PE & Sport Premium
Objectives 2016-17
PE & sport premium funding for schools is allocated for each financial year but the information that we publish online refers to academic years because this is how we believe parents best understand the school system.
Objectives 2016-17
Amount of PE & Sport Premium Income: £9,815. We plan to use this money in the following ways in order to improve PE and Sport further this year.
Focus / Cost £ / Objectives / Success CriteriaUpdate and replace existing gymnastics equipment to enable teaching staff and coaches to have access to safe usable equipment. / £1500 /
- Replace agility tables
- Replace junior wooden bench
- Replace Senior Wooden bench
- ReplaceGym Mats
- Increase pupil stamina, endurance and agility.
- Increase hand-eye coordination.
- Increase ability to throw and catch successfully.
Develop Girls Football throughout Key Stage Two through the 'Girls on The Ball' initiative with Oxford High and by training up Teachers and Teaching Assistants with the help of FA Soccer Skills. / £200 /
- Develop and resource girls football in Key Stage 2 through CPD of staff and having a girls only football club running after school.
- Girls teams to play a minimum of10 competitive fixtures against other schools throughout the year.
- Attend Girls on The Ball fixture events and tournaments as well as Open 7-a-side matches.
Affiliation to Primary Sports Premium - Oxford City Council Offer: Bronze / £200 /
- Liaison with City Parks Department around use of their facilities.
- Attendance at Cluster Heads meetings by appropriate person when required.
- Sharing of best practise.
- Regular communication about local sports opportunities
- Shared resources and equipment within the partnership.
- Attended local festivals and competition calendar – development of intra and inter school competitions.
- Registered and using School Games website and aiming for the ‘Gold’ award in 2016-17.
OFSA Affiliation / £40 /
- To take part in the Girls and Boys Open 7-a-side football matches as well as the ESFA Tournaments.
- Reaching the Finals for the Open 7-a-side Football Tournament.
Football, Gymnastic, Basketball and Karate Coaches for after school clubs / £3600 /
- Develop the children’s fitness, stamina and enthusiasm for sport throughout the school in all Key Stages.
- Greater participation of Key Stage 1 and 2 children in weekly football, Gymnastic, Basketball and Karate sessions after school.
Develop whole school participation in sport Cross Country/Athletics coach / £1800 /
- Develop the children’s fitness and stamina throughout Key Stage 2 as well as Year 2.
- Participation in and qualification from the City County Cross Country Championship and in the top three in the County Cross Country Championship for the first time.
Chance to Shine – Cricket. This includes PE lessons in Key Stage 2 and a weekly cricket after school club. / £1400 /
- Develop teaching of cricket throughout the school alongside coaches.
- Success at School Games Cricket competitions and hopefully qualifying for the County Finals for a 3rd year in a row.
Increase opportunities and quality of sport provision after school / £200 /
- Buying of sport specific equipment to better provide for sporting/ Change 4 Life clubs after school.
- 50% pupil participation in Key Stage 2 (including SEND children).
Transport to and from sporting events (Taxis, Coaches, Mini Bus drivers test etc.) / £100 /
- Driving tests for the Mini Bus for AB, RT and TC.
- Increased participation in events due to being able to attend competitions and tournaments.
Courses, PE Conferences and CPD for staff / £775 /
- AB to attend the Gloustershire and Oxfordshire PE Conferences.
- JH and TC to attend the LTA Primary Tennis Course.
- KC and DS to complete the FA Primary Teachers Award.
- Improved and up to date subject knowledge around tennis and football.
- Increased engagement and attainment from children during PE lessons and extra –curricular clubs (after school).
- Increased engagement of children in tennis and football PE lessons.
Give children greater opportunities to apply independent learning skills. / n/a /
- TC, AB and KC to have a half termly meeting with the Sport Leaders and plan a launch assembly to happen in Autumn 2. Sport Leaders to introduce the daily mile (Tuesdays to Thursdays with the help of DA), with the help of DA and myself as well as organise and run games on Monday and Friday lunchtimes in KS1 and KS2 playgrounds.
- Have termly meetings with the Year 6 Sports leaders starting in Autumn Term 2 through to the end of the year.
- Develop leadership skills, improve the overall fitness of the children in school and monitor their progress.
Baseline Assessment ‘Everyone Personal Profile Wheel’.
To all for speaking and listening opportunities as chn lead the different activities. / n/a /
- Introduce the next stage of PE assessment linked to ‘Real PE’s’ Fun’s cards as a form of baseline assessment that will show clear fitness progression throughout the academic year.
- Staff meeting given in Spring Term 1 2016-17 introducing ‘Everyone Personal Profile Wheel’ to go hand in hand with the base line assessment, where 6 chn will be continually assess all year: 2x HA, 2x MA and 2x LA. Starting in Summer Term.
- Staff will monitor 6 children through to the end of the year from Spring Term 2 and then hand in their ‘Everyone Personal Profile Wheel’ to me, so that I can keep a record of it in a whole school PE assessment file.
Sainsbury’s Sports Mark – Gold
To promote sport/being active as a means in improving concentration in class resulting in accelerated progress in reading and writing. / n/a /
- Participation: Put plans in place to provide all pupils with two hours of physical education and school sport per week inclusive of extra curriculum provision.
- Engage at least 20% of students (5% for special schools) in extracurricular sporting activity every week.
- A system in place to track young people’s participation in the Sainsbury’s School Games.
- Opportunities that attract less active young people to participate in physical activity
- Competition: held a Sainsbury’s School Games Day as the culmination of a year-round competition programme;
- A calendar of competition that demonstrates opportunities for young people with SEND to take part in competitions.
- A noticeboard promoting Sainsbury’s School Games activity.
- Use the Sainsbury’s School Games formats to provide the opportunity for both boys and girls to take part in the appropriate level of competition.
- Intra-school sports (Level1) - 5
- Intra-school sports (Level 2) – 4 (can include mixed-gender teams)
- Workforce: Engage at least 5% of students in leading, managing and officiating Sainsbury’s School Games activity.
- Gold Level awarded to the school 2016-17.
- Intra school competitions in for the whole school; cross-country, cricket and football.
- Entering ‘B’ and ‘C’ teams into competitions whenever possible.
- Make sure that SEND chn have opportunity to participate in appropriate competitions linked to PE.
- Provide opportunities for EAL and less able children to take part in sports.
Total / £9,815