Minutes of the Children’s Trust Fund Council
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
450 Capitol Avenue, Room 2A
4:30 - 6:00
Members Present: Flo Woodiel, Carolyn Signorelli, Paul Flinter, Dr. Skip Berrien, Rudy Brooks, Sylvia Gafford-Alexander, Laura Amenta
Absent: Nancy Berger, Bonnie Stewart, Donna Grant, Joan Parris, Dr. Paul Dworkin,
CTF Staff: Karen Foley-Schain, Laura Beebe
Call to Order: 4:37 pm
Karen Foley-Schain informed the members that Mari DeRoche will no longer be serving on the Council. Discussion followed.
Flo informed the council that she will not seek re-election to the position of council chair when her term expires in June. She proposed that Laura Amenta be nominated for that position. Laura has agreed to accept the position if nominated and elected. Nominations take place in April. Officers are elected in June.
The council was informed that the new "take 5" PSA was available for viewing on the www.take5parenting.com website.
The front section of the Sunday Waterbury Republican, September 30,2007, was distributed to Council members. An article about the Nurturing Families Network at the Staywell Health Center, along with a large color photo, was featured on the front page.
What's Next? Fundraising ideas were discussed including hiring a consultant to work with the council to develop a strategy that would incorporate communications and public awareness, private sector giving, and targeted events. Karen said that she would explore this idea further and report back to the council.
Executive Committee Report - the executive committee discussed their ideas for Council goals and the agenda for the upcoming year and beyond. Their ideas included a stronger focus on private sector fundraising, a more targeted message about the need to prevent child abuse and neglect, and filling vacancies on the council.
Council meeting dues and schedules - the members reviewed the meeting schedule for the year and discussed reducing the annual dues to $25.00. Motion FW for $25.00, second JP, passed unanimous. Laura Beebe will send out invoices to council members.
Meeting Adjourned at 6:05 pm.