Wetland Walkabout
Bus Study
(using Highway #1 access)
1.In which general direction are you travelling to the field study site?
2.On what major highway do we travel to Nicolle Flats? ______
In which direction does this highway run? ______
3.What is the Global Transportation Hub?
4.To the right is the first small town. What is its name? ______
5.To the south or left hand side of the road are several large water-filled holes.
These are called______. What was their original purpose?
Why are they all south of the highway? ______
Of what use are these today? ______
6.To the right is a large stone house near the edge of a valley. This small valley drains the area and heavy run-off eventually reaches the Qu’Appelle River. This
7.To the right is the second small town. What is its name? ______
It still has a grain elevator. Why is it called an elevator? ______
8.Why were trees planted along the highway? ______
What kind of trees are they? ______
Why are some of the trees dead or dying? ______
9.What is the third small town we pass? ______
10.On the north side of the highway are two major industries. Name them and identify whatthey produce:
11.What is a slough? ______
12.To the right as we turn off #1 Highway there is a small stream. This is
13.After we cross the bridge on #301, notice the cut in the bank to the left. There are two distinct colours in that bank. Suggest a reason:
14.Notice the small airport to the right. List some things that are visible at the
15.Here the land is again reasonably flat. Most of these farmyards are surrounded with shelter belts of trees. What does a shelter belt do?
16.To the right you will see the Water Treatment Plant. Which large communities are served with water from Buffalo Pound Lake?
Wetland Walkabout
Bus Study - Answers
2.Highway #1 - Trans-Canada Highway
West and east
3.An area to get products distributed throughout the country and around the world. It has rail access to all major Canadian ports, Gulf Coast ports, and trucking connections to all major networks.
- Grand Coulee
- Borrow pits: the earth was used to build the highway.The ones on the south were used to build the new highway when the divided highway was constructed. Today, they serve as water reservoirs for the farmers. Some raise trout in them, others pump the water to the yard for various purposes, while others leave them and various waterfowl use them for nesting and for summer habitat.
6.Cottonwood Creek
It has a bucket elevator that scoops grain from the bottom and lifts it to be deposited into a storage container.
8.To act as a wind break
Poplar and Elm
The trees are old and they stand in water in the ditch during spring melting.
9.Belle Plaine
10.Kalium Potash MinePotash (salt as a by-product)
Saskferco Fertilizer PlantNitrogen fertilizer
11.A natural depression in the ground that retains water for a good part of the year.
12.Moose Jaw Creek
13.One half is quite sandy and the other is dark. Glaciers moved a huge amount of earth and rocks in thousands of years past. This is two deposits of different earth made at the same point but not necessarily at the same time.
14.Windsock, hanger, and a few small planes.
15.Protects the farmyard from winds and wind erosion and provides a habitat for wild animals and birds.
16.Regina and Moose Jaw