Action Plan 2014/2015
Action / Progress/ UpdateImprove Communication with Patients & Increase Practice Profile
(Priority area 1) /
- Ensure our website is up to date with latest news (ongoing)
- Regular section in the Cockermouth Post- although ceased as newsletter started (ceased Sept 14)
- Newsletter to be published in December that will be produced bi-monthly (Dec 14)
- Campaigns via MJOG - text service (Sept 14)
- Use of CODA screen in waiting area (Jan 15)
- Creation of patient zone in waiting area (Feb 15)
Capacity and demand- access to GP appointments
(Priority area 2) /
- Continues to be a problem despite removing GP study time. In general when all 5 GP’s are working capacity improved also working patterns changed, problems occur due to shortage of locum cover.
- In November HCA appointments increased to cover 8.30-18:30, also look to increase skills
- Upskilling of nursing team,looking at ways nurses can support and reduce GP workload – ongoing work
Delay with prescriptions and confusion over our and pharmacy service
(Priority area 3) /
- Problems with turnaround of prescriptions due to working arrangements with Castlegate Pharmacy and scripts having to be checked causing delays.
- Dispensers now ACT trained to speed up processes.
- Answerphone on script line and also allowing collection for Boots and Allisons twice daily.
- Occasional problems occur but overall service has improved.
- Dispensary separated from Castlegate Pharmacy in Jan 15 – removing confusion for patients
Communicating patient results /
- Currently looking into using EMIS to email but requires further testing.
- will charge for use of SMS service from Oct 15 – EMIS are looking at alternative solution.
2014 Patient Survey /
- Conduct 2014 survey and compare with last year
- Completed – results discussed with PPG and made available to patients via website (Jan 15)
Reduce DNA’s /
- New texting service has decreased DNA’s but not all patients have mobile number registered with us.
- Long appointments i.e. 30 mins with GP receive a reminder phone call the day before.
- Posters displayed each month in surgery.
- Patients who DNA will receive a phone call if they have no
- Look at contacting those with 3 or more DNA’s
- Ensure health checks are confirmed by admin
- DNA policy required?
Increase patients using online services /
- Publish to patients via posters in surgery. Increase in number of patients using online services from 12% in March 14 to 15% in March 15 (active users only).
Above actions discussed and agreed at PPG meetings throughout the year (see minutes).