Potter County Natural Gas Task Force, Meeting Notes May 12, 2009
Background: Gas companies have begun to establish a major presence in Potter County. Potter County is located within a geologic formation known as the Marcellus Shale, which stretches across a large segment of northern and western Pa.
Mission: Purpose of the Natural Gas Task Force is to identify key issues; research facts and information; review and propose public policy regarding the economic, environmental and social impact of gas exploration of the Marcellus Shale in Potter County; and educate the public on gas exploration and related topics.
An organizational meeting was held on May 12, 2009.
To divide the research and reporting into specific subject areas, three sub-committees will be developed focusing on:
--Environmental/Scientific Issues
--Public Education/Media Relations
--Public Policy/Economic/Legal Issues; Planning; Safety
Douglas Kuntz (Pa. General Energy Company) said his company is committed to producing gas in an environmentally responsible manner. He and Dave Mashek, public relations consultant for the industry’s Marcellus Shale Committee, said reports of irresponsible behavior by some operators should not give the responsible companies an undeserved bad image.
Eric Beaver (Potter County Conservation District) said there have been instances of improper disposal of hydrofracturing water in the county. Judy Bear (Coudersport Well Drilling) added that proper management of water will remain one of the biggest challenges facing the industry and environmental stewards.
Several members spoke out in opposition to the Pa. Dept. of Environmental Conservation action to remove county conservation districts from the process of reviewing and inspecting gas wells.
A general discussion was held on steps that townships can take to protect against road damage by heavy truck traffic.
Douglas Kuntz emphasized that the industry has the potential to bring many jobs to the region, both professional and unskilled, for upwards of 40 years. Potential also exists for development of training facilities to equip local residents with the necessary skills. Kuntz said PGE is committed to moving forward in Potter County, despite market trends and any unresolved regulatory/taxation issues, with 104 wells – including six deep Marcellus shale wells – already drilled.
Attending were: Pete Ryan, Charlotte Dietrich, Judy Bear, Eric Beaver,Curt Weinhold, Doug Morley, Paul Heimel, Susan Kefover, David Saulter, John McLaughlin, Dick Ford, Jim Clark, Marty Weiss, Joe Parr and Dave Mashek.