Assertive Discipline Plan

In order for a classroom to have an atmosphere where learning can take place, there must be classroom rules. When a child does not follow classroom rules, they will face certain consequences.

Discipline fits into a three-level framework: rules, choices, and consequences. The rules established for our classroom are fair, reasonable, and within the range of expectation for anystudent. As the teacher, my responsibility is to establish appropriate rules and reinforce those rules with appropriate consequences when the need arises. The child’s responsibility is to make choices about those rules.

Our school believes in setting positive guidelines and rules to help your child act responsibly, exercise safety, and show respect. Our class rules have been aligned with our school wide expectations in order to help your child succeed in these three areas.

Our Class Rules

Acting Responsibly

  • Follow all adult directions
  • Complete all assigned work
  • Be prepared by having supplies and materials available daily

Exercising Safety

  • Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself
  • Walk in the classroom and hallway
  • Stay in your assigned seat or area
  • Keep your chair’s legs on the floor at all times

Showing Respect

  • Listen when the teacher is speaking
  • Raise your hand for permission to speak
  • Work quietly without disturbing others

Our Behavior Management System

I will use a visual reminder consisting ofblue, green, yellow, orange and red ropesto remind students to follow the rules. Each child will have a clothespin with his/her name written on it. At the beginning of each day, each child’s clothespin will be on the blue rope. If rules are broken, the clothespin “moves” to the next rope. This is a visual reminder to the child that his/her behavior needs to change.

In addition, I will be using ClassDojo, a teacher tool to help build your student’s learning habits and boost classroom engagement.

ClassDojo allows me to track student behavior and learning skills throughout the day!

One of the great features of ClassDojo is that it allows me to send you a “behavior and skills report” every week by email. My hope is that this will help you gain a better understanding of the progress of your student on a week to week basis.

I will also be using the results of this report to reward students weekly for appropriate behavior.

Consequences for Breaking Class Rules

Green Rope (1st offense) - Verbal Warning

Yellow Rope (2nd offense) - Walk 2 laps around the track during recess and a behavior note will be sent home.

Orange Rope (3rd offense) - Walk 4 laps around the track during recess and behavior note is sent home.

Red Rope (4th offense)-Phone call to parents or sent immediately to the principal’s office

The following violations will result in an immediate move to the red rope.

  1. Fighting or deliberately causing harm to another student
  2. Deliberately damaging school property
  3. Behavior which stops the function of the classroom

***Corporal punishment will be used as a last resort.

Please remember that ALL CLOTHESPINS BEGIN EACH DAY ON THE blue rope….This gives each student the option of starting each day on a positive note.

Rewards for Appropriate Behavior

  • Verbal praise
  • Stickers, rewards
  • Positive notes to take home
  • Additional Free time
  • Visits to the treat box

I anticipate good days ahead. Learning can be fun if we all abide by the rules! Your support will be appreciated. If there are any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me either by note, e-mail , phone at 367-3713 and set up a meeting. My planning time is from 2:00-3:00 each day.


Teresa Stone

2nd Grade

AltamahaElementary School