Central City Airsoft Waiver
Liability Disclaimer - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY - LEGAL DOCUMENT AND AGREE TO ITS TERMS. BY SIGNING THIS FORM, YOU ARE INDICATING YOU HAVE READ AND UNDERSTOOD EACH PROVISION AND AGREE TO ALL OF THE FOLLOWING: I have read and understood all rules and policies as described above. Airsoft products are potentially dangerous and can cause serious injury and even death. I acknowledge that I am responsible for using airsoft products safely and legally and hereby agree to indemnify and hold harmless Central City Airsoft, its owners, employees, agents and affiliates for any and all legal action arising from purchase, use or ownership of airsoft guns and accessories, including, but not limited to any lawsuit or claim by myself or a third party for bodily injury, death or illegal activity. If I am under 18, Central City Airsoft has a waiver signed by my parent or guardian allowing me to be bound by the terms of this document. By signing below, I am acknowledging that I have read and understood the above liability waiver and that I agree to be bound by its terms.
Printed Name Signature
Central City Airsoft (CCA)
This agreement made this Month: ______Date: ______20_____ by ______and between Central City Airsoft (CCA)
ADDRESS:______CITY: ______
STATE: ______ZIP CODE: ______
hereinafter referred to as the Guardian(s) and Central City Airsoft hereinafter referred to as the Sponsor, located at: 5117 Hills Mill Road, Central City, IA 52340. WHEREAS the Guardian(s) are natural parents or legal guardians and are responsible for the acts of PRINT MINOR’S NAME: ______(Must be 10 years or older)hereinafter referred to as the Guest whose DATE OF BIRTH is (MM/DD/YY ______/______/______); WHEREAS the Guardian(s) desires to grant the Guest permission to participate in the activities conducted by the Sponsor; and WHEREAS the Guardian(s) have read and understood the hereinafter referred to as the Acknowledgement of Danger and Waiver of Rights form; and have been invited by the Sponsor to inspect the park and the conduct of operations; and the Guardian(s) has recognized and understood that participating involves certain risks as expressed in the Acknowledgement of Danger and Waiver of Rights form.
WHEREAS the Guardian(s), despite these and other risks, and fully understanding and conveying these risks to the Guest, do hereby grant the Guest permission to participate conditioned upon the Guest abiding by all the safety and park rules as set forth by the Sponsor. Permission to participate may be rescinded by either party upon ten (10) days written notice to the other party. Now therefore, the Guardian(s), in consideration of the Sponsor permitting the Guest to participate, do hereby covenant and agree on behalf of the Guest and themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns as follows:
As a condition of being allowed to participate or being allowed on the premises of CCA, the Guardian(s) knowingly and voluntarily waive any and all legal rights that they may have against the Sponsor, Central City Airsoftand its owners, employees, directors, members, officers and assigns.
The Guardian(s) agree to hold harmless each and all of the above named parties, and to indemnify each and all of the above named parties against any and all claims, actions, suits costs, expenses (including attorneys’ fees), damages, and liabilities arising out of, connected with, or resulting from the Guest participating. The Guest understands that any incident or injury that may occur at CCA must be reported immediately to a member of management and that reporting an incident in no way implies any responsibility or liability on the part of CCA for said incident.
This Hold Harmless Agreement shall continue in effect notwithstanding the fact that "Permission to Participate" may have been rescinded or that the Guest no longer participates. The Guardians also grant CCA the right to use the guest likeness in any form for promotional purposes. Any person knowingly possessing or presenting false statements, misleading information, or fraudulent documents accepts full responsibility for such action and may be guilty of a crime, and subject to fines and full legal prosecution.
The Guardian(s) understand that they are fully liable and financially responsible for Medical assistance and for the equipment issued /rented to the Guest. The Guardian(s) agrees to fully replace any lost or damaged equipment so issued/rented to the Guest within five (5) days from the date of participating. In witness hereof the parties hereto have executed this agreement the day and year first above written.
Subscribed and sworn to me this
Minor’s Sign: ____________day of ______, 20_____
Contact Phone #: ______