The following faculty have incorporated service learning into their classes. Please let Kim Saliba, the Service-Learning Faculty Coordinator, know () of any revisions or if you would like to be included on this list.


Art: ART 197 Artist's Survival/Practical Issues, Linda Berkley

Biology: Biology 170 Environmental Science: Race to Save the Planet, John Koroloff

Business and Computer Instruction:

CAS 111 Beginning Web Site Creation, Judy Read

CIS 120 Computer Concepts (2 sections- online), Katie Sullivan

Criminal Justice:

CJA 111 Introduction to Criminal Justice System: Police, Joe Becraft

CJA 111 Introduction to Criminal Justice System: Police, Kirby Olson

CJA 211 Ethics and Civil Liability of Law Enforcement Personnel, Patty Barnett

CJA 280 Co-op., Joe Becraft

Developmental Education:

RD 90 Reading, Judy Selander

RD 90 Reading, Mary Lane Stevens

Education: ED 205 Tutoring Principles and Practices, Susan Larpenteur-Wells


ENG 105 Introduction to Literature, Porter Raper

WR 121 English Composition, Sheila Brown

WR 121 English Composition, Cynthia Kimball

WR 122 English Composition, Porter Raper

WR 123 English Composition, Andrea Hills

Michael Dembrow, Rachel Stevens

Health Records Maintenance Program: degree requirement

Medical Assisting Program: degree requirement

Medical Lab Technology Program: degree requirement


PSY 101 Psychology and Human Relations, Marlene Eid

PSY 201 General Psychology, Fred Miller

PSY 202 General Psychology, Fred Miller

PSY 203 General Psychology, Fred Miller

PSY 299 Black Psychology, Fred Miller

PCC Prep Program/Middle College High School:

American Social History, Marta Repollet

Sociology: SOC 206 Social Problems, Maria Wilson-Figueroa

Speech: SP 111 Fundamentals of Speech, Jorge Espinoza

Teacher Education Program: teacher practicum requirement.

Women's Studies:

WS 101 Women's Studies, Cara Ungar



BI 101 Biology, Kris Weymann

BI 213 Principles of Biology (3 labs), April Fong

College Success Skills/ Developmental Education:

RD 90 Reading, Greg Wilson

RD 115 College Reading, Lorna Tran

RD 117 Reading in the Sciences, Lorna Tran

Fran Palk

Dental Hygiene Program:

The Dental Hygiene program offers Service Learning to its students during Winter and Spring Terms to the "closed program" dental hygiene students; Spring term allows for "Rural Rotation" service learning, in the form of a 1 week experience in an Oregon town. The "closed" part of the program doesn't allow students not accepted to the Dental Hygiene Program to participate or take any of the classes without the application/acceptance process. For more information, contact Diane Hardiman-Smith or Joclyn Thornburg.

Early Childhood Education:

ECE 101 Child Family Community (on-line), Linda Jones

ECE 102 Guidance of Young Children, Hadiyah Miller

ECE 103 Early Childhood Observation, Linda Jones

ECE 239 Helping Children and Families Cope with Stress, Linda Jones


WR 121 English Composition, Michael McDowell

WR 122 English Composition, Michael McDowell

WR 122 English Composition, Kristin Bryant

WR 122 English Composition, Tom Huminski

WR 122 English Comp/Argument Writing (LC with GEO 106), Tom Huminski

WR 246 Advanced Creative Writing, Tim Barnes

French: FR 201 Second Year French, Stephanie Whitney

Geology: GEO 106 Geology of Earthquakes (LC with WR 122), Melinda Hutson

Health Education:

HE 251 Community Health, Marshall Meyer

Health Information Management:

Susan Williams


HST 202 History of the United States: 1840-1914, Sylvia Gray

HST 203 History of the United States: 1914-present, Sylvia Gray

Nursing: Priscilla Loanzon

Philosophy: PHL 209 Business Ethics, Chris Cayton

Political Science:

PS/SOC 211 Peace and Conflict Studies, Michael Sonnleitner or Jan AbuShakrah

Radiography Program:

RAD 130 Radiographic Clinic, Debbie Biddle

RAD 230 Radiographic Clinic, Debbie Biddle

Refrigeration and HVAC:

TE 9237 Refrigeration Electrical I, Ron Weber

Sign Language Program:

Julie Moore


SOC 204 Sociology in Everyday Life, Jan AbuShakrah

SOC 205 Social Change & Social Institutions, Jan AbuShakrah

SOC 205 Social Change & Social Institutions, Andrew Butz

SOC 206 Social Problems, Jan AbuShakrah

SOC 206 Social Problems, Kim Saliba

SOC 206 Social Problems, Andrew Butz

SOC 218 Sociology of Gender, Kim Saliba

SOC 228 Introduction to Environmental Sociology, Kim Saliba

SOC/PSY/PS 280B Community Service and Action Seminar, co-taught by Michael Sonnleitner, Cynthia Colledge, and Jan AbuShakrah

SOC 230 Introduction to Gerontology, Jan AbuShakrah

Spanish: SPA 270c Literature, Kari Easton

Women's Studies:

WS 101 Women's Studies, Mary Courtis


Art: ART 204, History of Western Art, Susanne Tringali

Building Construction Technology:

BCT 211 Remodeling (Oregon Zoo), Bob Steele

BCT 280 Cooperative Ed (Portland Youthbuilders), Bob Steele

BCT 280 Cooperative Ed (Portland Youthbuilders), Spencer Hinkle

Chemistry: Carmen Martinez

Chicano/Latin American Studies:

CHLA 201 Chicano/Latin American Studies, Narce Rodriguez

Developmental Education:

WR 90 Writing, Mary Maree

WR 115 Speed Reading and Vocabulary, Sherry Kam

Marilyn Marshall


WR 122 English Composition, Melissa Gregory

WR 123 (web-based) English Composition, Melissa Gregory

Wendy Feuer, Luz Villarroel

Health Education:

HE 250 Personal Health (RC and CA), Shari Rochelle


PSY 231 Human Sexuality, Judy Zimmerman

PSY 232 Human Sexuality, Judy Zimmerman


SOC 206 Social Problems, Melody McMurry

SOC 280M Cooperative Ed: Mentoring, Melody McMurry

Spanish: SPA 261C Spanish Culture, Maribel Piñas-Espigulé

Speech Communications:

SP 100 Speech Communications (2 sections), Susan Haigler

Veterinary Technology:

Program component, Dolores Galindo

Women's Studies:

WS 101 Women's Studies, Judy Zimmerman