Fredonia High School

Choral Handbook


Theresa Fischer, director

Course Information

Choir: Choir is open to all students at FHS. The group performs occasionally throughout the year in concerts and has the opportunity to go to league and state festivals. This course also includes the basic elements of music and music appreciation. Grades are based on participation, demonstrated ability to practice good vocal technique, other special projects, attendance at performances and daily rehearsals.

Select Singers: This is a performance-oriented class, which is open only on an audition basis. Students have to be enrolled in 2nd mod choir class to be eligible to audition for this group. They perform at numerous festivals and area programs. All members are expected to demonstrate a high level of musicianship and commitment. Strict attendance policies will be followed to make this group successful. Women meet Tuesday morning at 7:30. Men meet Thursday morning at 7:30. The group will practice Fridays during 2nd mod. Missing any three practices OR any two performances OR having a grade of a C or lower will result in removal from the group. Tardies to morning rehearsals will result in daily points lost.

Women’s Ensemble: This is a performance-oriented extra curricular activity. This is an auditioned group open to any girl enrolled in a choir class. All members are expected to demonstrate a high level of musicianship and commitment. The group will meet Monday and Wednesday mornings at 7:30. Missing 3 rehearsals or any 2 performances will result in removal from the group for the remainder of the semester. Women’s Ensemble will sing the National Anthem at all Tuesday home basketball games.

Grading Scale

A 100-90%

B 89-80%

C 79-70%

D 69-60%

F 59% and below

Daily Rehearsal Points (6 points)

On time to rehearsal with correct materials (2 pts)

Has a positive attitude and puts forth best effort (2 pts)

Works hard to progress natural musical ability and follows all rules and is respectful to others (2pts)

Concerts and Performances (100 Points) this includes ANY performance big or small

Student is on time with correct attire and correct music (50pts)

Student performs to the best of their ability and represents FHS in a positive manor (50pts)

·  performance points are given on an all or nothing basis

Performance Assessment (10-20pts)

Random assessments will be given on singing correct parts, rhythms words and other material leaned throughout the course

Attendance Policy

All choral groups are performance-oriented so it is essential to be at all rehearsals and performances. Daily points are given based on attendance and participation. No daily points will be given for and absence. If the absence is excused then it will not count against the individuals grade. Tardies will result in the loss of two daily points. Performances are like tests in a performance-oriented class. Missing any performance will result in a drastic drop in the student’s grade. Excused absences for performance include personal illness with a doctor or parent note, death in the family or another approved school sponsored event. If you have to miss a performance please call or have a parent call Mrs. Fischer BEFORE to make sure it is excused. Work is not an excuse for missing a performance. Tell your employer now of the dates you will need off.

If you have an excused absence for any performance a make-up assignment can be turned in for full credit up to two weeks after the missed performance.

Performance make-up assignments

Option 1

1.  Two page report about any composer or musician.

2.  Paper must be typed in 14pt font

3.  Be sure to include dates, music written or performed, what type or genre of music and other interesting facts

4.  Site your sources in any format

5.  Include your name and course on your paper


Write a review on a concert you have attended. This must include performer, place, instruments, voice parts, costumes, staging ect. This needs to be at least 1 ½ pages. Please include program.

Folders and music

Each student will have their own assigned folders and music. Music that has been lost or destroyed will be the student’s responsibility to replace. Any folder left out after class will result in loss of daily points.

Behavior Policy

Classroom Rules (failure to follow any rules can result in drop of grade)

1.  NO Food, Gum or Drink other than water allowed

2.  Bring a pencil

3.  Be Respectful

Performance Attire

Choir: Dress clothes; Women: skirt or dress slacks. No flip flops, jeans or tennis shoes. Men: Dress pants and dress shirt. Tie is optional. No tennis shoes.

Select Singers: Women: black/gold dress, black shoes

Men: Black pants, Black shoes, tux shirt, black vest and bow tie

Women’s Ensemble: Attire will be decided the first week of rehearsals

Outstanding $$ Balance

If you have an outstanding balance that has not been paid, you will not be able to participate in any performance events. If you cannot pay the full amount, a monthly payment schedule must be established. Missing performances for this reason will be considered unexcused absences.

Code of Conduct

Please keep in mind that as a performance oriented group we are constantly representing Fredonia High School. While at any choir event I expect you to be respectful of not only the other members in the group, but the people and facilities around you. It is important that we have a professional attitude and represent our school well. I reserve the right to not include members who are being disrespectful and/or not following school rules found in your student handbook.

Transportation Policy

It is the policy of Fredonia High School that choir members ride school transportation to away events. Students may ride home with parents or a relative providing that parent or relative contacts Mrs. Fischer or the high school office staff one day prior to the event. Before leaving an event with a parent, please sign out with Mrs. Fischer.


Like any other school activity, music is a great opportunity to letter. Choir letters are based on a points system. You must have 70 points to letter. You must keep track of your own activities and turn them in by the end of the year.

30pts- being a member in good standing of any vocal ensemble (no performance absences, good classroom and concert performance, classroom grade A)

5pts- auditioning for any league, district or state honor groups

10pts- being a part of any league, district or state honor groups

10pts- singing a solo at any concert or other event

10pts- singing a solo at any league, regional or state music contest

5pts- singing in an ensemble at any league, regional or state music contest

10pts- helping or organizing any choir fundraisers or extra activities

10pts- singing a solo, song leading, or singing in a choir in your church, community ect.

If you with anything else to be considered, please see Mrs. Fischer

Tentative Choral Calendar* subject to change

Date Event Concert Time Group

Sept. 3 (Tues.) Musical Auditions 7pm any interested

Oct. 11 (Sat.) PEO Fall Luncheon 1pm Select Singers

Oct. 23 (Thurs.) Fall Concert 7pm All Groups

Oct. 29 (Tue) Select Singers to Coffeyville TBA Select Singers

Nov. 8 (Sat.) District auditions @ Parsons TBA any interested

Nov. 11 (Tues.) Veterans Day Program 10am Select Singers

Nov. 21 and 22 FHS Musical

Nov. 24 (Mon.) Pageant Solo Auditions 6:30pm any interested

Dec. 5 (Fri) National Anthem, home bball Select Singers

Dec. 6(Sat.) District Choir @Labette TBA selected students

Dec. 7 (Sun.) Community Christmas Program 3pm Select Singers

Dec. 10 (Wed.) Christmas Pageant 7:30 Any Interested

Jan. 9 (Fri.) National Anthem, home bball Select Singers

Jan. 27 (Tue) National Anthem, home bball Select Singers

Feb. 10 (Tue.) National Anthem, home bball Women’s Ensemble

Feb. 13 (Fri.) Singing Valentines All Day Select Singers

Feb. 13 (Fri.) National Anthem, home bball Select Singers

Feb. 17(Tue.) Jacket Review 7pm all Groups

Feb. 24 (Tue) National Anthem, home bball Select Singers

March 28 (Sat.) Regional Music @ Iola TBA Select/Womens/solos

April 16(Thurs) State Large Group@ Pitt. TBA All Groups

April 17 (Fri) Performance in Wichita TBA Select Singers

April 26 (Sat.) State Music @ TBA TBA I ratings at Regionals

May 7 (Thurs.) Spring Concert 7pm All Groups

May 17 (Sun.) Graduation 2pm all groups

I have read the 2014-2015 Choral Handbook and agree to its guidelines. I understand that by signing this I am agreeing to the choral calendar as presented and cannot use the excuse that “I didn’t know about that performance” Please sign and fill out this sheet and return to Mrs. Fischer by Aug. 29 to receive full credit (5pts)



Please list the best way to get ahold of you to notify of any problems or schedule changes

Student Contact Number/email______

Parent Contact Number/email______

Please list here ANY conflicts you have with the tentative schedule. Conflicts on this paper will count as excused:

Please contact me at the High School with any questions or at


Mrs. Fischer