AiM 8.6.1 Reference Guide
How to Create a Quick Work Order - Shop
Step 1
- From your AiMWorkDesk, click on Work Management
Step 2
- Click on the “New” ( )icon next to “Quick Work Order”
Step 3
- The boxes highlighted in red are required fields.
- Description
- Requestor
- Contact
- Contact Phone
- Region
- Facility
- Property
- Status
- Type
- Category
Step 4
- Enter the description of the work in the top left hand corner box.
- Note: You are never to change the Work Order number.
Step 5
Requestor/Organization Field
- In the “Requestor” field, key in any part of the department’s title and click on the magnifying button
- Select the department
- If you know the department’s 3 digit organization code, key it into the “Organization” field and click on the magnifying button. This will auto populate the “requestor” field.
- Note: If you make an error in selecting the department
- Clear out the “Requestor” and “Organization” fields
- Click on the “Dave” button (you will receive an error message)
- In the “Requestor” field, key in the department title and click on the magnifying glass
- Type in the information for contact, and contact phone.
- If you are creating this work request for a client, key in the client’s information
Step 6
- If you know the “Property” number you can type it in the “Property” field and hit the magnifying glass.This will auto populate the “Region” and “Facility” field.
- You can also search through “Region” by selecting the magnifying glass.
- Click on VCU
- Select the “Facility”
- Select the “Property”
Step 7
- Click on the magnifying glass within the “Type” field
- Note: This will self-populate for zones
- Select from the following types: Administrative, Improvements, or Services
- Select a category
(Note: The top right box highlighted red for “Status” will fill in automatically when you fill in the “Type” and “category”)
Step 8
- Auto populates as “New” for phase. QuikFM customer work request will always be in “New” status. Departments are responsible for updating this status.
- If you need to update the status from “New”, search by clicking the magnifying glass.
- Select the phase status update
Step 9
Funding Method/Work Code Group/Work Code
Funding Method:Shop = shop account is charged for maintenance related work
Custom = reimbursable work – buildings (Housing), customers
(Athletics), and/or shops (General Services, Lockshop). Update
“Account Setup” is required
Funding Method: Shop / Work Code
Shop is auto populated
- In the “Work Code Group” field, type in the trade/service
- Click on the “Work Code” magnifying button. Work Code Group will auto populate
- Select the “Work Code” for this request
Or you can search Work Code
- Click on the “Work Code” magnifying button
- Click on the “Search” button
- Type in the “Description” field (example toile)
- Click on “Execute”
- Click on the “Work Code” that fits the client’s request
Step 10
The “Shop” defaults to your Department. This needs to be changed to the shop who is performing the work/services.
- Click on the magnifying button to change the shop
- Click on the “Shop” name that will be performing the work/services
- Click on the “Priority” magnifying button
- Click on the priority (Deferred, Emergency, Routine, to be scheduled)
Step 11
Asset Tag
Required on vehicles, property, building systems (HVAC, AHU), generators, handicap doors, etc.
- Select the “Asset”
The following field are not used (don’t enter data)
Step 12
Click the “Save” button
If you need to edit the Work Order and/or add additional phases:
- Click on the “Work Order” hyperlink
- Click on the “Edit” button
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