Word / Definition / E/SP/N / Analysis
  1. Alliance
  • a formal agreement between two or more nations to cooperate (work together) for specific purposes, including war.
/ What alliances were formed during WW1?
  1. Isolationism
  • Government policy of not taking part in economic and political alliances with other countries. (no trade)
  • Neutrality -foreign policy of not taking sides in any international argument, controversy, dispute, or war (trade is okay)
/ Why did America try ‘isolationism’ during WW1?
  1. Fourteen Points
  • End of WWI, a 14-point plan for peace presented by Woodrow Wilson
  • League of Nations-The only one of Wilson’s 14 points that was not used.
  • international organization by the Allied powers at the end of WWI to promote international peace and security
/ Why did congress not approve the ‘League of Nations’?
  1. Allied Powers
  • WWI coalition (group) of France, Britain, and Russia (later including Portugal, Japan, and Italy)
/ What year did the US join the ‘’allied powers”?
  1. Central Powers
  • WWI coalition (group) of Germany and Austria-Hungary (later including Ottoman Empire and Bulgaria)
/ Which of the M.A.I.N causes of the war does this show?
  1. Treaty of Versailles
  • Peace treaty (1919) that assigned Germany responsibility for the war. (War Guilt Clause)
  • Germany had to pay money to Allies (Reparations)
  • reduce territory
/ This treaty ended what war?
  1. Trench warfare
  • New form of warfare in which armies attack each other from fortified trenches
/ What is one downside to trench warfare?
  1. Unrestricted submarine warfare
  • German military policy of staging submarine attacks (U-boats) on Allied and neutral nation’s unarmed ocean liners without advanced warning.
  • Sunk the Lusitania- where 128 Americans killed out of 1,198. (British ship), Arabic (British) and Sussex (French) ocean liner sunk
  • Sussex Pledge
/ What was the American reaction to the unrestricted submarine warfare?
  1. Selective Service Act
  • law passed by Congress in 1917 to create a national draft
/ Can we still draft today?
  1. American Expeditionary Forces
  • Led by General John Pershing- First US soldiers to be deployed to France in WWI.
/ What was Pershing involved in during 1910 (prior to WW1—think back to unit 4)?
  1. Battle of the Argonne Forest
  • Battle in 1918 that took place in very rugged terrain that lasted a month and a half.
  • 1.2 million Americans were involved; 117,000 were killed or wounded.
  • Turning point of the war on the Western front.
/ Why is this battle so important?
  1. Espionage Act of 1917
  • Federal law passed d on June 15, 1917, shortly after the U.S. entry intoWorld War I.
  • It was intended to prohibit interference withmilitary operationsorrecruitment, to prevent insubordination in the military, and to prevent the support of U.S. enemies during wartime
/ What amendment does this limit? How?
  1. Schenck v. United States
  • 1919 Supreme Court case that declared Charles Schenck’s propaganda efforts against the military draft were illegal under the Espionage Act and is not protected under first amendment.
/ What does this mean about his first amendment rights?
  1. Zimmermann Telegram
  • a coded telegram that German foreign minister Arthur Zimmermann sent to German minister in Mexico
  • proposing that if the US entered war, Mexico and Germany should become allies and Mexico would get land back—Led to US declaring war
/ What would Mexico gain if they agreed to help Germany?
  1. Propaganda-
  • information or rumors spread by a group or government to promote its cause or ideas or to damage an opposing cause or idea
/ During WW1 how was propaganda used?
  1. Armistice
  • a cessation (end) of hostilities
/ Why was November 11th known as ‘armistice day’ (may need to GOOGLE it)?
  1. Rationing
  • a system for limiting the distribution of food, gasoline, and other goods, so that the military can have the weapons, equipment, and supplies it needs
/ Why was rationing used during WW1?
  1. Reparations-
  • a payment demanded of a nation defeated in war by a victorious nation
/ How were reparations used at the end of WW1?
  1. Russian Revolution- (white revolution)
  • In March 1917 a revolution toppled the aristocratic Czar Nicholas II of Russia and replaced him with a communist government
/ Who led the new government? (Google)
  1. Nationalism
  • a strong feeling of pride in and loyalty to one’s nation
/ How does nationalism affect WW1?
  1. Liberty Bonds
  • a government issued bond sold during WWI to raise money for the Allied war effort
/ Who pays the bonds—how are they used by the government?
  1. 369th regiment
  • In WWI , an African American regiment of the U.S Army
/ Why should we learn about this?