Anatoli Stav, M.D.


Date and place of birth

/ September 23, 1952;Tchernovitz,USSR.
Identity Number / 017509241

Place of work

/ HillelJaffeMedicalCenter, Hadera 38100; (04)6304304;
Medicine Department
Home address / Ayasmin str 15, 38506, P.B. 5730,Hadera,Israel
Marital status /
Married + 4


1969 - 1975 / Medical Institute No1 in Leningrad andMedical Institute in Tshernovitz,USSR.
Doctoral Thesis: Utilisation of glue Ciacrin CO4 for intestinal plication in Noble operation.
M.D. degree
1975 - 1976 / Primary specialization. CentralRegionalHospital. Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care. Rovno. Ukraine.
1976 - 1977 / Anesthesiologist. Central Oncologic Hospital. Rovno. Ukraine.
1977 - 1978 / Anesthesiologist. PeriferalRegionalHospital. Dombrovitza. Ukraine.
1978 / Repatriation.
1978 / Israel medical licence number 13810 from 06.09.79.
1978-1980 / Specialization in Anaesthesiology, HillelJaffeMemorialHospital, Hadera, Israel.
1980-1981 / Military service (1.5 years). Israel Medical Force. Officer course. Lieutenant of Israelian Medical Force.
1981-1983 / Continuation of specialization in Anesthesiology, HillelJaffeMemorialHospital, Hadera, Israel.
1983- 1986 / Continuation of specialization in Anesthesiology, BeilinsonMedicalCenter, Petah Tiqva, Israel.
1986 / Specialization Certificate: Anesthesiology. Licence number 09001 from 30.09.86
1986-1994 / Work in the Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Clinic. HillelJaffeMedicalCenter, Hadera, Israel.
1994-2010 / A Chief of the Postoperative Care Unit. HillelJaffeMedicalCenter, Hadera, Israel.


Faculty of Medicine Appointments and Activities:

1.Lectured - Postgraduate Course in Anaesthesiology (1986).

2.Lectured - Postgraduate Course in Otorhinolaryngology (1989,1990).

3.Lectured - Course of Anaesthesiology with residents in the departement

of Anaesthesiology of HillelJaffeMedicalCenter (1987-2001).

4.Lectured - Course of Anaesthesiology for repatriant physicians

in the HillelJaffeMedicalCenter (1991-1992).

5.Lectured - NursingMedicalSchool, HillelJaffeMedicalCenter,

Hadera (1991-2001).

6.Examinor and the member of the Examination Committee of the second examination of

residents before appropriation of the rank “A specialist in Anaesthesiology” (from the Scientific Council of Israel Medical Association) (1994 - 2001).

7.Course “Management in the Medical Offices”, University of Haifa, 300 hours. 1996.

Membership in professional societies:

1979 Israel Medical Association.

1979 Israel Society of Anaesthesiologists.

1985 Israel Association of Intensive Care.

1986 The International Society for the study of Pain.

1986 The Israelian Society for the study of Pain.

1990The International Society for the study of the Lumbar Spine.

1991World Society of Pain Clinicians.


1.Anatoli Stav,Leon Ovadia, Lesley Keslin and Natan Weksler.

No sensory block with spinal bipivacaine. A case report.

J Anesth 4: 291-293, 1990.

2.A. Stav, M. Landau, L. Ovadia, R. Sevi, N. Weksler, and A.Sternberg.

Atypical reflex sympathetic dystrophy and paravertebral sympathetic block.

A case report.

Pain Clinic 4: 43-46, 1991 .

3.Anatoli Stav,Leon Ovadia, Moshe Landau, Natan Weksler and Michael Berman.

Epidural steroid injection in the treatment of lumbar and cervical pain syndromes.

A preliminary retrospective comparison.

Pain Clinic 4: 95-102, 1991.

4.Anatoli Stav,Leon Ovadia, Moshe Landau, Roge Sevi, Natan Weksler, and Ahud Sternberg.

Disappearance of pathological indications from Nogier auriculopoints and marked improvement after single intravenous guanethidine block in primary fibromyalgia of the upper limb: A case report.

Am J Acupuncture 19: 29-31, 1991.

5.Anatoli Stav, Leon Ovadia, Ahud Sternberg, Natan Weksler, Michael Berman.

Can stellate ganglion block be an appropriate treatment of oesophageal spasm?

Pain Clin 4: 249 - 51, 1991 (letter).

6.A.Stav, L.Ovadia,M. Landau, N.Weksler, and A. Sternberg

Cancer of prostate with osseous metastases-prolonged pain relief with very high dose epidural morphine. A case report.

World J Urol 9: 240 - 2, 1991.

7.Anatoli Stav, Natan Weksler, Michael Berman, Lusia Lemberg, Leonid Ribak, Anat Segal, Evgenia Machamid, Leon Ovadia,and Ahud Sternberg.

Premedication with metoclopramide decreases the frequency of methohexital induced hiccup.

J Anesth 6: 17 - 20, 1992.

8.Natan Weksler, Leon Ovadia, Anatoli Stav, Leonid Ribac.

Comparison of visceral pain incidence during cesarean section performed under

spinal or epidural anesthesia.

J Anesth 6:69-74,1992

9.Anatoli Stav, Michael Berman, Leon Ovadia, Natan Weksler, and Ahud Sternberg.

Vecuronium and danger of vagal induced cardiac arrest during laparotomy:a case

report and literature review.

J Anest 6: 341 - 343, 1992.

10.Anatoli Stav,Rut Rabinowitz and Amos D.Korczyn.

Action of opioid agonist-antagonist drugs on the pupil and nociceptive responses in mice.

J Anesth 6: 439 - 445, 1992.

11.N.Weksler, L.Ovadia, and A.Stav.

Subarachnoid vs. epidural morphine for post-cesarean section analgesia.

Isr J Obstet Gynecol 3: 55-59, 1992.

12.Anatoli Stav, Ahud Sternberg, Moshe Landau, Leon Ovadia and Natan Weksler.

Intraarticular injection of a proliferant for pain relief in patients with rheumatoid arthritis.

Preliminary results.

Pain Clinic 5: 85 - 89, 1992

13.Anatoli Stav, Moshe Landau, Miguel Iuchtman, Ahud Sternber,Leon Ovadia, Michael Berman, Natan Weksler.

The differential diagnosis between sero-negative rheumatoid arthritis and articular manifestations of Crohn’s disease. An illustratice case.

Pain Clinic 5:175 - 9, 1992.

14.N.Weksler, A.Stav, L.Ovadia, M.Berman, A.Segal, L.Ribac, L.Lemberg.

Lidocaine pretreatment effectively decreases the incidence of hiccups during methohexitone administration for dilatation and curretage.

Acta Anaesthesiol Scand 36: 772 - 4, 1992.

15.N. Weksler, L. Ovadia, G. Muati, A. Stav.

Nasal ketamine for paediatric premedication.

Can J Anaesth 40: 119 -21, 1993.

16.A.Stav, L.Ovadia, A.Sternberg, M.Kaadan and N.Weksler.

Cervical epidural steroid injection for cervico-brachialgia.

Acta Anaesthesiol Scand 1993: 37: 562 - 566.

17.Mohammed Kaadan, Anatoli Stav, Ruth Rabinowitz, Sara Shavit, and Amos D.Korczyn.

Tolerance to the mydriatic effect of buprenorphine, butorphanol,nalbuphine, and cyclorphan, and cross-tolerance to morphine in mice.

J Anesth 8:297-300, 1994.

18.N. Weksler, L. Ovadia, A. Stav, and G. Muati.

Sore throat incidence with the laryngeal mask: a comparison with orotracheal intubation.

J Anesth 8:392-394, 1994.

19.N.Weksler,M.Iuchtman,A. Stav, and L. Ovadia.

Treatment of acute unilateral lung disease with differential lung intubation followed by asynchronous independent lung ventilation.

J Anesth 8:487-489, 1994.

20.N. Weksler, L. Ovadia, A. Stav, M. Iuchtman, L.Ribac.

Continuous arteriovenous hemofiltration in the treatment of amniotic fluid embolism.

Intern J Obstet Anesth 3:92-96, 1994.

21.Anatoli Stav,Leon Ovadia, Ahud Sternberg, Ricardo Alfici and Moshe Landau.

Cervical and lumbar epidural steroid injections for pain relief in patients with Bechterew’s syndrome. Preliminary results.

Pain Clinic 7: 283-289, 1994.

22.A.Stav,L.Gur,U.Gorelik,L.Ovadia,B.Isaakovich, A.Sternberg.

Modification of the penile block.

World J Urol13: 251-253, 1995

23.M. Gringauz, R. Rabinowitz, A. Stav, AD. Korczyn.

Tolerance to the analgesic effect of buprenorphine, butorphanol, nalbuphine, and cyclorphan, and cross-tolerance to morphine.

J Anesth 15:204-209, 2001.


1.A.Stav, L.Ovadia and L.Keslin.

Motor and sympathetic without sensory block after spinal isobaric bupivacaine.

A case report.

15th International Congress of the Israel Society of Anaesthesiologists.Tel-Aviv,

Israel, September 19-22, 1989.(Abstract was published).

2.A.Stav, R.Rabinovitz, A.D.Korczyn.

Action of opioid agonist-antagonists drugs on the pupil and nociceptive responses in mice.

Pain 1989. 2nd International Symposium. Herzliya, Israel,September 16-19, 1989.

(Abstract was published).

3.Stav A., Ovadia L., and Landau M.

Epidural steroid injection for lumbar and cervical pain syndromes.

Fifth International Seminar on the treatment of rheumatic diseases. Israel, November 26 -

December 2, 1989.(Abstract was published).

4.Anatoli Stav,Leon Ovadia, Moshe Landau, Natan Weksler, and Michael Berman.

Cervico-brachialgia and cervical epidural steroid injection.

8th European Congress of Anaesthesiology. Warsaw.

September 9-15, 1990. (Abstract was published).

5.N.Weksler, L.Ovadia, A.Stav, R.Hoffman, G.Muati.

Pediatric premedication with nasal ketalar.

8th European Congress of Anaesthesiology. Warsaw.

September 9-15, 1990. (Abstract was published).


Visceral pain incidence during epidural or spinal anesthesia for cesarean sections.

8th European Congress of Anaesthesiology. Warsaw.

September 9-15, 1990. (Abstract was published).


Horisontal decubitus is useless for postspinal headache prophylaxis.

8th European Congress of Anaesthesiology. Warsaw.

September 9-15, 1990. (Abstract was published).


Subarachnoid versus epidural morphine for postcesarean section analgesia.

8th European Congress of Anaesthesiology. Warsaw.

September 9-15, 1990. (Abstract was published).


Epidural nalbuphine for postoperative pain.

8th European Congress of Anaesthesiology. Warsaw.

September 9-15, 1990. (Abstract was published).

10.N.Weksler, L.Ovadia, A.Stav, L.Lemberg, L.Ribac, G.Muati,R.Hoffman,A.Segal.

Invasive intraoperative monitoring for noncardiac surgery in the severe cardiac patient.

10th Anniversary International Symposium on Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine. Brussels. 1990.(Abstract was published).

11.A.Stav, M.Roitschtein, M.Berman, M.Gringauz, L.Ovadia,and A.Sternberg.

Intraarticular proliferant injection for pain relief in patients with rheumatoid arthritis.

Preliminary report.

10th World Congress of Anaesthesiologists. The Hague.1992. The Netherlends.

(Abstract was publisched).

12.A.Stav, M.Berman,L.Ovadia, N.Weksler,and M.Gringauz.

Vecuronium and danger of vagal induced cardiac arrest during laparotomy:

a case report and literature review.

10th World Congress of Anaesthesiologists. The Hague.1992.The Netherlends.

(Abstract was publisched).

13. A. Stav, M.Kaadan, L.Ovadia, M.Roitschtein, M.Berman, and N. Weksler.

Cancer of prostate with osseous metastases - prolonged pain relief with very high dose epidural morphine.A case report.

10th World Congress of Anaesthesiologists. The Hague.1992.The Netherlends.

(Abstract was publisched).

14. A.Stav, N.Weksler, M.Berman, L.Lemberg, L.Ribak, A.Segal, E.Machamid, L.Ovadia, M.Roitschtein, M. Gringauz.

Premedication with metoclopramide decreases the frequency of methohexital induced hiccup.

10th World Congress of Anaesthesiologists. The Hague.1992.The Netherlends.

(Abstract was publisched).

15.A.Stav, L.Ovadia, M.Berman, M.Roitschtein, M.Gringauz, N.Weksler, N.Stainberg.

Atypical reflex sympathetic dystrophy and paravertebral sympathetic block. A case report.

10th World Congress of Anaesthesiologists. The Hague.1992.The Netherlends.

(Abstract was publisched).

16.A.Stav, L.Ovadia, M.Berman, M.Gringauz,and M.Roitschtein

About the differential diagnosis of seronegative rheumatoid arthritis and articular manifestation of Crohn’s disease.Aproposof an illustrative case.

10th World Congress of Anaesthesiologists. The Hague.1992.The Netherlends.

(Abstract was publisched).

17.A.Stav, R.Rabinowitz,and A.Korczyn.

Agonistic analgetic and antagonistic antianalgetic action of cyclorphan in comparison to nalbuphine and butorphanol in mice.

10th World Congress of Anaesthesiologists. The Hague.1992.The Netherlends.

(Abstract was publisched).

18.M.Roitshtein, L.Tel, A. Stav, L.Ovadia.

Artificial ventilation have an influence on the development of pulmonary edema due to pulmonary hypertension.

10th World Congress of Anaesthesiologists. The Hague.1992.The Netherlends.

(Abstract was publisched).

19.M.Roitshtein, L.Tel, A.Stav, L.Ovadia.

A new model of unilateral hemodynamic pulmonary edema.

10th World Congress of Anaesthesiologists. The Hague.1992.The Netherlends.

(Abstract was publisched).

20.M.Roitshtein, L.Tel, A.Stav, L.Ovadia.

The importance of acute transient pulmonary hypertension for the development of the

pulmonary edema in rats.

10th World Congress of Anaesthesiologists. The Hague.1992.The Netherlends.

(Abstract was publisched).

21.M.Roitshtein, L.Tel, A.Stav, L.Ovadia.

The influence of the cordotomy on the development of the acute pulmonary edema due to acute pulmonary hypertension in rats.

10th World Congress of Anaesthesiologists. The Hague.1992.The Netherlends.

(Abstract was publisched).

22.A.Stav, L.Ovadia, N.Weksler, M.Roitschtein, M.Gringauz.

A protracted pain relief after single intravenous guanethidine block in primary fibromyalgia syndrome.

10th World Congress of Anaesthesiologists. The Hague.1992.The Netherlends.

(Abstract was publisched).

23.M.Kaadan, A.Stav,and L.Ovadia.

Tolerance and cross tolerance to the mydriatic effect of butorphanol and nalbuphine in mice.

10th World Congress of Anaesthesiologists. The Hague.1992.The Netherlends.

(Abstract was publisched).

24.A.Stav, L.Ovadia, M.Shvartser, B.Isaakovitch.

Cervical epidural steroid injection for cervicobrachialgia.A prospective study.

5th International Congress: The Pain Clinic. Jerusalem,Israel, September 14 - 18, 1992

(Abstract was publisched).

25.A.Stav, N.Weksler, L.Ovadia,and M.Landau.

Chemical synovectomy for pain relief in patients with rheumatoidarthritis.

5th International Congress: The Pain Clinic. Jerusalem,Israel, September 14 - 18, 1992

(Abstract was publisched).

26.A.Stav, L.Ovadia, B.Isaakovitch, M.Schvartser.

Cervical and lumbar epidural steroid injections for pain reliefin patients with Bechterew’s syndrome. Pilot study.

Scandinavian ESRA (The European Society of Regional Anaesthesia)congress:

Scandinavian Perspectives in Regional Anaesthesia andPain Control. Stockholm,

Sweden, August 25 - 27, 1994. (Abstract was publisched).

27.A.Stav, L.Ovadia, A.Goldberg.

Cervical and lumbar epidural steroid injections for pain reliefin patients with Bechterew’s syndrome. Preliminary results.

9th European Congress of Anaesthesiology. Jerusalem, Israel,October 2 - 7, 1994

(Abstract was publisched).

28.A.Stav, L.Ovadia, B.Isaakovich.

Modification of the penile block.

9th European Congress of Anaesthesiology. Jerusalem, Israel,October 2 - 7, 1994

(Abstract was publisched).

29. M. Landau, A. Stav, A.Gibel.

A multimodal approach to the categorization of patients with lumbo-sacral pain syndrome.

The Seventh International Seminar on the treatment of Rheumatic Diseases.

December 10-16, 1995, Israel. (Abstract was published).

Other publications

1.Bill Dial.

Cervical epidural steroid/lidocaine injection recommendedfor treatment of cervicobrachialgia.(About the published paper in the Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica 1993; 37:552). Anesthesiology News, October 1993, 9

2.“The Marquis Who’s Who Publication Board certifies that Anatoli Stav is a subject of biographical record in Who’s Who in the World, Thirteenth Edition 1996 inclusion in which is limited to those individuals who have demonstrated outstanding achievementin their own fields of endeavor and who have, hereby, contributed significantly to the betterment of contemporary society.”

WHO’S WHO IN THE WORLD, 1996, 13th Edition.

Stav, Anatoli Ovsei, anesthesiologist. p.1277.

Marquis Who’s Who, 121 Chanlon Road, New Providence, NJ07974U.S.A.

3.Stav A, Gur L, Gorelik U, et al.

Modification of the penile block.

Urology Digest, August 1996 (From World J Urol).

4.“The Marquis Who’s Who Publication Board certifies that Anatoli Stav is a subject of biographical record in Who’s Whoin the World, Thirteenth Edition 1997 inclusion in which is limited to those individuals who have demonstrated outstanding achievement

in their own fields of endeavor and who have,thereby, contributed significantly to the betterment of contemporary society.”

WHO’S WHO IN THE WORLD, 1997, 14th Edition.

Stav, Anatoli Ovsei, anesthesiologist. p.1390.

Marquis Who’s Who, 121 Chanlon Road, New Providence, NJ07974U.S.A.

5.MEN OF ACHIEVEMENT. Seventeenth Edition, 1997, International Biographical Centre, Cambridge, England. pp 509-510, dedications.

Certicate: “This is certify that the Seventeentch Edition of MEN OF ACHIEVEMENT is dedicated to Anatoli Stav is honour of an Outstanding Contribution “To Learn and to Search, to Discover and not to Capitulate (Kaverin)”. A copy of this Certificate is hung in the Internetional Biographical Centre, Cambridge, England.