Discussion Addendum for:

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3. References to the literature should be presented in ACS style, including the names of all authors, journal name, year, volume, and inclusive page numbers.

4. References to the literature should be presented in ACS style, including the names of all authors, journal name, year, volume, and inclusive page numbers.

5. References to the literature should be presented in ACS style, including the names of all authors, journal name, year, volume, and inclusive page numbers.

6. References to the literature should be presented in ACS style, including the names of all authors, journal name, year, volume, and inclusive page numbers.

7. References to the literature should be presented in ACS style, including the names of all authors, journal name, year, volume, and inclusive page numbers.

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/ Biographical information can be typed here. Please limit the length of the biographical information to 100 words or fewer, if possible. Use Palatino 9-point font with single spacing (Word Style “OS Biography”). Submit photographs as separate JPG files.


Org. Synth. 201X, Vol, page-page DOI: 10.15227/orgsyn.vol.page