TITLE: 80 Characters Maximum (Not Including Spaces)

AUTHOR (S): Last Name, First Initial. Example: Smith, J.

ORGANIZATION: Name of Company or University Only, Departments will be deleted during editing. Please use an em dash instead of a comma or a hyphen for institutions that include state and city names. For example, write: University of Illinois—Chicago (please, do not write University of Illinois-Chicago or University of Illinois, Chicago). Moreover, please, do not preface organizations with “the.”


Make sure that your abstract matches your originally accepted submission.


Do not exceed the 1-2 SINGLE-SPACED page limit.

· Please, center all figures, tables, and corresponding titles.

· Please, align all paragraphs, headings, and sub-headings flush-left (separate paragraphs with spaces instead of with indentations).

· Please, APA 6 guidelines for in-text citations: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/02/


References must be in APA 6 format.


Please, note the following basic APA 6 guidelines and commonly overlooked rules, and visit https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/05/ for further details:

· Use hanging indentations for reference pages (All lines after the first line of each entry in your reference list should be indented one-half inch from the left margin).

· Invert authors’ names as such: Last Name, First Initial. (include middle initials if applicable).

· Separate authors’ names by commas and use ampersands (please, do not write “and”) in between the two final names in the list. Use ampersands to separate the names of a work by two authors. For example:

Brown, T., Smith, J., & Thompson, R. (2009).

Hernández, C. & Richards, R. (2009).

· Please, see Reference List: Author/Authors for further information, including instances of seven or more authors, or instances of institutions as authors.

· Alphabetize references according the last name of the first author of each work.

· Indicate the year of publication in parentheses following authors’ names

· Publishing locations should include the city and abbreviated state or country, and should appear at the end of a book reference. For example:

San Francisco, CA: Sage or London, UK: Routledge

Please, use the following links to review specific guidelines for journals, books, chapters:

· Reference List: Articles in Periodicals (articles in journals paginated by volumes and/or issues; articles in magazines; articles in newspapers).

· Reference List: Books (basic format for books; edited books with no author; edited books with one or more author(s); translated books; editions of books; articles or chapters in edited books; multivolume works).

· Reference List: Other Print Sources (entries in encyclopedias; works discussed in secondary sources; dissertations; government documents; reports from private organizations; conference proceedings).

· Reference List: Web Publications (articles from online periodicals, books, interviews, and presentations).

Please, note the following commonly overlooked rules:

DO NOT put quotes around titles of works

DO NOT italicize titles of journal articles

DO NOT capitalize each word of book and/or chapter titles (only capitalize the first letter of these titles and sub-titles).