Church in Wales Primary School Religious Education


Outcomes 1,2 & 3

Pupils can:

· Ask questions about themselves, other people and living things, and listen to the answers


Outcome 4

Pupils will:

· recall and respond to some basic religious beliefs, teachings and celebrations investigated.


Outcome 5

Pupils can:

· ask questions about their own experiences, the world around them and aspects of religion and suggest some answers


Outcome 6

Pupils can:

· talk/write about values/rules we have at home/school and offer explanations of how these come from Jesus' example, how they apply these in their own lives

· use words such as respect, forgiveness, gratitude etc when discussing the above


Level 4

Pupils can:

· discuss/produce evidence of their own and others responses to questions about religion, life and the world around them.

· use a range of religious vocabulary appropriately

Level 5

Pupils can:

· express and justify ideas and opinions about fundamental questions relating to investigations and experiences

· express links between the religious beliefs, teachings and practices explored

Ways Forward:

Church in Wales Primary School Religious Education

Curriculum Cymreig

Outcomes 1,2 & 3

Pupils can:

· listen to some stories of Welsh Saints and characters .

· Get to know about people who help in Parish life

· Ask questions and listen to answers


Outcome 4

Pupils will:

· recall and respond to some cultural issues raised in some of the stories

· understand the significance and importance of Church Schools _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Outcome 5

Pupils can:

· recognize the importance of local and National traditions and also explore these with traditions from other cultures.

· say what they have learned and why these traditions are important in Wales.

· ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Outcome 6

Pupils can:

· research and explain why we need to care for God’s world and what are the strengths and weaknesses of the local environment


Level 4

Pupils can:

· compare churches in the locality and study their religious and linguistic backgrounds

· use a range of evidence and sources to present their findings.

Level 5

Pupils can:

· compare and contrast the past with the present.

· reflect and consider suitable solutions for some of the challenging questions associated with Wales and Welsh culture.

· compare local churches with other places of worship.

Ways Forward:

Church in Wales Primary School Religious Education

Personal, Social Wellbeing

Outcomes 1,2 & 3

Pupils can:

· say what they like/dislike.

· show by actions how they feel

· say how they feel

· show awareness of the feelings of those around them

Outcome 4

Pupils will:

· express feelings about exciting, inspirational times in a creative way

· begin to talk about faith/worship in simple terms

· recognize that people celebrate religious belief in different ways

Outcome 5

Pupils can:

· ask and answer questions about how belonging to a religion (usually their own) can affect the way believers live.

· begin to recognize that there are reasons why people celebrate in different ways.

Outcome 6

Pupils can:

· ask questions about world events and how world religions help people to cope with difficulty/unfairness

· give opinions on aspects of religion.

· explore own feelings in a variety of situations

· begin to accept concept of faith--what one cannot see

Level 4

Pupils can:

· suggest questions for investigation into how belief in a religion helps people live happily, productively.

· discuss effects of living according to different beliefs openly

· say how belonging to a faith can affect peoples’ lives.

· understand that other people have feelings and beliefs that affect how they think and behave (and in relation to living things and the environment.)

Level 5

Pupils can:

· ask appropriate religious questions which show awareness of own sense of connection between faith, daily life and world even

· put him/herself in place of others with different beliefs to understand the important aspects of their daily lives.

· recognize that faith and belief can support them in their own lives, help them to help others.

· show respect for the belief of others

Ways Forward:

Church in Wales Primary School Religious Education

Spiritual Development

Outcomes 1,2 & 3

Pupils can:

· Can share ideas about things which are important

· Can begin to observe and talk about quiet times and saying prayers


Outcome 4

Pupils will:

· begin to talk about faith and Collective worship in simple terms


Outcome 5

Pupils can:

· give their opinions on aspects of religion

· Can explore their own feelings about the beginnings of their own faith journey.


Outcome 6

Pupils can:

· Begin to accept concepts of faith – what one cannot see

· Can explore shared values, personal identity and a sense of belonging


Level 4

Pupils can:

· say how Christian beliefs and other faith beliefs affect people’s lives.

· begin to formulate their own belief systems leading out of everyday actions into thoughts about their place in the wider world

Level 5

Pupils can:

· express a clear sense of their own identity

· recognize that faith & belief can support them in their lives, and help them to help others

· begin to develop a growth in their ‘inner life’ journey using their intellect, curiosity, open-mindedness, reflection & intuition & a relationship with God

Ways Forward:

Church in Wales Primary School Religious Education

Thinking & Problem Solving

Outcomes 1,2 & 3

Pupils can:

· Can reflect on what makes them happy/sad/excited/lonely

· Demonstrate competence in identifying problems and coming up with solutions to solve them.


Outcome 4

Pupils can:

· show curiosity and interest in religious stories, and special celebrations _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Outcome 5

Pupils can:

· suggest in simple terms, why religious stories and celebrations are important to some people.

· say what they have learned and realize that not all questions have answers.


Outcome 6

Pupils can:

· explore questions raised by their own experience and the world around them and give their own opinions ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Level 4

Pupils can:

· use a range of evidence from a variety of sources effectively, in order to present and support opinions in an

Level 5

Pupils can:

· develop and consider alternative explanations and suggest new possibilities.

· Show they are prepared to accept challenges in the light of new information or evidence.

Ways Forward: