JUNE 13, 2016
Council President Clentin Martin called the meeting to order at 6:30 P.M.
All those present repeated the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
PRESENT: Bartley, Costello, Fajt, Iezzi, Martin, Yarnell
PRESENT: Solicitor Timothy Fedele, Engineer Douglas Regola, Mayor Dobies
ABSENT: Rosensteel
1619 Elm St. – Vanessa concerned over dumping of wood chips in the park. Mayor Dobies explained we thought they could be used for walking paths, but they have been removed.
1519 Elm St. – Rosemarie Foscia asked about the tires at the motorcycle shop on Broad St. Said the police should be noting these code violations.
APPROVAL OF PREVIOUS MEETING'S MINUTES: A motion was made byBartley/Costello to accept the May 9, 2016 minutes.
VOTE: 6 Yes, 0 No, 1 Not Present (Rosensteel), 0 Abstain - Motion carried.
CORRESPONDENCE: Mrs. Lewis reviewed the correspondence and copies were provided via Moodle.
MAYOR: A copy of the May police report was made available to council on Moodle: 108 incidents, 30 citations, 5 parking notices, 4 arrests, 2,408 miles logged on the cars and $881.93collected in fines and reports.
POLICE & EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT: Mr. Furin, Emergency Management Coordinator, presented his report, he attended a first aid, CPR and AED class presented by the American Red Cross. He also attended the bi-monthly meeting of local emergency management coordinators and the G-13 conference. Mr. Fajt added that OfficerSargent turned in his letter of resignation from the South Greensburg Police Dept, last day being May 15, 2016.
BUILDINGS & GROUNDS: Randall was having trouble keeping up with the grass, received several complaints. George Yurcevich was willing to mow. Workman wanted to lease property behind Maintenance building for $3500 for 99-year lease.
STREETS & SANITATION: Terry Peggis back at work. Garbage truck has been repaired and they are working on catching up. The part had to be ordered from out of state, which caused the delay.
FIRE & WATER: 16,411 miles on Engine; 27,099 miles on Rescue Vehicle;and 9,699 miles on Squad. Mr. Rosensteel was absent so no further report.
PARKS & RECREATION: Football and Cheerleading registration has begun. HAH was happy with the rec department and the fields, South Greensburg has been picked for two tournaments.
PLANNING, ZONING & CODE ENFORCEMENT: Mr. Bartley presented the Zoning Officer’s report for May: 9 permits issued. 3 Accessory Building, 1 Fence, 1 Occupancy, 2 Sign, 2 Zoning Certificates. UCC Report for May: no report.
FINANCIAL REPORT: Mrs. Lewis presented financial reports and noted that we are still in the process of reconciling all accounts and bank balances. Motion was passed by Fajt/Bartley to accept the financial report as read.
VOTE: 6 Yes, 0 No, 1 Not Present (Rosensteel), 0 Abstain - Motion carried.
- Motion was, made by Bartley/Fajtto approve passed motions and approved activities for the February 8, 2016 Regular Meeting.
VOTE: 6 Yes, 0 No, 1 Not Present (Rosensteel), 0 Abstain - Motion carried.
- RESOLUTION 2016-04: Resolution 2016-14, Act 537 with Hempfield Twp Municipal Authority was not voted on. Mr. Fedele did not recommend voting on this agreement at this time because none of our residents should be affected.
- Motion was made by Fajt/Costelloto allow Borza Landscaping to continue work in the park on a volunteer basis using the Borza Landscaping insurance on file. This is continued clean up in the park and involves no removal of wood.
VOTE: 4 Yes, 2 No (Martin, Yarnell), 1 Not Present (Rosensteel), 0 Abstain - Motion carried.
- Motion was made by Costello/Yarnell to approve Borough Credit Card Policy.
VOTE: 6 Yes, 0 No, 1 Not Present (Rosensteel), 0 Abstain - Motion carried.
- Motion was made by Yarnell/Costello to advertise the zoning changes as recommended by the planning commission.
VOTE: 6Yes, 0 No, 1 Not Present (Rosensteel),0 Abstain - Motion carried.
- Motion was made by Bartley/Iezzi to hire Kelly Johnson-Hill as temporary, part-time cleaning for $9/hr and no more than 6 hours a week.
VOTE: 6Yes, 0 No, 1 Not Present (Rosensteel),0 Abstain - Motion carried.
- Motion was made by Fajt/Yarnell to hire Michele Dusch for part-time Borough secretary position at $15/hr for approximately 20 hours a week.
VOTE: 6Yes, 0 No, 1 Not Present (Rosensteel),0 Abstain - Motion carried.
- Motion was made by Iezzi/Fajt to hire Kaitlyn Lewis as part-time secretary for $20/hr and approximately $20/hr.
VOTE: 6 Yes, 0 No, 1 Not Present(Rosensteel), 0 Abstain - Motion carried.
- Motion was made by Fajt/Bartley to approve the Memo of Understanding with South Greensburg Police and Greensburg Salem School District.
VOTE: 6Yes, 0 No, 1 Not Present (Rosensteel),0 Abstain - Motion carried.
- Motion was made by Yarnell/Costello to approve the Borough Incidents Report form.
VOTE: 6Yes, 0 No, 1 Not Present (Rosensteel),0 Abstain - Motion carried.
- Motion was made by Bartley/Costello to approve painting at Western Avenue playground by Glenn Worman with completed release of liabilities.
VOTE: 6Yes, 0 No, 1 Not Present (Rosensteel),0 Abstain - Motion carried.
- Motion was made by Iezzi/Yarnell to charge $300 per incident for grass cutting services done by the Borough on non-borough property.
VOTE: 6Yes, 0 No, 1 Not Present (Rosensteel),0 Abstain - Motion carried.
- Motion was made by Fajt/Bartley to hire Steven Zemba as part-time police officer.
VOTE: 6Yes, 0 No, 1 Not Present (Rosensteel),0 Abstain - Motion carried.
- Motion was made by Yarnell/Iezzi to approve payment of $9,741.41 to Webb’s Service Center for garbage truck repair.
VOTE: 6Yes, 0 No, 1 Not Present (Rosensteel),0 Abstain - Motion carried.
ADJOURNMENT: A motion was made by Fajt/Costello to adjourn the meeting at 7:00 pm.
VOTE: 6 Yes, 0 No, 1 Not Present(Rosensteel), 0 Abstain - Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Kaitlyn Lewis