Minutes of the Alvanley Parish Council Annual Parish Meeting held on Wednesday

13 April 2016 at 1900 hours at Alvanley Village Hall.


Present:Cllrs:Mrs B Crowe Mr S Allen

Mrs G CousinsMrs S Chadwick

Cllr E Johnson (Ward Councillor)

Mr D Bowker (Clerk)

6 members of the public

Apologies were received from Cllr Tysoe, Rosney, Crawford and Dugdale

2Minutes of the previous Parish Meeting (15 April 2015)

The minutes were agreed as a true record, proposed by Cllr. S Allenseconded by

Cllr. B Crowe and signed by the Chairman.

3Matters arising from the last Parish Meeting


4Accounts for the financial year 2015/2016

The financial statement was distributed to the meeting with the balance standing at £11370.12 at 31 March 2016.

5Update Reports

Alvanley Primary School

Cllr Crowe, as a governor of the School, offered the following report

A new Head has been appointed and both schools are close to full capacity

Parochial Church Council

The following report was sent by Canon Ray Samuels

The church continues to be an important presence in the community. Although the regular congregation remains small, many folk come from time to time and obviously feel at home and welcome. In the last year we have had 6 funerals, 5 baptisms and 3 weddings. Upkeep of the church remains an on-going issue and numerous maintenance jobs, including an aging boiler, have needed attention. A new notice board is in place and we have just received permission to put a handrail down the steps leading to the Lych Gate. We are concerned someone might slip.

The church continues to look for ways to serve the community. This is reflected in the way the monthly village newsletter distributed to every home has broadened its contents to include more village concerns.

Alvanley Cricket Club

The following report was sent by Mr Chris Fletcher – Chairman

The 2016 season starts on 23rd April with a full programme throughout the season

We have been advised that we need to erect a protective netting to improve the safety of residents on Ardern Lea. This may be up to 15 metres high and 80 metres long costing in the region of £30k. We will update the Parish Council prior to submitting any planning application. Fixtures for all ages, club diary and news items are all on the website

Alvanley Village Hall

Mr B Hughes presented the following report

With the help of funding from CWaC and WREN the toilet upgrade had now been completed successfully

The quizzes have continued through the year and the Produce Show would take place again in September.

An event is being planned to mark the Queens 90th Birthday celebration with proceeds going towards the Village hall and Church.

Volunteers to help with the running of the Village Hall are greatly needed

White Lion Public House

No report submitted but the Clerk was asked to make all aware that the Alvanley Charity Fund Beer festival would take place on the 2nd July 2016

Cheshire West and Chester Local Authority

In the last 12 months there have been going reduction of staff at CWAC across all areas, this has at times caused problems with getting issues satisfactory sorted out. The funding that will be available for rural villages has been greatly reduced by the removal of New Homes Bonus, and the reduction in Members Budgets

In the last 12 months there have been a small number of planning applications on which I have been asked to get involved.

The Traveller Appeal on the Towers Lane site has at last had its final hearing, I was unable to attend. It is now just a waiting game until we hear the outcome. I just hope that common sense comes into play and that the field is returned to its Green Belt statue

Open Forum

The meeting closed at 19.20.


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