Michael Gentile and TiitTammaru (Umeå University & Tartu University)
Date: 2 September 2011
CAT-ference 2013: invitation for proposals for the ‘5th Urban Geographies of Post-communist States workshop’
Where the next CAT-ference be held? The time has come to submit proposals. You are free to propose any time during the course of 2013, but we recommend that you take into consideration the beginning of term and other times during which people might have trouble traveling.
The proposals must be sent as attachments by e-mail to Michael Gentile only (). Please do notsend your proposal to the entire mailing list at this stage.
Deadline: 12 September 2011, 16:00 Central European Time (=GMT+1).
At the CAT-ference in Bucharest, the proposals will be posted for your scrutiny, and a voting will be held during the excursion. Proposals sent to the mailing list (cat-mail) will not be considered. Proposals that exceed the word limit (see below) will be shortened down by us.
There are a few things that you should keep in mind when preparing a proposal:
- The location should be in a post-socialist country;
- The participation fee should be as low as possible, and not exceed the equivalent of approximately 200 euros;
- An excursion must be included and it should preferably include an overnight stay somewhere (this is to stimulate the social side of the CAT-ference): don’t forget to specify what the excursion will be about and don’t charge anything extra for it;
- Technically, the CAT-ference is an urban geographical one. This doesn’t mean that you have to be an urban geographer, but you should be interested in geographical urban research (which means highlighting the spatial aspect of urban phenomena).
Proposals may not exceed 800 words, and should include only text (no images, tables, pictures of any kind). They must include the following:
-Proposed principal location of the CAT-ference, and motivation;
-Name of hosting institution;
-Quality and quantity of facilities available for the CAT-ference;
-Destination of the excursion, and short motivation for its choice.
Other than the above, you are free to market your CAT-ference destination in whatever way you wish, as long as you don’t exceed the 800-word limit. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at or .