Course Outline of Record
Effective/Semester-Year: Fall 2009
1.Course Code:ESLN-309A
2.a.Long Course Title: ESL – Literacy
b.Short Course Title: ESL - LITERACY
3.a.Catalog Course Description: This literacy level comprehensive English as a Second Language course emphasizes the development of the very basic English literacy skills.Students receive a Pass/No Pass grade mark.
b.Class Schedule Course Description: Literacy course for ESL students who require basic skills development in reading, writing, speaking, and listening.Students receive a Pass/No Pass grade mark.
c.Semester Cycle (if applicable): N/A
4. / Total Units: / 0 / Total Semester Hrs: / 192Lecture Units: / 0 / Semester Lecture Hrs: / 0
Lab Units: / 0 / Semester Lab Hrs: / 192
5.Prerequisite or Corequisite Courses or Advisories:
Course with requisite(s) and/or advisory is required to complete Content Review Matrix (CCForm1-A)
Prerequisite: Departmental Placement Test
6.a.Textbooks, Required Reading or Software: (List in APA or MLA format.)
Molinsky, S. & Bliss, B. (1990). Foundations. (2nd Ed.). NY: Pearson Education.
Adelson-Goldstein, J. & Shapiro, N. (1998). The Oxford Picture Dictionary. NY: Oxford.
b.Textbook Reading Level:
College Level: Yes No
Flesch-Kincaid reading level: Beech, 0.8; Molinsky, 2.4; Nishio, 2.1
7.Entrance Skills: Before entering the course students must be able to:
Exhibit limited, or no, formal education, as well as have very limited proficiency in English, have no, or extremely limited skills in reading and writing, are unable to understand conversation in English and are not understood by English speakers who are used to dealing with limited English speakers.
8.Course Content and Scope:
a.Alphabet & numbers
c.The calendar
e.Personal & family information
f.Basic nonverbal social customs
g.Forms of address (Mr., Mrs., Miss)
h.Further topics as listed in the ESLN Grid.
9.Course Objectives: Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
A. Listening:
1. Demonstrate understanding of vowel and consonant sounds: ie: minimal pairs.
2. Demonstrate comprehension of basic cardinal and ordinal numbers.
3. Demonstrate comprehension of commands for (TPR) total physical response actions.
4. Demonstrate understanding of basic lexical words in simple speech, such as nouns, verbs, and
5. Demonstrate comprehension of basic phrases: greetings, leave takings.
6. Demonstrate understanding of basic statements: ie: about the weather.
7. Demonstrate the ability to listen for simple clarification.
8. Comprehend simple aural statements of information and simple questions in everyday contexts.
B. Reading:
1. Recognize similar and different shaped letters (upper and lower case).
2. Demonstrate phonemic awareness of vowel, consonant and syllable sounds both individually and in
3. Demonstrate the ability to use right to left eye movement from top to bottom of a printed page.
4. Demonstrate the ability to associate common symbols, signs and basic numerals with oral language.
5. Demonstrate the ability to scan lists and forms for specific learned information words.
C. Writing:
1. Demonstrate the ability to hold writing tools comfortably and effectively.
2. Demonstrate knowledge of legible letter formation from left to right. Alignment of horizontal lines
and appropriate spacing between letters and words.
3. Demonstrate the ability to copy learned letters of the alphabet, syllables and words.
4. Demonstrate the ability to write learned words, simple phrases and sentences while using visual aids.
5. Demonstrate the ability to fill out forms using basic learned personal information.
6. Demonstrate the ability to sign own name using cursive script.
D. Speaking:
1. Demonstrate the ability to use intelligible pronunciation of vowel and consonant sounds, syllables,
learned words.
2. Demonstrate the ability to give simple TPR commands.
3. Demonstrate the ability to state basic cardinal and ordinal numbers.
4. Demonstrate the ability to state simple statements of information.
5. Demonstrate the ability to ask/answer simple YES/NO questions.
6. Use appropriate responses to requests for simple clarification by using repetition and self correction
E. Core Skills:
1. Apply knowledge and skills to new and varied situations
2. Participate effectively in teams and in other groups.
3. Respect and work with diverse people including those with different cultural and linguistic
backgrounds and with different physical abilities
10.Methods of Instruction: (Integration: Elements should validate parallel course outline elements)
a.Classroom lecture
b.Student interaction with instructor and fellow students
c. In-class practice and demonstration
11.Assignments: (List samples of specific activities/assignments students are expected to complete both in and outside of class.)
a.Complete twelve hours of classroom work each week
b.Complete assigned homework
c.Utilize listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills in class and in assignment
d.Complete quizzes and exams
12.Methods of Evaluating Student Progress: The student will demonstrate proficiency by:
a.Class participation: written/verbal
b.Homework assignments
13.Need/Purpose/Rationale -- All courses must meet one or more CCC missions.
AA/AS General Education Pattern Course:
Local Meets IGETC Meets CSU G.E. Breadth (indicate proposed Area)
Transfers:if yes please list 3 similar courses/institutions
CSU No Yes
UC No Yes
(List institutions)
Modifies or New Career Technical Program:
Others: Basic Skills
14.Special Materials and/or Equipment required of students: None
15.Materials Fees:
Faculty Initiator: Fred Vescial______Date: 10/22/2008
(Required of all courses) SIU’s:
16. New Course
Substantial/Major Modifications - Changes to: Units; Hours; Content & Scope; Objectives;
Assignments; Methods of Evaluation; Prerequisites; Add Distance Education Mode
Minor Modification - Changes to: Textbooks; Title; Others.
Course Reactivation
17. Provide reasons for the substantial modifications or new course
The course objectives were rewritten and structured slightly differently to reflect more accurately what is taught in the course. This will also create better alignment for the different levels of the Comprehensive Courses.
List revisions to requisites:
18. Cross-Listed (EnterCourseCode):
Replacement Course (Enter original Course Code)
19.GRADING METHOD (choose one:)
Letter Grade Only
Pass/No Pass Only
Pass/No Pass Optional (Student may choose LetterorPass/No Pass grading option.)
a.Course Control Number [CB00]: CCC000326324
b.T.O.P Code [CB03] : 4930.82 4930.87*
c.Credit Status [CB04]: Credit-Degree Applicable Credit-Not Degree Applicable Noncredit
d.Course Transfer Status [CB05]: Transfer to UC & CSU Transfer to CSU only Not transferable
e.Basic Skills Status [CB08]: Basic Skills Not Basic Skills
f.Vocational Status [CB09]:Apprenticeship Adv. Occupational Clearly Occupational
Possibly Occupational Non-Occupational
g.Course Classification [CB11]: Other noncredit – enhanced funding*
h.Repeatability [CB12]: May be repeated 3 times (other than for unsatisfactory grade)
State reason why course may be repeated:Noncredit Course
i.Special Class Status [CB13]: Course is not a special class.
j.Course CAN Code [CB14]: N/A
k.Course Prior to College Level [CB21]: G (7 levels below)*(For English, writing, ESL, reading or mathematics courses only.)
l.Course Noncredit Category [CB22]: A (English as a Second Language)(For noncredit courses only.)
m.Funding Agency Category [CB23]: N/A
n.Program Status [CB24]: Program-applicable Stand Alone
Name of Approved Program (if program-applicable): English Proficiency Certificate
(Attach listings of Degree and/or Certificate Programs showing this course as a required or a restricted elective.)
*changes effective Fall 2010/ CB21 recoding by the Chancellor’s Office
Student Learning Outcomes Defined
Course Title: ESL - Literacy
Date: 10/10/2008
Course Number: ESLN-309A
OAC Review Date: 11/18/2008
Faculty Originator: Fred Vescial
OAC Approved Date: 11/18/2008
Student Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course students will be able to:
- Recognize vocabulary, identify simple sentences, and write vocabulary and simple phrases using visual aids.
- Respond to oral statements and questions by imitating familiar phrases and reproducing simple answers.
- Recognize and reproduce simple words and phrases for survival needs.
CCForm#1 Page 1 Approved: 11/20/2008