Town Council

Regular Meeting Minutes

January 3, 2017

Council Members Present:

Mayor A.D. (Zander) Guy, Jr

Mayor Pro-Tem Douglas Medlin

Nelva Albury

Michael Curley

Don Helms

W.J. (Buddy) Fowler

Town of Surf City Staff:

Larry Bergman- Town Manager

Ashley Loftis- Finance Director

Stephanie Hobbs- Town Clerk

Charles Lanier – Town Attorney

Barry Newsome- Tourism

Ron Shanahan- Police Chief

Kristie Grubb – Parks & Recreation

Ron Shanahan- Police Chief

David Price – Public Works

Members of Public Present:

Bobby Ownings

Hunter Taloe

A.  Call to Order

Mayor called the meeting to order 7:00 p.m.

B.  Invocation

Mr. Medlin gave the invocation.

C.  Pledge of Allegiance

D.  Beautification & Appearance Committee

Home of the Month- Dwight Sutton at 6046 6th St

Business of the Month- Topsail Island Yacht Club at 111 N. New River Drive

E.  Consent Agenda

  1. Approval of the Regular Meeting Minutes December 6, 2016

Mrs. Albury made a motion to approve the consent agenda as submitted.

Mr. Helms seconded the motion and it was carried.

F.  New Business

2.  Parks & Recreation Committee Appointments

Mr. Curley appointed Thomas Oliver for his appointment.

Mr. Helms made a motion to appoint Don Butler for the Council appointment. Mrs. Albury seconded the motion and it was carried.

G.  Public Hearing

Open 7:05pm

3.  Annexation – 1108 McClammy Rd. / 0.99 +/- Acres / Pender County Pin 4225-01-8922-0000

Mr. Bergman gave property descriptions.

Closed 7:07pm

Mr. Fowler made a motion made a motion to approve the annexation as submitted. Mrs. Albury seconded the motion and it was carried.

Open 7:08pm

4.  Annexation – 99 Seahorse lane / 4.18+/- Acres / Pender County Pin 4235-79-5909-0000

Mr. Bergman gave a property description.

Mr. Hendy of Heron Cove asked if there had been any plans submitted for the development of this property.

Mr. Rademacher stated there have been no plans submitted at this time.

Mr. Hendy stated that there are many concerns with the neighboring properties concerning road maintenance on Cordts Lane.

Mr. Whey of 168 Cordts Lane stated that he had concerns of the heavy traffic flows this development could cause.

Mr. Lanier stated that all of these grievances were concerns of a private HOA. All of these questions would be encouraged at the time of subdivision, that this tonight is for annexation.

Mrs. Vera Whey of 168 Cordts Lane ask if the new owners, if the land was subdivided, would be forced to use Seahorse Lane.

Mr. Rademacher stated that would be determined at the time of subdivision.

Closed 7:22pm

Mr. Fowler made a motion to table the annexation until the time Mr. Cordts could be present. Mr. Medlin seconded the motion and it was carried.

H.  Public Forum

Mr. Jack Solak of 2408 S. Shore Drive thanked the council for their services last year and then ask if there was any plan to do a sand push in the near further.

Mr. Bergman stated that the town has been waiting to hear back from FEMA to see if there any grants funds available because of hurricane Matthew. The town has obtained their CAMA permit and is working on a contract with a contractor.

I.  Financial Update

Mrs. Loftis stated the financial dashboard had been provided as requested. This gives and overview of revenues and expenses. This will be from here forward a regular part of the agenda.

J.  Council Forum

Mr. Curley stated he thanked everyone for coming out and it has been a great meeting. He also stated it is the desire of the Topsail Island Shoreline Commission (TISPC) to amend their charter. He stated that he was certain that more details and specifics need to be finalized.

Mr. Medlin stated he appreciated everyone for coming, and that the Council try’s very hard to work with everyone.

Mrs. Albury thanked Mr. Curley for his hard work with shoreline protection, she also thanked everyone for coming out. We wished everyone a happy 2017.

Mr. Fowler stated that Mr. Curley does a wonderful job for the town. The Community Center is still very active with winter sports and the women’s expo. He wished everyone a prosperous new year!

Mr. Helms wished everyone a blessed New Year. He also requested a meeting with the manager and the asst. town manager.

Mayor stated the Police Department completed their annual 2016 report, he personally thanked Chief Shanahan.

K.  Manager Reports

Mr. Bergman stated that the Tortuga Lane paving estimate was received and it totaled $42,000. There at this time had been no FEMA funding for beach pushing. The cost to push is about $250,000.

Mrs. Albury made a motion to go forward with the beach push on February 1st rather we had federal funding or not. Mr. Fowler seconded the motion.

Mr. Helms ask if the town anticipated funding within the next 30 days, that the beach push was a losing game.

Mr. Curley stated if we never added back what has been lost then where would we be.

The motion was carried.

Mr. Bergman stated the town had been approached by one our current EMA employees about purchasing the EMA program. He was thinking of offering it back for an option of purchase for what they had in it. It would be a break even for the town.

The council came to a consensus to arrive at a market value for the rent or lease of the building on 114 N. Topsail Drive.

L.  Town Attorney Reports

M.  Adjournment

Mrs. Albury made a motion to adjourn. Mr. Helms seconded the motion and it was carried.


A.D. (Zander) Guy Jr., Mayor



Stephanie Edwards Hobbs, Town Clerk

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January 3, 2017