3rd year field ed seminar 2
What to bring / organise before:
- make sure have key to access room
- music
- list of students journal groups
- list of students in tute groups
- copy of agenda (for tutors too)
- registration forms
- overheads (including learning hub field ed site overheads)
- white board marker and eraser
- feedback forms
- common problems in communication and skills in challenging workshop info
- tricky situations workshop info
Welcome and agenda:
- introduce self and other tutors
- thank students for coming
- run through agenda
- Discussion in journal groups on how placement is going
- Catch up with Uni tutor
3.Common problems in communication and skills in challenging
4.Tricky situations
5.there will be breaks!
6.finally a wrap up and chance for you to give some feedback
Discussion in journal groups on how placement is going
Ask students who aren’t yet in a journal group to come and see me
In your journal groups chat for about 5 minutes each about how placement is going or where things are at in setting up placement
(If other from your journal group are not here please come and see me)
If you have started placement please talk about:
- where you are doing placement
- 3 things you are really enjoying
- 3 things you are finding challenging
- anything you have found a surprise
- anything you need to get off their chest about placement
If your placement is still be set up please talk about:
- where things are at in getting placement started
- where you want to do placement and why you have selected this setting
- what you intend to put down on the placement agreement form for your 4 student learning objectives
- what you would like to do project work on and why, and the tasks you think might be involved
- ask the other students who have started any questions you have about the steps for setting up placement (eg completing and submitting the placement agreement form)
Any questions?
Larger group:
- if any matters need more support please see and / or contact Uni tutor
- say what the topics for discussion will be
Catch up with Uni tutor
½ hour to meet with Uni tutor
Common problems in communication and skills in challenging
Tricky situations
Questions and feedback
Feedback, thanks you and close
Hand out feedback form on the seminar
In your journal groups chat for about 5 minutes each about how placement is going or where things are at in setting up placement
(if other students in your journal group are not here please come and see me)
If you have started placement please talk about:
- where you are doing placement
- 3 things you are really enjoying
- 3 things you are finding challenging or tricky
- anything you have found a surprise
- anything you need to get off their chest about placement
If your placement is still being set up please talk about:
- where things are at in getting placement started
- where you want to do placement and why you have selected this setting
- what you intend to put down on the placement agreement form for your 4 student learning objectives
- what you would like to do project work on and why, and the tasks you think might be involved
- ask the other students who have started any questions you have about the steps for setting up placement (eg completing and submitting the placement agreement form)
Any questions?
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Save Date: 31/05/2008
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