Dear Midvale Community Lutheran Church Member,
God's grace, peace, and joy be yours!
Thank you for participating in our electronic giving program during 2017. We hope it has been a convenient way to make your contributions. Your participation provides needed consistency for our church.
As the year draws to an end, there are a few things you should know about your electronic funds transfer:
- If you wish to make a change or add a withdrawal, including withdrawals for the Building Fund for 2018, please complete the enclosed Authorization Form. The new form will replace all past forms you have submitted, so include information for all of your donations, including your General/Operating fund pledge. Please note that if you had withdrawals designated for Rejoicing in our Renewal capital campaign those withdrawals will automatically end in December.
- Check “Change donation amount” and/or “Change banking information” and/or “Change donation date”
- Complete the “First Donation Date” and “Frequency of Donation” sections
- Complete the “Funds and Amounts” section
- Your pledged offering should be recorded in the “General/Operating Fund”
- You may add a withdrawal for the “Hunger Fund”
- You may add a withdrawal for the Building Fund 2018.
- Please note that you cannot designate less than $5.00 per total transfer
- If your bank account will remain the same in 2018, you do not need to complete the banking information or enclose a canceled check.
- Sign on the Authorized Signature line and date the form
- Return the form to the church office with your pledge card.
- If you wish your withdrawals for the General/Operating fund to continue at the same amount and frequency in 2018, and you are not adding any additional or new withdrawals for the Building Fund or the Hunger Fund, you do not need to take any action and your withdrawals will continue until you notify us to make a change. However, please fill out your pledge card and return it to the Church for our records.
- If you wish to stop participating in the electronic giving program, check the box “Discontinue electronic donation”, sign the form and return it to the church office
If you have any questions, please call Kim Roberson in the church office, 238-7119, and she will be happy to help you.
Stewardship Committee
H:\KIM\Stewardship\Fall 2017 stewardship drive\2018 Simply giving cont. participation letter.doc