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State of Wisconsin } ss.
County of Richland
Phebe Clanin being by me first-duly sworn on oath says that she is fifty nine years of age. That she was finally the wife of Henry Carpenter, deceased, late of the town of Akan, Richland County, Wisc. That she was the wife of said Henry Carpenter at the time of his death in Dec. 1878. That the heirs of said Henry Carpenter are J. Thomas, John William, children by a former wife, and Mary Jane, Nancy Elizabeth, children of this deponent and said Henry Carpenter now all above the age of twenty one years, and that Rebecca Ann, Margery Ella, Phebe Catherine, Richard Henry Lee, Morris Andrew, Rhoda Janette, who are minor children of Henry Carpenter and this deponent and that the above named are all the heirs of said Henry Carpenter as this deponent verily believes.
Signed in the presence of Alla Homes Black
X (mark of) Phebe Clanin
Subscribed and sworn to this 21st day of Sept. 1881.
(signed) D. L. Downs, County Judge.
State of Wisc., Richland County Court: In Probate
D. L. Downs, County Judge, Presiding.
In the Estate of Henry Carpenter
It appearing to the Court now here, that all of the debts, funeral expenses, and charges of the administration of said Estate have been fully paid. And it further appearing to the Court that the Administrator, John Walworth had filed his acct as such Administrator for more than thirty days previous to hearing his petition and examination of his acct. And it further appearing to the court that there is no property now in the hands of said Administrator and that all of the property now belonging to said Estate, consists in twenty acres of land, which land was the property of Henry Carpenter at the time of his death.
And it further appearing to the court by the affidavit of Phebe Clanin (formerly wife of said Henry Carpenter, deceased) that J. Thomas, John William, Mary Jane, Nancy Elizabeth, Rebecca Ann, Margery Ella, Phebe Catherine, Richard Henry Lee, Morris Andrew, Rhoda Janette Carpenter are the heirs at law and all of the heirs of Henry Carpenter deceased.
It is therefore ordered adjudged and decreed that in pursuant of the Statute in such cases made and provided. That the Real Estate belonging to the said Henry Carpenter To Wit: The North half of south west of south west ¼ of Sec. 10, town 10, range 2 west, be and the same is hereby set over to Phebe Clanin (formally widow of said deceased) and to J. Thomas, John William, Mary Jane, Nancy Elizabeth, Rebecca Ann, Margery Ella, Phebe Catherine, Richard Henry Lee, Morris Andrew, Rhoda Janette Carpenter, children of Henry Carpenter for their use and benefit under the statute in such cases made and provided
Dated at the Probate Office in Richland County, Oct. 4, 1881.
In witness whereof I have here unto set my hand and caused the seal of the said court to be attached the day and year above written.
(signed) D. L. Downs, County Judge.
Inventory: Appraised Value
120 acres were encumbered by a land contract 1250
20 acres were unencumbered 200
One wagon 15
One four year old mare 60
Three heifers, 3 years old 36
One Steer, 2 years old 12
Two hiefers, 1 year old 16
One yearling steer 6
Four calves 16
Eighteen hogs 36
Seven sheep 16
One horse, 4 years old 65
One threshing machine 300
We also find on the premises
one span of mules & misc. livery 175
Two cow and one heifer 45
Said mules, cows and heifer is claimed by the widow as her own individual property.
Also one note excess by James Eaton for fifty-five dollars due on Dec. 25, 1878
Deduct from the above inventory $202 dollars deducted by the widow.
see separate inventory.
Dated at: Akan this 12th day of February A. D. 1879
signed J. Walworth, Adminstrator.
In the Estate of Henry Carpenter deceased.
John Walworth, Administrator,
Administrates in making his final report charges himself as follows. To Wit:
To amount of general inventory $798.00
“ “ Eaton Note, not in inventory $55.00
“ “ T. Carpenter note “ “ $116.00
“ “ Cash from Wheat $41.60
“ “ From Mrs. Carpenter, sale wheat $44.85
“ “ L. M. Thorp Estate of R. Carpenter $17.00
“ “ From Mrs. Carpenter $10.00
TOTAL $1082.55
By amount solicited and turned over to:
widow by order of the court $202.00
threshing machine to seller $300.00
mules, cows owned by widow $220.00
amount paid Burns $1.50
amount paid Printer $9.10
amount paid D. Wall $42.75
amount paid Hennin $60.30
amount paid James Bro. $24.75
amount paid Dr. Coates $11.50
amount paid J.J. Brown Note $64.73
amount paid Doughty Note $55.00
balance uncollected on Note $51.37
Note of Puckett turned over to widow $5.25
paid appraisers $3.75
services of Admin. $31.05
TOTAL $1082.55
State of Wisconsin } ss.
Richland County
John Walworth being by me first duly sworn on oath says that the within and foregoing statement of his account as Administrator of the Estate of Henry Carpenter deceased. Is in all respects just and true as he verily believes.
(signature) John Walworth
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 9th day of Aug. 1881.
(signature) D. L. Downs, County Judge.
Repository: Probate Clerk, Richland County Court House, 181 West Seminary Street, Richland Center, WI 53581