(A Government of India Undertaking)Ambalpady, Shamili In
Head Office at No.41/2, M.G. Road Phone: 0820- 2520894
BANGALORE – 560 001 0820- 2533281
website: www.vijayabank.com 0820- 2526654NOTICE INVITING APPLICATIONS
Vijaya Bank invites applications for updating of empanelment of Architects / Consultants / Contractors for Civil, Electrical, Air-Conditioning, Structural fabrications, Interior Decorators / Furnishers, Fire detection & alarm system contractors, Suppliers / vendors of Office Equipments and all other items for the branches / offices situated in Udupi and North Canara Districts of Karnataka State.
Full details and application forms can be down loaded from our website www.vijayabank.com and be submitted along with payment of Rs.500/- by Demand Draft (Non- refundable) favoring Vijaya Bank payable at Udupi.
Last date for receipt of duly filled in applications is 24.05.2017.
Place: Udupi
Date: 03.05.2017.
Instructions: Please read the instructions and particulars carefully before filling the application form.
1. Applications are invited in the following three categories:
Category A - Rs.70 lakh and above
Category B - Above Rs.10 lakh but less than Rs.70 lakh
Category C - Less than Rs.10 lakh
Applicants should invariably select the category and apply. However, any firm / party not qualifying for the full extent in each category will be suitably empanelled for a lesser limit in between, depending upon the fulfillment of eligibility to that extent.
Generally, the routine interior works, Civil, electrical and air-conditioning works are being carried out by the Bank's Engineers. The services of the consultant will be availed as and when it is required depending upon the magnitude and specialization required for the project. Bank has the right to avail the services of any consultant from outside the panel depending on the circumstances.
2. Eligibility/ Pre Qualification Criteria :
a. The firm shall have Architects / Interior Designers / Consultants with Graduate/Post Graduate diploma in Architecture/respective branch of engineering either from India or abroad and have done considerable extent of work as a practicing Architect/Interior Designer/Consultant as the case may be for a minimum period of three years.
b. The said Architect / Interior Designer / Consultant should be members of their respective professional institutions /societies like Indian Institute of Architects, Institution of Engineers, Institute of Interior Designers and so on and have registration or license to practice in their respective professions, in the subject area, as applicable. For example, the Architect/Interior Designer should be registered with the local authority and/or Council of Architecture for practsing as such for consultancy or any other professional institutes.
c. The Architect / Interior Designer / Consultant should have successfully executed at least two jobs of value appropriate for the category in which the empanelment is sought in the immediate preceding three years.
d. In the case of Architects/Consultants who are already working with the Bank they will be categorized as above and only those fulfilling the requirement of a particular category shall be empanelled for that category subject to their having completed satisfactorily at least two works of similar nature and type in the cost range relevant in that particular category in the last three years.
3. Enclosures: Applicants must enclose duly certified Xerox copies of all relevant information in support of their statements/facts.
4. If the application is made by a partnership firm, a certified copy of the partnership deed, current address of the firm and the full name and current addresses of all the partners of the firms shall be furnished / accompany the application.
5. If the application is made by a limited company, it shall be signed by a duly authorized person holding the power of Attorney for signing the application in which case certified copies of power of attorney and the certification of incorporation, Memorandum and Articles of Association shall accompany the application.
6. Empanelment shall be for a specific category. However, contractor empanelled in higher category shall be eligible for works in the lower category.
7. The evaluation will be based on the experience of the consultants / contractors / suppliers and their financial capabilities and may also include inspecting the works furnished by them for which necessary co-ordination shall be made by them. Based on the details furnished and inspection of works, eligibility criteria, the empanelment will be made. The decision of the Bank in this regard will be final and binding upon the applicants and no further correspondence will be entertained. The empanelled parties will be informed by post. However, mere empanelment will not guarantee awarding of any work / contract.
8. If, information and details furnished by the applicants are found to be false at any time in future or any information withheld or any adverse remarks which comes to the knowledge/notice of the Bank at a later date about the deficient quality of works / services of the applicants by any of the Public Sector Banks /institutions with whom they are already empanelled, the empanelment of such applicant will be cancelled immediately.
9. While submitting the applications down loaded from our website www.vijayabank.com parties have to pay Rs.500/- (Rupees Five Hundred only) (Non-refundable) by demand drafts drawn on Vijaya Bank, payable at Chandigarh. Application fee not paid as above shall not be considered.
10. Applicants desirous of applying for more than one category and field should submit separate applications each with non-refundable fee of Rs.500/-.
11. Duly filled in application forms with all necessary enclosures should be submitted in sealed envelopes superscribed as “Application for empanelment as (Field and Category)” to the above office at Udupi on or before 24th May 2017 by 2.00 P.M.
12. Applications submitted through post / courier should reach us before 24th May 2017. Applications received after the due date and time will be rejected.
13. Applications not containing full/relevant information, supporting documents will be summarily rejected. No correspondence will be entertained.
14. Wherever space is not sufficient, applicants should furnish the particulars, as per proforma, in a separate sheet and enclose to the application.
15. The bank reserves the right to accept or reject any or all the applications for empanelment without assigning any reason whatsoever.
16. For any clarifications, applicants may please contact GAD Officer having telephone No. 0820-2520894.
17. Parties, if selected for empanelment, should invariably open a Current account with the Bank to receive any payment for services rendered by them.
Category and Field
(i.e. Class & Type of field for :
which empanelment is
sought for)
1. Name of the Organisation :
2. Address with telephone :
3. Year of Establishment :
4. Constitution of the Firm
(Whether Company/Firm/Proprietary)
5. Name of the Directors/Partners/Proprietor with academic / professional qualifications.
Furnish copies of Degree/Diploma certificate of the College/Institution.
6. Whether registered with the Registrar of Companies/Registrar of Firms and local authorities and / or council of Architecture for practicing as such for consultancy or any other relevant professional institutes. If so, mention number and date.
7. Whether the firm has professionally qualified Architects / Interior Designers / Consultants with Graduate / Post graduate degree / diploma in Architecture / respective branch of engineering either from India or abroad. If so, furnish details with certified copies of relevant profession.
8. Name and address of Bankers
i) ii)
iii) iv)
9. Whether registered for Service tax purposes. If so, mention number and date. Enclose copies of Service tax registration certificate.
10. Whether an assessee of Income Tax. If so, mention permanent account number (PAN). Also enclose copies of Income tax returns filed for the last two years.
11. Enclose copies of audited Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss Account (audited) for the last three years.
12. If you are registered in the panel of other organizations/Statutory bodies, such as CPWD, PWD, MES, Banks, PSUs etc., furnish their names, category and date of registration.
Furnish copies of such registration.
i) ii)
iii) iv)
v) vi)
13. What are your fields of activities? Mention the fields on preference basis
i) ii)
iii) iv)
v) vi)
14. Whether willing to work
Anywhere in India or mention the places where you are willing to work
15. i) Detailed description and value of works done for the last Seven (7) years.
(Works completed and works in progress are to be reported separately)
Works completed Works in progress
ii) Detailed description and value of works done for the Banks. (Public/Private)
Works completed Works in progress
16. Specify the maximum value of work executed and in which year.
17. Furnish the names of three responsible persons who will be in a position to certify about the quality as well as past performance of your organization
18. Details of membership of any Technical Body/Professional institute/Associations.
Enclose relevant certificate copies.
Signature with Seal.
Note: Where copies are required to be furnished, they are to be certified copies preferably by the concerned agencies or a Government Officer.
Particulars in respect of Works completed / executed
Sl No. / Name of the work/project with address / Short description of work executed / Name & address of the owner / employer / Value of work executed / Stipulated time of completion / Actual time of completion / Name of contractor.PROFORMA -2
Sl No. / Name / Description / Qualification / Experience / Years with the firm / Any otherOTHER RELEVANT INFORMATION
i) Work Force
Permanently employed No. Any Other Years with the firm
a) Engineers
b) Junior Architects
c) Supervisory staff
d) Administrative staff
Signature with seal
Application for Empanelment of Contractors for Civil, Structural fabrications, Electrical, Air-Conditioning, Interior Decorators, Furnishers, Fire detection and alarm system contractors, Suppliers / vendors of Office Equipments and all other items.
Instructions: Please read the instructions and particulars carefully before filling the application form.
1. Applications are invited in the following three categories:
Category B - Above Rs.10 lakh but less than Rs.70 lakh
Category C - Above Rs.1 lakh but less than Rs.10 lakh
Category D - Less than Rs.1 lakh.
Applicants should invariably select the category and apply. However, any firm / party not qualifying for the full extent in each category will be suitably empanelled for a lesser limit in between, depending upon the fulfillment of eligibility to that extent.
The contractor empanelled under Class-D (For Petty works) can quote only if he is stationed at the place of concerned Regional Office or at Bangalore where the Head Office is situated. The other class of contractors can quote for the works coming under the geographical jurisdiction of the concerned Regional Office.
2. Scope of Work:
Civil Engineering Contractors: The scope of work for is in respect of earthwork, masonry, plastering, RCC. Concrete works, painting, flooring, plumbing & sanitary, water proofing, demolition works, structural steel fabrication, wood work (doors and windows only) and other allied works for branches, residences and offices of the Bank.
Electrical Contractors : The panel will be mainly used for internal and external electrification, associated cabling, earthing, wiring for air-conditioners, UPS, liaisoning with KPTCL for obtention of additional power, breakdown repairs and other allied works for various branches, offices and residences of the Bank.
Contractors for Interior works: It mainly involves erection of partitions, counters, paneling, false ceiling, cavity flooring, furniture and fabricated workstations and other allied works for furnishing of branches and offices of the Bank.
Fire detection and alarm system contractors: It involves supply and installation, testing and commissioning of fire detection and alarm system for various branches / offices of the Bank.
Suppliers: It is proposed to empanel the suppliers of Air-conditioners, Modular furnishing items, furniture, photo copiers, fax machines, light & fixtures for the anticipated procurements for the branches/offices and residences of the Bank. The enquiries for the procurement will be made only with the Manufacturers. However, they can submit the quotation through their authorised dealers.
3. Eligibility / Pre Qualification Criteria for Civil / Electrical /Engineering /Fire detection and alarm system Works:
(i) Average financial turnover during the last 3 years ending 31st March 2017, should be at least 30% of the cost limit in respective Class.
(ii) Experience of having successfully completed similar works during last 7 years as at 31-03-2017 should be either of the following:-
a. Three similar completed works costing not less than the amount equal to 40% of the cost limit in respective Class.
b. Two similar completed works costing not less than the amount equal to 50% of the cost limit in respective Class.
c. One similar completed work costing not less than the amount equal to 80% of the cost limit in respective Class.
(iii) For Class-D contractors:
a. He/they should have executed at least one single similar work costing not less than Rs.10,000/- during the last one year as at 31-03-2017.
b. They should have minimum 2 years experience as at 31-03-2017 in the type of work to be undertaken. (For Electrical works Wireman licence is required).
4. Eligibility / Pre Qualification Criteria for Suppliers:
(i) The suppliers should be original manufacturers/suppliers of the items having dealer and service networks in the geographical jurisdiction of Bank's Head Office at Bangalore and Regional Offices of the Bank across the country. They should be established in this field for a minimum of 5 years.
(ii) Average financial turnover during the last 3 years ending 31st March 2017, should be 30% of the cost limit in the respective class.
(iii) Signages: The Bank is not making any empanelment for signages in this notification.
5. Enclosures: Applicants must enclose duly certified Xerox copies of all relevant information in support of their statements/facts.
6. If the application is made by a partnership firm, a certified copy of the partnership deed, current address of the firm and the full name and current addresses of all the partners of the firms shall be furnished / accompany the application.