July 2013 Ann P-H

Analyzing ISTEP+ Reports

  • School Proficiency Performance Summary (Squares)
  • Disaggregation Summary Report
  • Group Academic Standards Summary (IPI scores – compares your school to the Corporation)
  • Applied Skills Frequency Distribution
  • Proficiency Roster (List of students with scale scores and Pass+/Pass/DNP category)

Analyzing and Comparing data is essential. It is important to know the strengths as well as the areas of concern in your building and in your district. With NCLB, we were all judged against the state NCLB AYP thresholds and they increaseddramatically in 2008, in 2011, in 2012, and in 2013 as we headed for 100% pass rates in 2014.

Use the ISTEP+ data to identify where your school is making gains. Plan for success and expect progress as you embrace new initiatives and focused, standards based instruction.

Data Analysis Drill Down:

School Proficiency Performance Summary - The “BIG PICTURE”

  • This report shows the number and percent of students classified according to passing status.
  • Compare your percentages with previous years and with the district and the state.

Disaggregation Summary Report

  • Use this report to compare pass rates for the AYP Breakout groups with previous years and with the district and the state.
  • Compare:

All students

General Education to Special Education

English Learners to Non-English Learner – with and without accommodations


SES: Paid Lunch to Free and Reduced Lunch


  • American Indian or Alaska Native
  • Black (Not of Hispanic Origin)
  • Asian or Pacific Islander
  • Hispanic
  • White (Not of Hispanic Origin)
  • Multiracial

Group Academic Standards Summary

  • Use this report to look at the Indiana Academic Standards subtest objectives that are used to determine performance on the overall test.
  • The “Points Possible” column shows the total number of points available for that standard. The standards with the most points possible are the “POWER STANDARDS”. These are more heavily weighted on the three digit ISTEP+ scale scores that determine Pass/DNP categories.
  • The IPI (Indiana performance Index) “Difference” column indicates how your school performed on average when compared with the IPI passing standard (“IPI at Pass” column). Scores that are +4 points and more are significant.
  • For each grade level that you test, it is helpful to rank the Academic Standards scores from high to low for your school in both E/LA and in Mathematics by the IPI difference.
  • The standards that are below or just above the IPI standard are priorities. Make sure to pay attention to the “POWER STANDARDS”, the ones worth the most points and also look for patterns that extend beyond more than one grade level.


Applied Skills Frequency Distribution

  • Approximately one third of ISTEP+ points come from the E/LA and Mathematics Applied Skills portion of the test. These are the open-ended and constructed response questions. The other two thirds of the available ISTEP+ points come from the multiple choice questions.
  • To analyze this portion of the ISTEP+ test, look at the frequency of distribution of your student scores. How many students are getting all or nearly all of the available points? How many are getting zero or few points? What can we do to adjust our instructional program to better meet the needs of the students that we serve? Making intentional instructional changes can lead to dramatically increased scores.
  • Writing prompts~ Do you intentionally teach the writing process? How? How often? How are graphic organizers used? Do teachers trade and grade? How are rubrics used? Are they used effectively? How do kids use the rubrics to edit their published pieces?
  • Mathematics~ Are the kids doing what is being asked of them? Are they showing their work? Appropriately? Can they use graphs?



Proficiency Roster – Use the electronic sorting feature and then print your reports.

  • This report indicates how the children performed based upon the ISTEP+ categories: Pass+ / Pass / DNP.
  • Highlight the kids in yellow who are “Bubble” kids. “Bubble” kids are kids who are 20 points above or 20 points below the cut scores in E/LA, Mathematics, Science (4th and 6th), and Social Studies (5th and 7th).
  • Highlight the kids in pink who are in need of additional support. Often these children have IEP’s, or are ENL students. Their scores are DNP and are more than 20 points below the cut score. How are you serving them? What interventions are in place and what interventions can you add?
  • Highlight the kids in greenwho need additional extension opportunities. What children would benefit from additionally educational challenges in order to bump up their scores to the next quartile? This group includes those who may not be in a High Ability program, but have the ability to rise to the challenge if given support.

Additional Resources:

ISTEP+ ”Rainbow” Chart – Academic Standards are listed by Possible Points for E/LA, Math, Science and Social Studies for Grades 3-8

Retrospective Data Analysis Work Packets for Grade 3,4,5,6,7,8

This document walks your grade level and content level teacher teams through the following ISTEP+ Data Reports as they analyze results together:

•Academic Standards Summary

•Disaggregation Summary

•Proficiency Roster

•Applied Skills Frequency Distribution

It is important for administrators and teachers to drill down into the data as they proactively plan for success for the Spring 2014 ISTEP+. This report is designed for professional collaboration. Grade level report findings need to be shared at grade levels below and above to maximize combined efforts.