Teal for Senate in 2002
for the good of our communities!
The Green Party began in Europe in the early 1970’s as a grassroots environmental, anti-nuclear and social justice movement. The Greens are now active in 75 countries and in all 50 states. Last year three Greens were elected to municipal government in CT, relying exclusively on volunteer support and individual campaign contributions. Greens are ordinary citizens who have said, “enough is enough” to the politicians and corporations who ignore our needs and our rights.
Ten Key Values of the Green Party
- Decentralization
- Social Justice
- Nonviolence
- Ecological Wisdom
- Grassroots Democracy
- Economic Justice
- Gender Equity
- Future Focus
- Respect for Diversity
- Personal and Global Responsibility
If you would like to join us, please call
(860) 536-4980
Visit our website:
Paid for by TealGreen 2002
18th District
Representing our Communities
Clean and Green
Clean Economy, Clean Environment, and Clean Government
UNIVERSAL HEALTH CARE. Our current piecemeal plans leave too many people without health care coverage, and raise costs while lowering efficiency. We can save over a billion dollars by covering everybody in CT.
SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT. We must plan our development in harmony with our long-term priorities. Emphasis on pedestrian-friendly village centers, locally-owned businesses and open space will reduce sprawl and build communities. Affordable housing must be part of the plan.
LIVABLE WAGES. Emphasis on tourism has allowed hotel and restaurant chains to pull money out of our communities, providing low-wage, low benefit jobs in return. These employers can and should pay “living wages.”
COMMUNITY-BASED TAX RELIEF. Tax-free institutions like the Seaport, Aquarium and casinos all hire for low wages, and bring traffic and pollution problems. Our communities should be engaged with them in discussing how they can help offset our burden: an obvious starting point is to share the cost of a mass transit system.
ENERGY INDEPENDENCE. To give the clean energy market a jumpstart, every government-owned facility should set a timetable for switching to renewables. This will help shift private and government research money from fossil fuels to wind and solar. Nuclear is not an option: the 9-11 attacks made more clear than ever the urgency of shutting down Millstone.
TRANSIT RESTRUCTURING. New England is well suited to a mass transit system, coastal and inland. With funding for rail, bus and bike networks over new highways, we can have cleaner air and healthier communities.
AN END TO CORPORATE WELFARE. In the past decade, the tax burden in CT has shifted more and more onto individuals, with large businesses paying less than their share. This trend must be reversed.
ELECTION REFORM. Representation in Hartford should respond to constituents, not campaign contributions. Few Americans vote because they feel the two major parties are “owned” and there is no real choice. We need electoral reform and public campaign financing.
DECENTRALIZED EDUCATION. Mass testing dumbs children down. Our schools should not be assembly lines. Individualized teaching through mentor programs can do far more to nurture creative, independent thinkers.
Penny Teal lives just above the Mystic Seaport, with her husband Mark, daughter Ryan, and son Austin. Her children and she are homeschooling (currently focussed on Political Studies). She is the secretary of the CT Green Party and coordinator of the Stonington GP chapter. In 1991 she earned her PhD in physical chemistry from UC-Berkeley. Penny composes music, writes articles and poetry, is secretary of a local musicians’ club, is active in a food co-op, and occasionally sleeps.
Please contribute in any way you can. Fill out this form and send it with your contribution to:
TealGreen 2002Make check payable to:
32 Bruggeman PlaceTealGreen 2002
Mystic, CT 06355
Please consider making a donation of:Donate valuable hours of your time:
$25 10-30 hours
$50 30-60 hours
$100 60-90 hours
$200* 90 hours or more
*CT law requires candidates to report the name, mailing address, occupation and name
of employer for each individual whose aggregate contributions exceed $200 in a calendar year.