General Music 9/2-9/5
September 2, 2014:
Objectives:To use knowledge of steady beat and 4 beat patterns to create call and response patterns. Students will be able to improvise 4 beat patterns at their respective turns.
- Tell students to grab water jugs when they arrive into the room.
- Recall what a steady beat is.
- Put four squares on the board, how many beats is that?
- Have students identify aurally how many beats in a row I play.
- Teach students “March, march, everybody march”
- Tell students that we will go around the room doing call and response, each student will play four beats (four quarter notes) we will repeat the four quarters back, and then we will play “march, march, everybody march.”
- This time when we go around the circle we make up patterns that are four beats long, repeat them back and do the march cadence.
- Music dictation: with a partner, take turns playing a 4 beat long rhythm pattern, as the other person is playing the other partner will write down what they think they heard and have their partner check it.
- Music dictation- have this go back and forth at least 8 times depending on time.
- Collect people’s papers
Assessment: Music dictation will assess students ability to hear four beat patterns and write down the notation.
September 3, 2014:
Objectives: Students will use music dictation to dictate patterns in real music.
- Go around the circle a few times doing our call and response routine.
- Listen to snip-its of music and see if you can figure out the rhythmic pattern you heard.
Assessment: Visual assessment will be made while students are playing in class.
September 4, 2014:
Objectives: Students will learn other divisions of a beat, and durations of beats.
- Review our notations for beats and division of beats.
- Go around the circle a few times doing our call and response routine.
- Begin incorporating beats of rests, notes that have duration of 2, 3, or 4 beats.
- Work with a partner to create a 12 beat pattern that has at least one duration, one rest, and one division of the beat.
- Share your pattern with the class.
Assessment: Students will be assessed when they share their pattern with the class and by turning in their written pattern.
September 5, 2014:
Objectives: Students will begin to change their learned notation to actual music notation.
- Pass back patterns from yesterday.
- Learn new symbols for our beats and duration.
- Change the patterns from yesterday into our new notation.
- Put new notation patterns on the board and see if we can read the new notation.
Assessment: Students will be assessed by collecting their patterns from 9/4 that they changed into musical notation.