Week 08/12 Dates 20/02/2012 to 24/02/2012

Weekly Planning Lists

Article 27(2), Planning & Development Regulations 2001-2007

(a) Under section 34 of the Act, the applications for permission may be granted permission, subject to or without conditions, or refused.
(b) It is the responsibility of any person wishing to use the personal data on planning applications and decisions lists for direct marketing purposes to be satisfied that they may do so legitimately under the requirements of the Data Protection Acts 1988 and 2003 taking account of the preferences outlined by applicants in their applications.

Article 32, Planning & Development Regulations 2001 –2007

(a) In deciding a planning application the planning authority, in accordance with section 34(3) of the Act, has had regard to submissions or observations received in accordance with these Regulations”

(b) It is the responsibility of any person wishing to use the personal data on planning applications and decisions lists for direct marketing purposes to be satisfied that they may do so legitimately under the requirements of the Data Protection Acts 1988 and 2003 taking account of the preferences outlined by applicants in their applications.

Planning Information Sessions
Qualified staff members are available by appointment to explain the content of current planning applications.
The service is being provided to assist members of the public and residents groups in understanding planning applications currently part of the planning process. The service is not intended to provide general planning advice or to assist in the drafting of submissions in relation to planning objections, observations and appeals.
All queries in relation to site specific planning guidance or pre-application discussion should be directed to the area planner, Planning Department, Block 4, Floor 3, Civic Offices, Wood Quay, Dublin 8.
Please contact the relevant area office number below to make an appointment and to ensure that the relevant documentation will be made available on the day of your visit.
Area / Contact Number / Meeting Location
Central Area
South Central Area
South East Area
North West Area
North Central Area / 2222932
8166710 / Sean McDermott Street
Crumlin Area Office
Contact Area Office for location
Finglas Area Office
Bunratty Area Office



Area / Area 5 - North Central
Application Number / 2195/12
Application Type / Permission
Applicant / Joseph O'Reilly
Location / 96, Clontarf Road, Clontarf, Dublin 3
Proposal / Planning permission for the change of use from a Guesthouse to a domestic dwelling house.
Registration Date / 20-Feb-2012
Area / Area 5 - North Central
Application Number / 2197/12
Application Type / Permission
Applicant / J O'Callaghan, P Lawlor, A Peyton
Location / Apartment block at corner of, Dundaniel Road & Oscar Traynor Road, At 95 Dundaniel Road, Coolock, Dubl
Proposal / Planning Permission is sought for construction of 1 No. new one bedroom single storey apartment to new third floor of existing apartment scheme to create four storey apartment block to include new balcony/open space areas to north, east and west elevations, and obscure balcony/open space areas to south elevation and associated additional parking at site.
Registration Date / 21-Feb-2012
Area / Area 5 - North Central
Application Number / 2200/12
Application Type / Retention Permission
Applicant / Karl Scully
Location / Mount Auburn, 149-151, Richmond Road, Dublin 3
Proposal / RETENTION: of alteration of car parking layout to front of units 151/151A to allow for 4 parking spaces, and amendments sought to previously granted permission Ref: 2273/10 to remove 5 parking bays from units 149-149d and replace with reception rooms, and minor boundary wall alterations, all at site known as Mount Auburn.
Registration Date / 21-Feb-2012
Area / Area 5 - North Central
Application Number / 2207/12
Application Type / Permission
Applicant / Artane Auto Centre
Location / 25D, Malahide Road, Dublin 5
Proposal / The development will consist of upgrading of existing shopfront and associated signage.
Registration Date / 21-Feb-2012
Area / Area 5 - North Central
Application Number / 2211/12
Application Type / Permission
Applicant / Donal O'Sullivan
Location / 51, Brookwood Crescent, Artane, Dublin 5
Proposal / construction of 2 no. two bedroom, two storey semi detached houses to the side of 51 Brookwood Crescent, Artane, Dublin 5, also to demolish existing shed, open 2 no. new vehicular entrances for the proposed dwellings and 1 no. new vehicular entrance for 51 Brookwood Crescent facing onto Harmonstown Road and all ancillary works.
Registration Date / 22-Feb-2012
Area / Area 5 - North Central (Nov 09)
Application Number / 3452/11
Application Type / Permission
Applicant / Bindun Ltd
Location / 52, Vernon Avenue, Clontarf, Dublin 3
Proposal / For the demolition of existing single storey dwelling and the demolition of existing sheds/outhouses to rear, the construction of part single storey part two storey 5 bedroom dwelling with roof lights over basement, the widening of existing vehicular entrance off Vernon Avenue and all associated site works.
Registration Date / 01-Feb-2012
Additional Information Received


Area / Area 5 - North Central
Application Number / 2191/12
Application Type / Permission
Applicant / Tom and Breda Dunne
Location / 485A, Howth Road, Raheny, Dublin 5
Proposal / single storey extension to the side.
Registration Date / 20-Feb-2012
Area / Area 5 - North Central
Application Number / 2192/12
Application Type / Permission
Applicant / Jonathan and Audrey Carroll
Location / 71, Grange Abbey Grove, Dublin 13
Proposal / (1) the widening of the existing dished foot path and the widening of the existing vehicular access.
(2) a new porch and bay window to the front of the existing dwelling with a lean-to roof above.
(3) the removal of the existing chimney breast.
(4) the conversion of the existing attic space for use as a study/play room with 1 No. new landing window to the gable wall and 3 No. velux roof windows and 1 No. Dormer window to the rear.
All drainage, structural and associated site works.
Registration Date / 20-Feb-2012
Area / Area 5 - North Central
Application Number / 2194/12
Application Type / Permission
Applicant / Mr and Mrs J Cowan
Location / 31, Castle Grove, Clontarf, Dublin 3
Proposal / create a front vehicular access.
Registration Date / 20-Feb-2012
Area / Area 5 - North Central
Application Number / 2196/12
Application Type / Retention Permission
Applicant / Thomas and Paula Doyle
Location / 1, Blackheath Avenue, Clontarf, Dublin 3
Proposal / RETENTION permission of the following:
(a) Conversion of the existing single storey garage with flat roof over to the side of the existing house to a study room incorporating a new bay window.
(b) Single storey extension to the side of the existing house consisting of a new bathroom, utility room and part kitchen with pitched roof over and velux rooflight,
(c) Pitched roof over the existing single storey flat roof to the rear of the existing house with velux rooflight and
(d) Widening of the existing vehicular access to 3m at the front boundary of property.
Registration Date / 20-Feb-2012
Area / Area 5 - North Central
Application Number / 2199/12
Application Type / Retention Permission
Applicant / Michael Redmond
Location / 95, Collins Avenue, Dublin 9
Proposal / RETENTION PERMISSION for a vehicular entrance, parking area and boundary treatment to the front of existing dwelling.
Registration Date / 21-Feb-2012
Area / Area 5 - North Central
Application Number / 2203/12
Application Type / Permission
Applicant / Majorie Hogarty
Location / 92, Maryfield Crescent, Artane, Dublin 5
Proposal / modifications to existing front boundary wall and driveway to provide two vehicular access driveways onto Maryfield Crescent and all associated works.
Registration Date / 21-Feb-2012
Area / Area 5 - North Central
Application Number / 2204/12
Application Type / Permission
Applicant / Gerry Kennedy
Location / 434, Clontarf Road, Clontarf, Dublin 3
Proposal / Development will consist of conversion of attic space to 2 No. bedrooms (42sq.m) including 2 No. dormer windows, one to the front and one to the rear all at second floor level.
Registration Date / 21-Feb-2012
Area / Area 5 - North Central
Application Number / 2205/12
Application Type / Permission
Applicant / Billy Sullivan
Location / 431, Clontarf Road, Clontarf, Dublin 3
Proposal / Planning permission for the construction of 1 No. dormer window to the front elevation at second floor level.
Registration Date / 21-Feb-2012
Area / Area 5 - North Central
Application Number / 2215/12
Application Type / Permission
Applicant / Paul Leehan
Location / 64A, Maryville Road, & 2, Nanikin Avenue, Dublin 5
Proposal / (1) Planning permission for new vehicular access exiting onto Nanikin Avenue for no 2 Nanikin Avenue,
(2) Planning permission for new boundary walls at 2 Nanikin Avenue and 64A Maryville Road.
Registration Date / 24-Feb-2012
Area / Area 5 - North Central
Application Number / 2218/12
Application Type / Permission
Applicant / Barbara Dillion
Location / 18, The Close, Beaumont Woods, Dublin 9
Proposal / Planning permission for the erection of a 3m High block Wall along western side of rear garden.
Registration Date / 24-Feb-2012
Area / Area 5 - North Central
Application Number / 4286/06/x1
Application Type / Extension of Duration of Permission
Applicant / David Campion
Location / 12, Annadale Avenue, Fairview, Dublin 3
Proposal / Mr David Campion of 12 Annadale Avenue, Fairview, Dublin 3, seeks planning permission for demolition of existing single storey extension and boundary wall to side and rear of end of terrace house. Building a 2 storey extension with flat roof. Extension will be set back from boundary line with neighbouring terraced house at first floor and will extend over ground floor at rear. Roof glazing to top of extension roof. Stepped out window at first floor and a strip window at ground floor to Foyle Road elevation. Window at first floor of extension to elevation set back from neighbouring boundary. Two new windows to first floor gable of existing house, new window to rear of existing house at first floor and reroofing of all existing roofs. New dormer window to rear of existing roof. New boundary wall to Foyle Road.
Registration Date / 22-Feb-2012

LAWS: ***NONE***

SAWS: ***NONE***



/ Area 5 - North Central
Application Number / 0022/12
Application Type / Social Housing Exemption Certificate
Decision / Grant Social Housing Exemption Cert
Decision Date / 21-Feb-2012
Applicant / Patrick & Elizabeth Kelly
Location / 65, Beaumont Road, Dublin 9
Proposal / SHEC: A. Retention of existing second vehicle entrance to south side of the site.
B. Modifications to existing vehicular entrance including dishing of footpath.
C. Removal of existing bay window and replacement with new window to side of existing dwelling .
D. New door opening to side of existing dwelling.
E. Squaring of chamfered wall to kitchen area of existing dwelling .
F. Removal of garden wall and garage to north side of existing dwelling.
G. Construction of new first floor extension to rear of existing dwelling including modifications to fenestration and new roof over existing single storey element.
H. Construction of new two storey dwelling house with single storey element to the rear on the newly formed site at the north side of existing dwelling.
I. All associated site works including new boundary walls.


/ Area 5 - North Central
Application Number / 2006/12
Application Type / Permission
Decision Date / 23-Feb-2012
Applicant / Deirdre Hallissey
Location / 49, Clanranald Road, Doneycarney, Dublin 5
Proposal / The development will consist of creating a vehicular access by means of conversion of front walled garden into a driveway with sufficient parking for one car. This will involve breaking down front railings and paving a grassy area and dishing of footpath to front.


/ Area 5 - North Central
Application Number / 2012/12
Application Type / Retention Permission
Decision Date / 24-Feb-2012
Applicant / Kathryn Vlavianos
Location / 48, St. Brigid's Road, Artane, Dublin 5
Proposal / RETENTION: of existing single storey extension to rear of pharmacy and internal alterations to ground floor layout along with all associated siteworks.


/ Area 5 - North Central
Application Number / 2166/12
Application Type / Permission
Decision Date / 21-Feb-2012
Applicant / Mr. and Mrs. P. Kelly
Location / 65, Beaumont Road, Dublin 9
(a) Retention of existing second vehicle entrance to south side of the site.
(b) Modifications to existing vehicular entrances including dishing of footpath.
(c) Removal of existing bay window and replacement with new window to side of existing dwelling.
(d) New door opening to side of existing dwelling.
(e) Squaring of chamfered wall to kitchen area of existing dwelling.
(f) Removal of existing garden wall and garage to the north side of existing dwelling.
(g) Construction of new first floor extension to rear of existing dwelling including modifications to fenestration and new roof over existing single storey element.
(h) Construction of new two storey dwelling house with single storey element to the rear on the newly formed site at the north side of existing dwelling.
(i) All associated site works including new boundary walls.


/ Area 5 - North Central
Application Number / 3570/11
Application Type / Permission
Decision Date / 22-Feb-2012
Applicant / John K Kenny
Location / Ex ESB Sub Station Site, Rear Of, 47, Kilbarrack Road, Raheny, Dublin 5
Proposal / Planning permission for developments at a site located at the laneway behind 47 Kilbarrack Road, (Formerly the ESB Sub-station site.) The development consists of a single storey lock-up garage/Storage Facility, floor area 20.5sqm Approx,. for own use.


/ Area 5 - North Central
Application Number / 3748/11
Application Type / Retention Permission
Decision Date / 22-Feb-2012
Applicant / Liam Gallagher
Location / 62, Oak Road, Donnycarney, Dublin 9
Proposal / RETENTION: For retention of works comprising, the demolition of an existing single storey extension, the removal of existing outbuildings, the provsion of a single storey extension and associated internal alterations, the provision of a single storey shed, and a reconfigured rear tard and alterations to boundary walls to existing adjacent laneways including the repositioning of an existing side entrance gate, all to the rearof an existing two storey dwelling.
