English 11 Poetry Anthology Assignment
Your major assignment for the poetry unit will be to prepare an anthology of poetry that appeals to you.
Your anthology will include your preferred published poems (note the use of alliteration ☺), samples of
your own original poetry and a personal essay in which you reflect upon the types and characteristics of
poetry that have some meaning for you. Your anthology will consist of three parts.
Published Poetry
1. Top Five List: Provide a list of your five favourite published poems (title and poet). A minimum of three of these poems from a book. You may substitute appropriate lyric poetry/song lyrics for one of the top five works on your list. A maximum of two poems may be from an Internet source.
2. Poetry Responses: Select two poems from your Top Five list. For each selection, follow the instructions set out in the list below:
a. Neatly copy out the poem in the exact format in which the author published his/her work (punctuation and verse length are critical). I recommend you use a word processor or precision handwriting.
b. On the same page that you copied the poem onto, create a visual representation that suits the nature of the poem itself. You might consider creating an illustration, an inventive collage, or something else.
c. Write a personal response for the poem selected. Comment on each of the following questions:
i. Why did you choose this particular poem?
ii. What are the interesting/unusual aspects of the poem?
iii. What is unique about the poem’s topic, language, sound or shape?
iv. What is it about the poem that most appeals to you?
v. Do you have any other personal observations about the poem?
Original Poetry (one rhyming poem and one free verse poem = total of 30 lines)
1. You will include two of your original poems in the anthology. These poems should be “polished” and will reflect the considerable amount of time and effort that you will have, undoubtedly, put into the writing process.
2. For each original poem, you will write a brief narrative (3 – 5 sentences) outlining the source of your
inspiration for the poem. Include all rough drafts of the poems with your finished products. This will
allow me to see how the poem has been reshaped in terms of form, style and language.
Personal Essay Response
Your final task for the Poetry Anthology will be to write a detailed, personal response essay in which you
explain what your selection of poems reveals about you and your personal identity (approximately 250
words). Consider these questions as you contemplate the role poetry has and will hopefully continue to play in your life:
1. Why have I chosen/written the poems included in this anthology?
2. Do the poems I have selected share any common characteristics, themes or literary devices?
3. What do my personal responses to these poems reveal about my taste in poetry? Is there a “common
thread” that runs through all of the works included in my anthology?
1. Top Five List
2. 2 Personal Responses (+ copies of poems)
3. 2 original poems (+ narrative and rough drafts)
4. Personal Response Essay
5. Title Page
Unacceptable / Inadequate(0 / 1 / 2) / Somewhat
( 3 ) / Competent
( 4 ) / Proficient
( 5 ) / Superior
( 6 )
Written work is detailed and precise
Mechanics of writing are consistently strong and correct
Effective organization and expression of ideas
Evidence of editing and revision of earlier work
Visual representations of selected poetry
Personal voice / Personal expression
Overall Impression of work
A Responses to the poetry and in the personal essay are thoughtful and detailed; ideas are well
developed and supported with integrated evidence where appropriate. All written portions show
effective organization and clear, virtually flawless written expression. Visuals accompanying the
poems are detailed and precise, and illustrate the student’s clear understanding of the themes/messages
presented in the work. Original poetry is powerful and polished with a strong personal voice and clear
evidence of style. Drafts of original work show that the student has crafted and revised the work over
a period of time and reflection.
B Responses to the poetry and the personal response essay are thoughtful; ideas are well developed
and supported with evidence. Written portions show good organization and correct written expression.
Visuals accompanying the poems represent the poems accurately. Original poetry is polished. Drafts of
original work show evidence of editing.
C Responses to the poetry and the personal response essay show elements of consideration and
thought. Written portions are generally good, however, there are some problems with the organization of
ideas and written expression. Visuals accompanying the poems illustrate the student’s general
understanding of the poem’s content and meaning. Original poetry requires some minor polishing and
revision. Drafts of original work are included.
I The Poetry Anthology (in part or as a whole) is incomplete or the standard to which the Poetry
Anthology has been completed is not worthy of a minimum “C” letter grade.