Year 1 Year Plan 2016/2017*

Autumn 1
Percy the Park Keeper – Our local area / Autumn 2
Past Times / Spring 1
Noah’s Ark - Animals / Spring 2
Jack and the Beanstalk - plants / Summer 1
Fairy Tales and Castles / Summer 2
Handa’s Surprise - Kenya
Literacy / Hospitals Now and Then
Read Write Inc / Learning the Guy Fawkes poem
Read Write Inc / Retelling stories
Book review
Animal fact files
Read Write Inc / Fiction
Jack & the Beanstalk
Non-fiction diary
Read Write Inc / Fairy Tales
Non fiction.
Read Write Inc / Cultural stories
Read Write Inc
Maths / Numberand place Value
Addition and Subtraction / Number and place value
Measurement / Number and place value
Addition and Subtraction
Position and direction / Number and place value
Addition and Subtraction
Multiplication and Division / Money
Addition and subtraction
/ Measurement
Science / Humans / Seasonal Changes
. / Animals / Plants / Materials / Identifying and classifying: Kenya
Geography / *Abbots Langley
UK map work
Routes to school
Village services / Seasonal weather across continents. Comparing the UK to polar regions
Christmas around the world / Locate and classify where animals live/habitats / Natural resources / Castles / Africa- Kenya study
History / *Abbots History
Florence Nightingale-Nicholas Breakspeare / Guy Fawkes
Remembrance day / Darwin
Richard Attenborough / Comparing fruit and veg availability in UK now and then / Kings & Queens and Castles / Christopher Columbus
Art / LS Lowry- painting themselves at school / Firework pictures / Camouflage
Animal patterns / Texture / Artist study- Paul Klee / African Art
Music / Popular music / Recorded Music, songs and rhyme / Recorded Music, songs and rhyme / Traditional songs and Folk music / music
D&T / Cooking healthy foods
Looking at Playground equipment / Clay birds and models / Make and growing beanstalk / Sewing & Textiles
Cooking / African Art- weaving and fabric printing
PSHE / Hand/footprints –what we use our
hands /feet for
Golden Rules
Gifts & Talents / *Road safety
Fireworks hazards
Candles safety / Endangered animals
Dogs for the blind / Caring for the Environment / ONLINE SAFETY / Adventure
Setting goals
Computing / Dance Mat Typing / Dance Mat Typing / Research animals using I-pads / Easter cards and gifts online / Data
P.E / Dance: construction, transport and machines.
Games : ball skills and games / Dance: pirates and under the sea. Games :throwing and catching aiming games / Gymnastics stepping, balance, shapes, rolling, jumping.
Bat and ball games and skipping / Gymnastics stepping, balance, shapes, rolling, jumping.
Multiskills / Pilates magic bucket and toys.
Developing partner work. / Athletics/ Sports day preparation.
Outside – sports day skills
R.E / What it means to belong to a religious community.
Watford school trust- thanking god for nature / Light- Diwali, Advent, Christingle
Christmas. / Visit from people of different faiths. / Welcoming ceremonies.
Easter- giving up something for Lent. / Book/stories
Christianity/ Islam / Books/Stories
Judaism/ Hinduism
Visitors / Clergy at St. Lawrence’s
On going Themes / Seasonal Changes
Weather station

*subject to change