visiting the Vue cinema to watch Zootropolis and will be heading over to the Marlowe Theatre in Canterbury to watch Peter Pan. Following these visits children will have the opportunity for some creative writing.
Indoor PE lessons will be on a Monday which will incorporate rehearsals for the Christmas production. Outdoor PE will be on a Wednesday. Please can you ensure you child has the correct PE kit which should be: House colour T-shirt, shorts, socks and trainers. In addition, a jumper and jogging bottoms should be provided for outdoor lessons should the weather get colder. It is required that earrings are removed for PE lessons and if this cannot be done, please provide your child with tape to cover their ears.
Your support in your children’s learning is invaluable. Please continue to support children in their homework and listen to your children read at least 5 times per week.
Thank you for taking the time to come in last term and talk to us about the progress of your children. If you have any further questions or if there is anything you would like to discuss further, please come and speak to us in person or make an appointment via the school office.
Many thanks,
Mr Wells & Miss Cramp