Course Descriptions from Winter 2013 – Spring 2015

Academy Store – The focus is on community shopping skills while in a practice environment. Skills practiced are paying for goods, counting change, and appropriately interacting with store clerks. Staff role modeling shopping skills and provide feedback to progress.

Walking Club – Walking Club encourages increased physical activity and health. This thirty minute class is a low impact aerobic exercise class which emphasizes the importance of aerobic exercise to reduce weight, increase stamina, strengthen the heart, and promote a positive attitude. Students enjoy a variety of walking routes ranging from inclines which increase heart rate levels to casual slower paced walking for those who have difficulty ambulating at a swift speed.

Exercise Group/ Rockhill in Motion – This group integrates basic wellness concepts, stress relieving meditation, range of motion, stretching and beginning aerobic workouts. The class employs a holistic approach to weight loss and health and empowers students to actively participate in their own health management.

Bible Study – Residents discuss scripture from the Bible while using day to day examples of how to implement the teaching in their daily life.

Healthy Habits – Each week a different health topic is taught and discussed. Strategies about how to implement and maintain the “healthy habit” are taught and discussed.

Procovery Circle – Procovery is a group which allows people diagnosed with mental illness to take control of their lives and move forward with a healing process to live a productive and fulfilling life. This class is about hope, support, approaching things in a positive manner, dissolving stigma, problem-solving, creating change, and learning.

Wake-Up Rockhill – This is a social group in which students discuss current events, practice building relationships and social skills with peers. Students are served coffee and prompted to discuss current events from peer mentors.

Making Changes – This group is about demonstrating the connections and exchanges between daily life skills. It assists students with making the necessary positive changes in their life to reach their goals.

Senior Circle – Activities and social opportunities are designed specifically for seniors. Activities are chosen to improve and increase memory, sensory skills, cognition, socialization and dexterity. Seniors are encouraged to stay health, vibrant and active.

Adult Education – The group begins with a lesson designed for the entire group chosen from a variety of subjects including math, history, reading, grammar and science. Students then choose their own subject to study either independently or with a tutor. Students are encouraged to assist each other, acquire new skills or refresh their past skills.

Audio-Visual Book Club – This class explores a variety of literature in the audio format, which is then followed by discussion. This class is designed to encourage reading and to make reading a social experience as well as an individual activity. Discussions encourage critical thinking and a sharing of new ideas and thoughts.

Alcoholics Anonymous – Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who have had a drinking problem. It is nonprofessional, self-supporting, multiracial and apolitical group. Membership is open to any resident who wants to do something about his or her drinking problem.

Attitude of Gratitude – Students are taught how to maintain an attitude of gratitude in their daily lives. Focus is given to eliminating negative thought patterns and being grateful for the world around. Gratitude journals are used as a learning tool in this group.

Tai Chi – In this low-impact, slow-motion exercise, you go without pausing through a series of motions named for animal actions. The movements are usually circular and never forced, the muscles are relaxed rather than tensed, the joints are not fully extended or bent, and connective tissues are not stretched. Tai chi can be easily adapted for anyone and has a variety of health benefits ranging from improved stamina to reduced stress.

Fun 4 U – This group uses various fun and interactive activities to enhance social skills, memory, alertness and team work. The activities change each week and focus on having fun.

Focus: Live Well – Students explore and discuss the different aspects of living well, how to implement living well in their life, and what living well means to them.

Motivational Movie Club – Movies are chosen to inspire, empower and motivate students. Students are given a worksheet of movie related questions to fill out during the movie, and a discussion follows each movie to increase critical thinking skills and to express ideas and opinions.

Crafty Crew – Each week students work on a craft project. Crafty crew is designed to boost self-esteem, creativity, and reduce stress.

Managing Stress & Anxiety – In this class students learn different techniques to manage stress and anxiety. A variety of techniques such as meditation, breathing, exercising, nutrition and health are explored and practiced during the class.

Actions & Outcomes – This group explores situational examples of everyday decisions and possible solutions one might encounter. Students are taught how actions are linked to outcomes using real life examples.

Good Neighbors, Good Citizens – Students are taught positive, community minded behavior as well as appropriate social skills and interaction in many different situations in the community.

Nutrition Class – Health and good nutrition are the focus of this class. Some cooking and snack preparation is integrated with educational presentations and discussions.

The Happy Factor – This class promotes a positive state of mind and explores what it means to be happy in your life. Students assist each other with helpful hints and advice about being happy.

Schizophrenics Anonymous – This group promotes hope and recovery for persons with schizophrenia-related brain disorders. It helps to eliminate the stigma associated with schizophrenia and supports consumer driven services.

Computer Class – Basic computer skills are taught to students such as: understanding the Windows operating system, how to use the internet, and email accounts. This class encourages students to gain independence by understanding basic computer skills.

Look Good, Feel Good – This class integrates a broad range of topics such as hygiene, grooming, nutrition and exercise to assist students with maintaining a positive body image and good self-esteem.

Definitions & Decisions – This educational class allows students to identify words, research them in the dictionary, discuss the definitions and what the words mean to them.

Anger Management – Anger management class helps students understand the process of learning to recognize the signs of anger, and taking actions to calm down and deal with the situation in a positive way. Anger management doesn't try to keep students from feeling anger, but gives them the tools to handle it in an appropriate manner.

Travel Talk – Students discuss places they have visited and take turns presenting to the class their various travels and experiences. This groups is designed to promote public speaking skills, thought organization, education and esteem building.

Small Cash, Big Stash – This class teaches real life budgeting skills for students on a limited income. Budgeting goals, spending tips, frugal living, and saving money are discussed in this group.

Summer 2015 to Summer 2017 - Course Descriptions

Shared Success – This class offers students the opportunity to look at and discuss quotes that refer to the word “Success.” Students are encouraged to explore what success means to them and actively share with one another what “successes” they encountered during the week.

Just for Today – This class encourages the students to focus on each, individual day with calm and resolve. It is based on the “Just for Today” tenets of Al-Anon and students discuss how they can implement the phrases into their daily lives.

Mental Health Awareness Topics – This class provides students with information and worksheets regarding specific mental health diagnoses. Group discussion, shared experiences and tips to help manage care, aide in providing individual and group support.

Color to Calm – This class utilizes soft music, fragrance and a variety of print Mandala patterns to provide a calm environment for relaxation and creativity. Students are encouraged to experiment with various colors utilizing colored pencils, markers, crayons etc. Additional print patterns are available to students for use outside of class time.

Room 4 You – The focus of this class is to promote functional independence. It provides the students with helpful hints on how to stay organized in their personal space. Topics include bed making, closet & drawer organizing, laundry skills, sorting/discarding papers and general, overall cleanliness.

I Get Around – This class assists the students in learning how to ride the bus and promotes independent mobility within the greater community. Knowledge of compass directions, bus mapping patterns, fees, scheduling and trip planning are discussed. The group also utilizes a “field trip,” to practice skills learned and to become more comfortable in riding the bus.

Experimental Science – In this educational class, students are exposed to a variety of “hands on” experiments including how volcanos erupt and tornados form. Class instruction was provided by a retired teacher, who volunteers.

3D Art Class – This class is facilitated by a student who was educated at the Art Institute of Kansas City, Missouri. Students are provided all materials and personal instruction. The class focus is to encourage creativity, enhance socialization and promote the enjoyment of Art.


Easy Little Budget – This class helps the students understand the relationship between “wants and needs,” when formulating a personal spending budget. Math worksheets, want/need lists, and group discussions, encourage students to set up individualized, budgeting goals.

Word Puzzle Wizards – This class utilizes a variety of different types of puzzles such as Hink Pinks, Crosswords, Rubus, Word Finds and Brain Teasers. Students are provided with individual worksheets but work together to help solve the puzzles. The class encourages socialization, team work and critical thinking while stimulating memory.

Crochet Club – This Club utilizes student leaders who are skilled in the crafts of crochet and knitting. The class promotes group socialization while stimulating eye/hand coordination. Staff provides all materials and oversight.

Art History and Crafts – This class combines historical information on various artists with a companion craft activity. Group discussions encourage creative thinking and expression of thought. Outings to the Nelson Museum are utilized to enhance the students experience with Art. The class is student lead and staff provides all materials and oversight.

Relaxercise – This class combines deep breathing exercises with light stretching of the overall body. The class concludes with a counted step walk (300) around the second floor. Students are encouraged to utilize these techniques in their daily lives to improve their health and help them relax.

Service Seekers – This group supports the concept of volunteering and its benefits. A variety of life skills tasks are available to the students to participate in such as set up/clean up for parties, wrapping Christmas gifts, neighborhood trash pickup, etc. Emphasis is placed on giving back to the community, team work and developing new skills.

Video Game Club – This group meets to engage in fun activities that promote socialization, cooperation and team work. While improving eye/hand coordination, students are encouraged to discuss the different games that are played and utilize their problem solving skills.